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About PinBall

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. is it possible to simulate a unit flashing a torch on off quickly? I have a chooper heading towards the coast at night and want the guy on the ground to flash a torch on off. Create a flare breifly at 1m height for a second??? something like that?
  2. PinBall

    OFrP #5 Release

    Excellent Job, Love the new grenade sounds, Only gripes, the minimi sound? Also does the Famas really fire that fast? Oh one more thing the colours of the vehicles seem to vary. Not the pattern but the darkness. Are real french vehicles like that? P
  3. PinBall

    Does anyone have...

    Does anyone have a copy of te Operation Black Bear trailer. It used to be available on http://ofpcinematic.operation-flashpoint.de/ Â but the links are dead now. Â (around two years ago.) This trailer as I recall was one of the best out there, excellent radio chatter and cinematography.
  4. How do I get my group to exit the chopper without ordering them to exit. I have used the: "cmd="GETOUT"; "_x action [cmd,CHOPPER]" foreach units TEAM" in a trigger, with a delay but the chopper might not have landed before they exit (to their deaths) or it has landed and they sit there for 10 seconds! Could I have the above, but activated when I exited the chopper? thanks in advance.
  5. Cheers guys, I'll be cheking it out this weekend.
  6. Yep. That way the whole dynamics of the mission change.
  7. Thanks for replying Tarus, but what I want is for the player of the mission to be able to select the time of day (Day or Night) so my mission can be played in either depending on your preference. Adds to the longevity of the mission. Played it in day now try it again at night type senario.
  8. Can anyone enlighten me on how I can change the time of day and weather conditions from within my mission? BAS do this at the start of their missions - I think it was the Blackhawk demo, also I've seen it done in other missions from the menu you get when you press your wheel button on your mouse. Thanks in advance.
  9. Thanks. I'll check tonight and see if I can move them or the player further away from each other.
  10. Thanks guys it was the waypoint settings I'd clicked on Always Show. Changed to Never Show and problem fixed. One other thing the waypoints don't display anymore, but I have three objects (2 west open tents and a flag pole that do appear on the map in the briefing. These aren't the only tents on the map, but they are the only ones displayed. Any idea how I can make them not appear, other than deleting from my mission.
  11. Cheers guys, I'll check this evening and post some screen dumps of what I'm getting.
  12. In my mission briefing, some of the waypoints I have setup in the mission editor are displayed on the map in blue (as well as the line between each waypoint) Obviously I dont want it to show any mission waypoints. What is doing this and how can I correct it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated Thanks
  13. PinBall


    How do I get the picture in the breifing to have a border and shadow and still show the lines of the page below? Any ideas.
  14. PinBall

    Which face is which?

    Do they have the face ID so I can set the faces of all the men in the description file class CfgIdentities { class soldierOne { name = soldierOne; face = face37; speaker = Jonah; pitch = 1.05; };
  15. PinBall

    Which face is which?

    Now I get where you're coming from, You can check the faces out when you set your user name etc. Is that right. I