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Everything posted by Pukko
Please let us know how it goes! There are rumors on the high sea that she is a real bitch Â
I would call it a bit silly to think of what I wrote above about a bad dicision taken at a caotic moment as a conspiracy. You are a little paranoid aye? Thinking everyone is conspiring (sp?) to get a connspracy.. lol - I'm off to bed
Well, do you really think that all decicions was easy to make the right way for the ones taking them on 9/11? Some things are best kept secret, and shooting down flight 93 might have been considered a dangerous thing to admit for them at the chaotic moment. But once they had lied about it, they probably also recognized that it would be 10 times as bad if they on, lets say, 9/13 (when understanding that it was a bad decision) changed their mind again, and admitted that they had lied. So a coverup story was developed.. An unlikely cenario?
lag? you mean lag as in multiplayer lag (none of the games feature mulitplayer) or performance lag - copyness, low framerate? I dont know about such a problem anyway.. BTW, Pirates of the carribian came out just weeks ago, so they probaly have'nt fixe much yet
I clearly remember CNN and others reporting flight 93 as shot down too. denoir wrote that they stopped talking about it 1 or 2 hours later, but as I remeber it it was still discussed until about 6 hours later. I think it was at about that time I saw an interview on CNN with some 'official' who suddenly denied that it was shot down, but that it indeed could have been - as in that was approved. It surely is nothing more than that some 'officials' quite quickly came to the conclusion that it would be bad to admit that it was shot down. It doesnt really matters that much I recon, since thats quite much a irrelevant detail in the grand scale of 9/11. Its quite a big step between lying about that and the idea that all of 9/11 would be a conspiracy. In my wildest conspiracy fantasies about it I would recon that TBA indeed would'nt mind something to happen that they could blame on Usama, since it could play them right in their hands. They might even have 'failed to notice on purpose', but in that case also severely miscalculated the size of the whole thing. If 9/11 was something 100 times less, like a single quite harmless bomb blowing up somewhere, I could think that TBA would'nt mind it happening - giving them reasons to do what they want. But as big as it turned out, I would really be surprised - if not chocked - if it turns out that TBA really wanted that to happen. Honestly on the borders of 'impossible' IMO.
Purkmistr is a really tasty Czech beer, with a perfect balance between bitternes and sweetness imo (ok, thats as far as my fancy beer rating vocabular goes ). Most people seems to like it, so its not a hardcore stout like Guinness anyway. Unfortionally 'Systembolaget' (the only place (well, local well controlled, specialized, shops) where one can buy strong alcoholics in Sweden - but on the other hand they got a real neat sortiment) has stopped importing it, so its not available in Sweden anymore   So I'm looking for a good replacement - anyone know of a similar tasty beer? A guy at Systembolaget recommended a beer called Bernard or Ferdinand the last time I was there, but it really was'nt nearly as good.
Being an old Blues Brothers fan (got some cd's of them too  ) I could'nt resist making a silly signature, regading the current media hunt. On the other hand, if the figure of 31 Iraqis killed by accident during celebrations of the Hussein brothers death as I posted on last page is correct - that must mean that there was 1000 000 Iraqis shooting in the air celebrating?? I mean what is the statisitcal chance of geting killed by a rifle shot up in the air? anyone found another article? EDIT: making a search on google for the Bagdad paper al-Moatamar gave only result about the 31 killed in European news souces. Seems like that's the only international scope of that paper.
31 Iraqis dead after being accidently shot during celebrations of the Hussein brothers death.... USA has forbidden 'celebrating shootings', but it has continued. Article in swedish
Since he is in need of psychiatric care his vision of him self as somewhat normal obviously got a bad turn. Probably being bullied and alienated by a majority of the hundreds of kids and other people he meets on daily basis, its not strange indeed. But I'm sure that some 'psyco-therapy' will normalize him again though. Coz thats what psychology does; finds out what is 'normal human behaviour' and develop tools to put deviant people back in line. Reinforcing stereotypes instead of, like its 'arch-enemy' sociology in big parts do, trying to deconstruct and develop our human universe beyond what is currently veiwed as normal. In my view there is almost no such thing as 'human nature' at all - that is only a representation on each time-period's beliefsystems (knowlegde, truth). In our time, and especially in the US, strongly influenced by psychology. Tough luck for this guy being viewed as a fat, nerdy and clumsy monster - or what ever categorizations he may be the offer for. I remember back in around 1980, me and my brothers made a super-8 film of ourselves doing 'stunts' biking in the forest, and various silly things. lol, remember this sequence when one of my broters looked like a bird popping up and down in the nest, doing this silly face... glad there was no Internet back then.... Â btw, its interesting seing posts in this matter of right and wrong in good old American Ricki Lake style...
If most people, especially the close ones, had a strong consensus that the enemy is evil, I would be forced to go to war, or face the consequenses; being a solitary betrayer (and possibly removing the 'problem of society' that I now would constitute by suicide). Its also known as alienation, or directed stereotyping. I have followed the US development after 9/11 quite closely from this perspective (and less intensively, and more global, the last ~15 years), and can only feel depressed over how easy it 'still today' is to do this. Our modern western freedom in general only goes that far. The 'reality' is constantly reconstructured by the ones who have the power to define it (to a very large extent scientists) through 'rationality'. Politicians and media uses the present rationality (reality) to their liking, and 'the people' (everone - scientists, politicians & media themselves,  you & me) are forced to believe in them. Our freedom (also of speach) do not reach beyond the current rationality. But I am very sure that the main social change we are going through right now, is a change from rational thinking towards what could be called 'critical thinking'. And I am also very thankful towards the Bush & Blair administrations for probably hurrying up this development alot, since their rational claims have been some of the most pathetic ever; and with their now likely fall, the common belief in rationality gets undermined big time. So there, thats was also a bloody exposition of a poststructuralist perspective   But since I am a aricraft mechanic (primary watching pornomovies in some forest, protected from any direct enemy contact by several layers of protection units ) in the Swedish, very much only defensive, military - I probably would not object very much, should Sweden be invaded. Under the condition that I have no reason to believe that the war could have been avoided by more openminded politicians etc... ps. to fit in better in this thread you could to some extent exchange 'rationality' and 'reality' with 'moral' if you want. And what I wrote was not 'anti American'. USA in later times is just a good example of belief in 'rationality' - which is a very varying global phenomenon Â
While I possibly could support war with North Korea, there is one thing that scares me here: The Bush administration will lose alot of support if Iraq and Afganistan continues to 'develop in the wrong direction', and the justifications start falling apart. TBA have to gain support again... Well, why not push North Korea to do something that justifies a war against them, and puts USA in a extraorinary shiny knicket armour. What TBA needs is another 9/11, maybe they can get Kim and his pal's to give it to them. Maybe the claim of a single ICBM shot down in the Pacific ocean would do?? Hell, I mean: it seems like TBA gets away with any claim, and who is gonna prove them wrong in the deep ocean. And TBA could maybe even get the security council on their side again. After that TBA gets another period, and starts some new tasty wars. Indeed the US forces are too low in numbers to be able to handle too many wars. But if 1 out of 10 wars gets controllable in the long run, lets just move the soldiers from hopeless situations to new fresh warzones. I'm sure TBA could come up with a selling argument for it; maybe they get dear friends with UN all of a sudden - but only to use them to clean up while TBA continues the war tour. Lets just hope that TBA really do their best to solve the situation with North Korea, and not just use it to their advantage. Or rather try to use it to their advantage, its quite likely that they once again make a miscalculation, and the ICBM's start flying. A miscalculation like the one Perry mntiones in Schoelers article: x
There is a distance limit on Bostream's "Scream" that denoir talks about. One only get 26 mbps if closer than 300 meters (from telestation), and up to 1000 meters one can get 13 mbps. I currently got Bostream "xstream", ADSL with fixed IP, 2,5 mbps down and 0.75 mbps up for ~40€. Everyone in small towns and up can get this connection in Sweden. I'm going to downgrade soon (as I move some kilometers) to Comhem 0.5 mbps broadband for ~30€. Thats also something most swedes can have. I dont think very many percentages of Swedish people can get 100 mbps, yet Â
Seeing all denoir signatures around here, here's a quote from one of his latest posts: I'll let that quotation voice my opinion here too. And this is one of the most scary pictures I have ever seen   :
Kommer att sakna dig här, men du gjorde helt rätt som stog på dig! Fan, skapa ett nytt konto och kom tillbaka när det svalnat lite...   Â
As I wrote some pages ago, I'm most worried about how and of what and European identity is developed. The kind of strongly uniting identities are always made up of quite few 'components', I dare say after reading some behavioral science. Concrete 'categorisations' of one self; most often in a binary contrast to 'what others are'... Ah, i'm not gonna try to rant about such shitty stuff in any larger extent here, but put it like this: I believe that if Europe is not united by a cheap, ingroup/outgroup, identity; I then think that the EU could become a positive force in the world. Both for our selves and for others, in the long and maybe also very long term. To put it real easy and silly: If EU is built, and united, around "peace, love and understanding" stuff , I'm all for it. And I have, no, matter how stupid and naive it might sound, quite some belief in that it has clear potential to do so. One academic reason I could give for it, is for example the quickly growing 'postsructuralist' and 'postmodern' perspectives in all scientific traditions... If the EU should become united in a cheap way I'm sure it will not last very long, probably just follow the path of other superpowers in history. That would not be very positive in it self, in my opinion. But I strongly believes that even that will be for better in the long run, because of the very likely and present (in my eyes) 'downfall' of the USA . I know that you hold cross-atlatic realtions dear. But I really fear what could happen if no balancing power appears when the superduperpower USA Â really starts to desperately fight for its survival. I cant but think that the present Bush administration's actions is but a pale start of whats gonna happen otherwise. Militarily because it probably starts to desperately hit hard and fast against everything and everyone it (USA) thinks can save it. Economically because almost the entire world, to big parts, depends on the USA today; there would be a global real deep depression in that powervacuum. Maybe the superpower USA does not follow the path of every other 'empire' in history, or at least not now. But I'm willing to risk my life in making sure that there is something (EU) still standing up in case USA is on its downfall. Call it a 'preempive survival constrution' ( ) if you want; at least something that can bear a crucial, at least in the present day global society (Eurocentric indeed ), role in a quickly developing post-US world - if it happens... So even if I believe that the EU have clear potential to become a positive force in it self, I think it is crucial - in any form - in case............
LOL. Any of you guys heard of the Chevy that miserably failed to sell in Mexico? The "Nova" . LOL Â
Thats 100%, top ranking! I'm not gonna fill this thread up with more svenska and Español translations of those three. But I gotta tell you what a guy from Chile once told me: At an english test, he was asked to translate "nariz" to english, and he wrote: "no se" Â
Thanks for the tips I eventually used a program that managed to get back 16331 files in 1184 folders, sizing 5.32 GB in about 15 minutes - the time it took to copy everything to another partition! There was some problems though. The 'worlds' folder of OFP was to be found in another 500MB collection called 'lostfiles'; which seems to primary contain files deleted before the bug occured. The strangest thing was that the custom campaign folder "\Campaigns\PMC_Fury.abel\Missions\_19_road_block.Eden" contained 3722 files sizing 94,8 MB when restored. In a backup I took some weeks before it was only containing 5 files sizing 34,8KB, and I had not touched it inbetween (last time I played the campaign was a year ago). So I recon those files must have got there in the delete process somehow. Here is the logfile from that  recovery (a separate recovery, due to files with the same name), does someone know what files this is? : http://w1.315.telia.com/~u31505828/Hos/report.txt Also, if someone else becomes exposed to this particular OFP bug, just send me a PM, and I'll try to help you recover the files... btw, after copying the files back, fixing the 'worlds' folder, and running Flashpointpreferences again, OFP fired up as wonderful as ever! No files seems to be missing Â
Do you know of any good 'payware' then?
Ok, I've been checking around, trying out some recovery software on other partitions. I knew there would not be any problem to find any recovery program; there are probably 10 000 around... I have still not touched the patrition that got mostly deleted, and have removed its driveletter so that Windows don't do anything with it by itself. I have no emidiate hurry to recover the lost data (since it was only 1 partition of 13, and only countaing games). But I would still be very happy if someone could give me advice on any good recovery program... The most important issue that I'm thinking about is: Most programs seems to only recognize a limited number of fileformats (for example 255); do anyone know of a program that can find all fileformats, and just remove the '?' in front of the deleted files? Preferably also with a time/date feature so that I can roceover just those files that got deleted at the time of the OFP bug. Big thanks in advance Â
DAMN Â I just fired OFP up 3 hours ago to edit a MP mission for a upcoming MP session. I had not run OFP in MP mode since I last reapplied my Win2k-ghostfile (kind of like a reinstallation), and therefore my firewall asked if OFP should be able to connect to Internet, and also act as a server. At this stage earlier OFP versions almost freezed the OS completely. But now the the firewall alerts popped up without a problem, and I clicked yes on both (allow connect and server). As the OFP server started up, I understood that something was wrong since it took a long time. I tried to ALT-TAB to see if there was any more firewall alerts. At this time the harddrive worked hard, and soon I was back in the OFP main-MP-screen. I then clicked cancel, and quitted OFP normally... When OFP had shut down I found 2 firewall alerts regarding directplay-server. After allowing them too to connect and act as server I tried to relaunch OFP, only to find out that the entire partition, except for six folders (including the used addons & mods folders) and 3 files in the OFP folder root, had been deleted. I do think that I have started MP servers in 1.75+ with firewall alerts before, without this problem. Maybe I had allowed directplay to use Internet earlier though, in those cases... I lost about 5 GB of data, only games as this is one of my totally 13 partitions dedicated to games. I really recommend everyone to make many partitions, as this is not the only kind of dataloss problems that can be limited if the HDD is partitioned. I have not touched the partition since the dataloss, since I know that it is possible to recover the data, at least if it remains untouched after the dataloss. Now I am gonna give it a break, but I would like to ask a question that I would be very happy if someone could reply to soon: Do any of you know of any data recorvery software? And If you happen to know any 'failsafe', perfect, recovery program (of deleted files on NTFS under win2k) - please tell me. Freeware or not does not matter. Thanks It would probably be best if a patch could be released fixing some other problems too, not only this very embarrasing bug. Could give quite a bad reputation.. But please post a warning in the Flashnews forum until further, so that most people will notice it. As it is now I can just feel sorry for not checking the Troubleshooting FAQ regulary - but why should I when there was no problem? v
I voted for federation. And I will vote for the Euro this autumn in Sweden too. The thing that scares me a little though is how a European identity is made up. Will Europe unite against (and build an identity in contrast to) the USA in their more and more desperate attempts to remain strong (with continuing stuff like what we have seen under Bush junior)? Will after any eventual 'collapse-like event' in the USA, Europe then need another external force to unite agaist? If so, I can only say that I dont like that kind of simplistic unification. On the other hand I can see nothing else than that Europe needs to rise fast to counter a more and more unstable USA; getting unstable due to a strong US-centrism in fundamentally changing times. On the other hand, if Europe is built around a strong European identity - Europe will eventually follow in the same path. Eurocentrism is, or have been, the strongest force in the world (USA is also built around Eurocentrism, and most of the world is strongly influensed by it); at least when it comes to 'the construction of modernity'. If Europe just strenghtens its ego, and the concept of Eurocentrism, I dont want to be part of it. The risk is very big though, that Europe becomes that big that the minds of Europeans never reach outside its regional borders. With a population more than twice that of USA, Europeans will very easily become even more narrowsighted than what is the case today for a majority of Americans. If one wants a strong European identity, this is what comes with it, I'm sure. An Eurocentrism in (towards) the rest of the world much stronger, more influential and more hated than ever before. So I say yes to a strong and united Europe, but let it be integrated in the rest of the world. Integrated as in part of it, not ruling it. Educational systems in the future need for example not focus primary on Europe, but rather primary on the world outside it. Stuff like that is fundamental for a positive globalisation I believe. EDIT: One very positive Eurocentric thing is FOOTBALL though. Now a global phenomenon based on 'love' and mutual fun (yea, indeed also money); and most of all it is ofcourse - beautiful  Lets continue on that path...
Sssssssssssssshht!! No warez and copiez here. Â Â Â Â One thing that I think is very fashinating is that it was so easy getting a tape with dozens of games from so many guys and gals back then. I mean - there was no Internet to share things on back then. The games had to be manually copied in tape recoders. And still most people with a C64 back in 1980-85 had hundreds of 'not so legal games'.... Remember the days when you were sitting in front of a C64, with a bunch of other people; all praying to the tape recoder to succesfuly load the game. It took some minutes each try, and it often failed. I mean, for christ sake! It had to load several KB of data..... Then, everyone would watch and cheer on each other, when sitting in turns in front of the computer & TV. If the supergame "The Way of the Exploding Fist" was played, everyone would be diggin the heavy soundtrack: the Way of the Exploding Fist music Sidplayer for windows Just run the "sidplayw.exe" in the zipfile, load the Sid, and enjoy! Listen especially to track 3 for some time; it will not take many hours before you sit yelling in pace with it Â
It seems to be partly happening right now too.. I remeber back in '99 one night at around 2 am (I think it was April or May), I looked out the window and could'nt believe my eyes - there was something big, round and red hanging in the sky.. The day after I told some guys something like "I was not drunk or anything, but last night the moon was red!". The reaction was something like "Yeah, lol, sure thing..". But after reading this thread I know that I was'nt going all crazy that night  EDIT: Forget the stupid question that follows, when I engaged the brain for a second  for once I understood that 'the dark side of the moon' is not just something that astronauts in a path around the moon can 'see'... or only the title of a Pink Floyd song Could anyone explain what the hell the differance between a moon eclipse and 'normal moon states' (fuul moon, half moon, no moon (should be an eclipse - right? ) etc) is? <--- the silly question <--- the expression of the man in the moon when he read it...
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Warin @ 13 May 2003,00:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ 12 May 2003,23:53)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Actually you have come closes to guessing the nature of my earlier post. I'm not at liberty to say it all, but I can say that it was directly Canda's fault <span id='postcolor'> LOL.  That's right, blame Canada <span id='postcolor'> Well, its actually because only minutes after Tre Kronor lost against Canada, the Swedish Patriot Act #1 was implemented. It was prepared in advance, and announced by Swedish primeminister Göran Persson live from the stadium. It consist severe limits of our civil rights, but its all worth it - because we all really have to support our national hockey team in these hard times. Amongst many other sections in the act, the reason for denoir's patriotic post is probably due to section #5 which clearly state that all patriots around the world must support eachother, no matter what are the grounds for different patriotism. Failure to do so is to be punsihed by "seriouis consequenses". Ofcourse there are false "patriots" around the world, like Canadian hockey supporters, but they have to be looked at for what they are: evil, lying and decieving terrorists. btw, I dont care much for hockey, so I'm living undercover now hiding in a cave by the sea. Its a hard life being an unpatriotic rebel...... Â