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Everything posted by Pukko
Hey, Damage! Was'nt it you who were so glad about Sweden losing to Belarus in Saltlake (ice hockey)? Maybe Finland national team should practice some agaist their football team! I remember Sweden had some problems against them in '97 when failing to qualify to WC '98.
Indeed, clusterbombs it seems to be (just vaugly remembered the talk of US bombs with nondetonated parts acting like mines). But does no one think its remarkable few hits, thinking about the hype about Afganistan the last 7 months? Its probably mentioned as much on this forum alone... A search for 'afganistan' only gave 195 000 hits.
WTF!!! I decided to look for the US 'mine bombs' deployed in Afganistan, as Albert seems to have wrongly called 'Daisy Cutters'. I do not remember the name of those bombs, so I went to search on Google for: 'us mines bomb afganistan' [gave 459 hits] and 'us bomb afganistan' [gave 5960 hits] Are Google working together with US ministry of propaganda (or what its called in reality)?? I really expected to see like 10 000 000 hits or something. Any comments?
I was about to say this thread has gone oftopic, but obviously Mid East is not only Israel/Palestine, and the 'war on terror', especially against Iraq, have quite some things in common with the Palestine/Israel conflict (at least if one can say that territory currently is'nt the real main issue there). Lets just hope that the 'war on terror' does not develop to a global version of this miltary force vs terrorism conflict - which it has clear potential to do.... Damn, I have forgotten much of what I thought about writing now. I definatly leave the sofisticated speculations about western interests in Mid east to you guys, at least for the moment. Really interesting some things anyway.. One thing I thought about regarding Oil export limitations is what I heard on a tv documentary about global energy consumotion. In the 70's there was obviously a big oil crisis where the Arab nations limited its oil supply. One really good thing that came out of that was that people/organisations/nations started to look for alternative energy sources; it was therefore the starting point for many environmental discussions and actions. Among serious considerations of sun and wind energy etc., also household waste discussions and such were given more attention, and we could do good with a new kick on our butt now. Therefore, a good old oil crisis now could do us real good in the long run. Says I, who dont even have an own car at the moment Anyway, I hope that Placebo dont consider it important to close this thread soon (I'll spare you my thoughts about that), and that Avon returns for hopefully some more 'creative' discussions about the terrible (for everyone) conflict in her 'neighbourhood'. Also scout (you are in the IDF if I recall it right), have you any comments about the 'refuseniks' and what they say? Last night I spent many hours reading older history about Isralel/Palestine, and now believe to understand many of Israels reasons better. But still thinks that there is a key issue in what Avon began to talk about some pages back, the different rights (, possibilities and treatment) for the 'people around', I have'nt found much info on that...
I looked hard at it at close range the first some time ago when it was posted in an other thread, with soud on, - I wasnt really scared about it, just starred in front of me and eventaully laughed in kind of chock, and feeling a bit pissed of... Anyway, recently someone posted a link to a picture of something that one had to look hard at too; the first thing I did was right clicking to see if it was a flash movie like the other one, or just a ordinary JPEG picture (save picture as etc). If it is a GIF, it could be animated. But even if I was sure it was a harmless picture I could not look at it for long. That bloody webbpage has destroyed my life I cant analyse 'suspicious linked' pictures on the Internet anymore!!!!
Errm, sorry for writing "participated in slaughters" before; by the word 'paticipated' i thought of guys in anyway related to acts of unnecessary/unprovoked killing. I thought to remeber reading some confessions at the 'refusenik' site, but could not find them again, rather just writings about them, like: ------------------------ Asaf Oron's statement: "This is where it became clear to me that the same humane reserve soldier could also be an ugly, wretched macho undergoing a total regression back to his days as a young conscript. Already on the bus ride to the Gaza strip, the soldiers were competing with each other: whose "heroic" tales of murderous beatings during the Intifada were better (in case you missed this point: the beatings were literally murderous: beating to death). Going on patrol duty with these guys once was all that I could take. I went up to the placement officer and requested to be given guard duty only" "Ofer, a comrade in arms in arms who remained in the service has become a hero: the hero of the second Giv'ati trial. He commanded a company that dragged a detained Palestinian demonstrator into a dark orange grove and beat him to death. As the verdict stated, Ofer was found to have been the leader in charge of the whole business. He spent two months in jail and was demoted – I think that was the most severe sentence given an Israeli soldier through the entire first Intifada, in which about a thousand Palestinians were killed. Ofer's battalion commander testified that there was a order from the higher echelons to use beatings as a legitimate method of punishment, thereby implicating himself. On the other hand, Efi Itam, the brigade commander, who had been seen beating Arabs on numerous occasions, denied that he ever gave such an order and consequently was never indicted. Today he lectures us on moral conduct on his way to a new life in politics. (In the current Intifada, incidentally, the vast majority of incidents involving Palestinian deaths are not even investigated. No one even bothers.)" Gil Nemesh "I’ve seen my friends humiliating people, treating them as I would not treat an animal. My friends, forcing an elderly man to do disgrace himself, hurting children, abusing people for fun, and later bragging about it, laughing about this terrible brutality. I am not sure I still want to call them my friends. Why? What leads a human being to treat another like this? In the army we are taught better, I though. I believed that an army that dedicates so much to educate and build morals and ethics, is a good army, as good as an army can be. But I was wrong. All this, like so many other things in enforced education, was brushed off, shoved into a dark drawer, ignored. Those no-longer-friends of mine let themselves to lose their humanity, not out of pure viciousness, but because dealing with it in any other way is too difficult. How can a man say “I do terrible wrongs†and continue doing it? Lying to himself, twisting reality." ---------------------------------- So, I found no 'slaughter' confessions at all, and wether the particular act on those pictures are justified or not does not really matters. There are probably quite some 'black flag' (illegal military actions) actions happening without official knowledge, its rather a question of how usual they are. But please continue writing about the unequal treating and rights, Avon
I have been reading most of this thread during the last days, interested in expanding my little knowledge in the conflict; not posting since I did not have anything to contribute with. Anyway, back on page page 30 of this thread RedRogue posted a letter written by a "refusenic" (Israeli reserv, refusing to serve in occupied territory). I read the letter and also went ot the "refusalnicks" website spending hours reading. Now I wonder why there is no discussion about this letter and website content, which looks like a good information source to me. Not the least since some of them write how they personally have participated in slaughters of palestinians, to add to these 6 pictures being dicussed here. To me personally most thing written there seems most reliable for a number of reasons. What do you think? Here is another interesting quote from there "Over time it has become clear that the distinction between the two forms of rule is not necessarily territorial. A significant number of residents from the territory under the authority of an elected parliament moved into the areas under military rule—the West Bank and Gaza Strip. And miracle of miracles, those residents continued to preserve their right to elect and be elected as well as other rights—for example freedom of expression and freedom to organize—which were kept from the older residents. This is how two groups came to be in the areas under military rule—Jews, who enjoyed full civil rights, and in contrast, Palestinian Arabs (upon whose confiscated land the new residents settled), who were denied all civil rights, including the right to immigrate to the civil part of the state. At the schools of those with rights they continued to teach that discrimination on the basis of racial, ethnic, national or religious background is a horrible thing against which human beings must struggle. In that context many hours were devoted to studying the racism that was aimed at the Jews in Europe, yet no classes were devoted to discuss the condition of the non-citizens of the state, residents of the West Bank and Gaza Strip." Any comments to the letter and website content?
I noticed it when I found out about OFP a year ago and since I forgot the title I wondered what happened to it (thought it would be released 2001). Thanks for the info I really hope it will be at least half as realistic as OFP, otherwise I wont bother playing it I think. Saw April 5 as release date at a site when seaching on Google, but it does'nt seems to be correct when looking at stores, or? But nice to see a Swedish game developer anyway...
I'm sorry to bring this up (even though its stated in the topic). In my eyes the biggest problem in the Palestine/Israeli conflict is the long period of time through which it has been more or less violent. Generations grow up with the conflict and it becomes part of the daily life, and they might even (fear) what would be there instead if the conflict ended... And this is also the thing that makes me really worried about the "War on terrorism"; the possibility of a global version of the Israel/Palestine (or other such conflicts) conflict if it is allowed to continue - where (no one) really cares/understands/remembers the reasons for the conflict, and it therefore lasts for a very long time. It will most certainly have the form of terrorists (from Nations with weak military) attacking civilians vs military forces (from military strong nations) attacking suspected terrorist targets. Who in such a mess that are right or wrong, coward/hero is hard (or impossible) to say in a objective way. (more of my thoughts about the war on terrorism can be found here )
Hey guys, you are saved - here comes the Refresh Rate Man! I take this with refreshrates very seriously, probably because i feel all dizzy after a few minutes at 60 Hz. I can spot a refresh rate lower than 85 Hz from 100 meters - and just have to help the poor unawares (but eye tired) computer users to increase to at least 85 Hz. Now I run my 22" monitor at 1280*960 and 120 Hz (I really think it feels better with 120 than 100, might just be an illusion though). I do can watch TV and play 'moving' games at less than 85 Hz without suffering much, but when I start a white static window, like this one, I cant be around anymore. If you feel unsure if you monitor flickers - start a white window and look beside your monitor... Now for some help. I am still using Win 2000 and a Nvidia card, and by default the damn OS messes up the refresh rates. Even if I run normal Windows in 120 Hz, games and applications often run at 60 or 75 Hz due to bugs in the OS. The savior can you find at: http://www.planetquake.com/ztn/nvreffix/ And I also found this site after a quick seach on Google (the adress sounds promising anyways): http://xp-refresh.net/ BTW Albert - I really hope you are not really sitting with a "21cm screen", such monitors use to show green on black I think
So you are researching spam technique Hamster, at the Department of Spam at your local university? Regarding Mr. Bush's son look at: http://www.bushorchimp.com/ - click on pics for the good ones
Ah I put it up anyway, at: http://w1.315.telia.com/~u31505828/Hos/ukflag.jpg
Oh I thought the Hamster already had made you one? If he sends that in the next minutes I can put it up now, or it will have to wait some time...
You can send it to me at: pshansson@hotmail.com
I can put it up if you want. Just added the emblem of 1:st division F4 where I made my military service
You only get the link to one particular picture if you do like I wrote. Like this: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jeep_man/desert2.jpg
No, as you can see I have not bothered getting a sig, but just rightclick on the picture and select properties - copy and paste the internet adress to the picture. That should do it!
http://www.sas.se EDIT: Naaahhh.. That was a cheap joke! I made a search for those good old SAS jeeps in WW2, cool pics?: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jeep_man/sasjeep.htm
Sweden beated Finland in the bronze match! Lets just hope that the Swedish men dont have to meet these (mostly teen) women; they would be crushed! The 15 year old Swedish goalie queen makes Salo look like an amateur
Some of you have probably seen this site, but its quite fun: http://www.bushorchimp.com/ Click on pics for better ones!
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Die Alive @ Feb. 20 2002,18:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">...can't drink coffee or anything with cafiene, so no coke pepsi...<span id='postcolor'> Have'nt the cocacola company tried to prevent such ideas? Here in Sweden they saw a big problem in that we drink 'Julmust' at some holidays like christmas; and told some Swedish brewers to stop making 'Julmust' or their cocacola license would be withdrawn. Cocacola had to start their own production here then since we like our 'must'. Ok, I'm not 100% this is the correct story, but the CocaCola company dont seems to like areas with low consumption of their products...
Swedish television is sendnig a reprisal of the match, and I just heared this, after the outcomming of the match even more, classical commentary again. Freely translated Swedish TV commentary in 12:th minute of 1:st period (Belarus leads with 2-1): "Salo have had a couple of smokers at his head now, so HE should at least be awake"
Combat Mission Beyond Overlord EDIT And Colonization of course!