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About OnkelKonkel

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  1. OnkelKonkel

    Multiplayer crash!

    that doesnt help me!
  2. OnkelKonkel

    Multiplayer crash!

    I really need help! why is it always crashing when i try to join a server?? now i have 1.09 installed and it still always crashes when i try to join a server! and single player works just fine...
  3. OnkelKonkel

    Multiplayer crash!

    Hi, i bought armed assault (505 games) , a week ago. The first thing i did was downloading all the patches so now i have 1.08 installed. Then i started and played some single player, after that i tried joining some multiplayer servers, but always when i tried to join a server the game crashes to the windows screen with no error message or nothing! And i have tried over and over again , it always crashes! What is the problem??