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Everything posted by Oleg_Str

  1. Oleg_Str

    If my copy is licensed?

    Bhahaha. Not exactly. Thing are even worther. This s/markets net belong to two brothers. So there should be two of them.
  2. I have some doubts as for legality of my copy of the game. -It's bought in Ukraine in supermarket /so should be OK/ and there is a hologram sticker on it /which shows it's legal - BUT it is not such a problem for pirates to buy those stickers somewhere/. -Translated to Russian, but with numerous mistakes. -There are two games on disk - ArmA & ArmA II. -After/before install it didn't asks for ANY codes, serial numbers and so on. I also didn't find any of such codes, S/N's on the box or disk itself. -It can't be patched to 102_58134. Returns error message "wrong CD-Key". -Publisher web adress on the box is printed with mistake /sviigor.com.ua - should be sviTigor.com.ua/. -Site sviTigor.com.ua is "under construction", they asks to send questions and suggestions by E-Mail, but support's email gives no response.
  3. Oleg_Str

    If my copy is licensed?

    Daaaaaamn. Yes, I may want use it against them. Cos I want to play on the I-net. I want patches be applicable and so on. I also don't want some money-taking cheater to keep me for an idiot ;-). Well I aso think it's illegal, but I hope that someone from BIS will give me kinda official answer. I need it to be 100% sure I'm right: 1. In Ukraine it's not enough just to tell to seller "What you sold me isn't licensed". So thay will be scared to death and return money. When I will tell them it's pirate copy, I'm 60% sure that they will point me at "Licensing hologram". 2. If they will refuse I will be forced to go to Consumer Right Defends society. There this "kinda official answer" I hope for will be very usefull too. 3. BIS is also intersted in stoping such sells as their game are illegaly sold in size_of_a_footballfield supermarkets. Distributed by some "M-Progress", Ukraine, Kiev. No 505 Games mentioning found.