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Posts posted by nzdfcrash

  1. While recording a video with Para we noticed the aircraft seems to 'disappear' for clients in MP on random positions with random interval. When these clients were in the aircraft they seem to be teleported into the nothingness.

    Can you describe at what distances this happened? and if there are any other conditions? Am working on the update and want to try replicate conditions.

  2. Hello,

    I'm a diver and I think that to make the game more realistic you need to make the soldier to dive at least 30 meters and more then that he will die.

    Why ? Because people can't dive more then a 30 meters with out a special container, solider that dive that low are not going to combat (only sabotage or intelligence missions).


    There is a lot of other staff that can be add for making the game more realistic ( diving time, container statues...) , but I think i'ts to much.

    With normal air you can get away with upto 60M dude, its more or less about having enough air left to do deco stops followed by surface. Recreational limits are 30M but off the books can get away with quite abit more.

    Mil stuff goes much much deeper, have heard of some training missions which would terrify me (Deep dive in excess of 100M + Night + Navigate to a ship and back, plant explosives on deepest part and return to your own ship) - trainee dive instructor :)

  3. Next update will include the T-6A NTA and probably the addition of the canadian version.

    I very much would like to have bang seats in this bird and many others i'm working on, prop blur shall be replaced in the next version too...

    Also next on the list is probably the MIG-23 variants or the AN-26.

  4. Untitled-1_zps3bfc930f.png


    nzdfcrash + Darkhorse 1-6

    SU-25 Frogfoot Pack for Arma 3






    Su-25K Frogfoot
    -IRAQ PRE 1991
    Su-25KM Frogfoot

    Known Issues



     -BIS - Original model & Textures
    -LordJarhead - Custom sounds from A2OA
    -nzdfcrash - Tidy up, varients and port
    -SARMAT/citizensnip - Georgia Texture
    -Myke - Weapons from his aircraft weapons pack
    -Chortles - Testing being a bug finding savant

    Change Log

    Version 1.2 - PhysX changes
               - Minor Fixes
    Version 1.1 
    - Added New KM cockpit 
    - Replaced FM 
    - Toned down aircraft sounds 
    - Optimizations 
    - Added Russian T Model 
    - Vikhr now correct amount 
    - Fixed numerous bugs and problems 
    - Fixed Polka dancing su25 issue 
    Version 1.0 - Initial Release

    Su-25 FrogFoot Pack Download (1.2)(04/07/2015)



    AT-6B + T-6A/C + PC-9A + PC-9 Pack for Arma 3 🙂






    T-6A Texan II
    -USAF Tiger
    -USN Orange
    -Mexican Air Force
    -USN Display
    -Dogfight USA
    T-6A NTA Texan II 
    -Mexican Air Force
    CT-156 Harvard II
    -Mexican Air Force

    Known Issues



    -IRIS Simulations - Base Model + Textures
    -Dezkit - Original Port
    -chortles - Feedback
    -nzdfcrash - encoding, otpimizing.
    -LordJarhead - Custom weapon sounds :)
    -Myke - Weapons from his aircraft weapons pack
    -anzacsassteve - Sounds

    Change Log

    Version 1.0 - Initial Release
    Version 1.1 - Little tidy up in config
               - Added CT-156 Harvard II (CANADA)
               - Added T-6A NTA Texan II (GREECE)
               - Added T-6A Texan II (BEECHCRAFT)
               - Added T-6A Texan II (USN DISPLAY)
               - Added T-6A Texan II (DOGFIGHT USA)
               - Added Ejection Seat model...
               - Added Canopy Model...
               - Added .50 Cal onto CAS versions
               - Added 19Rnd FFAR onto CAS Versions
               - Replaced AT-6B USAF texture to Tactical Grey
               - Replaced Prop Blur
               - Replaced Gunner optics on AT-6B
               - Fixed missing extra1 proxy error
               - Fixed Gunner being locked into optics
               - Fixed Gunner optics info
               - Fixed Gunner + Instructor can take controls
               - Fixed View pilot lod texture issue on wings
               - Fixed Disappear bug
               - Improved lights
               - Removed exhaust (was way too strong and shouldn't be distinct)
    Version 1.2 - Fixed issues related to sound with 1.24 patch
               - Fixed Damage Texture issue
               - Changed Simulation type airplane to airplanex
               - Changed FFAR & .50 Cal Control to Pilot on AT-6B
               - Added Flare Launcher + 60 Flares on AT-6B
    Version 1.3 - Fixed Placement of FFAR Launcher 
               - Added Custom sounds for FFAR and M2
               - Added AGM-114K to AT-6B Loadout
               - Updated Config
               - Changed wheel steering to less reactive
    Version 1.35 - Fixed Laser Designator operation
                - Fixed Hellfire Laser lock ability
    Version 1.4 - Fixed wreck bouncing issue
               - Optimizations to PhysX
               - Various fixes
    Version 2.0 
    - Optimization of all lods
    - UV optimization
    - Added RAF variant
    - Ejection working 
    - Sensors
    - Changeable pylons
    - New sounds
    - Altered flight characteristics
    - Fixed popups
    Version 2.1 -Added additional USN skin
                -Added Mexican Air Force skin
                -Added Police skin
                -Added ANTI ARMOUR loadouts
                -Added BOMBER loadouts
                -Added ATTACK loadouts
                -Added INTERDICTION loadouts
                -Added SCALPEL capability to AT6
                -Added STRIKE loadout for AT6
                -Fixed model uglyness on prop cone
                -Fixed Daesh version showing as USAF     

    BWI AT6/T6/PC9A/PC9 Pack 6-7-2019 2.1

    Steam Workshop Link for T6 Pack

  5. Found these ...

    		class UAV: Plane
    		class SpeechVariants
    			class Default
    				speechSingular[] = {"veh_UAV"};
    				speechPlural[] = {"veh_UAVs"};
    			class EN: Default
    			class CZ
    				speechSingular[] = {"veh_UAV_CZ"};
    				speechPlural[] = {"veh_UAVs_CZ"};
    			class CZ_Akuzativ
    				speechSingular[] = {"veh_UAV_CZ4P"};
    				speechPlural[] = {"veh_UAVs_CZ4P"};
    			class RU
    				speechSingular[] = {"veh_UAV_RU"};
    				speechPlural[] = {"veh_UAVs_RU"};
    		TextPlural = "UAVs";
    		TextSingular = "UAV";
    		nameSound = "veh_UAV";
    		_generalMacro = "UAV";
    		displayName = "UAV";
    		accuracy = 0.1;
    	class Fighter: Plane
    		class SpeechVariants
    			class Default
    				speechSingular[] = {"veh_attackAirplane"};
    				speechPlural[] = {"veh_attackAirplanes"};
    			class EN: Default
    			class CZ
    				speechSingular[] = {"veh_attackAirplane_CZ"};
    				speechPlural[] = {"veh_attackAirplanes_CZ"};
    			class CZ_Akuzativ
    				speechSingular[] = {"veh_attackAirplane_CZ4P"};
    				speechPlural[] = {"veh_attackAirplanes_CZ4P"};
    			class RU
    				speechSingular[] = {"veh_attackAirplane_RU"};
    				speechPlural[] = {"veh_attackAirplanes_RU"};
    		TextPlural = "Fighters";
    		TextSingular = "Fighter";
    		nameSound = "veh_attackAirplane";
    		mapSize = 1;
    		_generalMacro = "Fighter";
    	class CargoAirplane: Plane
    		class SpeechVariants
    			class Default
    				speechSingular[] = {"veh_cargoAirplane"};
    				speechPlural[] = {"veh_cargoAirplanes"};
    			class EN: Default
    			class CZ
    				speechSingular[] = {"veh_cargoAirplane_CZ"};
    				speechPlural[] = {"veh_cargoAirplanes_CZ"};
    			class CZ_Akuzativ
    				speechSingular[] = {"veh_cargoAirplane_CZ4P"};
    				speechPlural[] = {"veh_cargoAirplanes_CZ4P"};
    			class RU
    				speechSingular[] = {"veh_cargoAirplane_RU"};
    				speechPlural[] = {"veh_cargoAirplanes_RU"};
    		TextPlural = "Cargo airplanes";
    		TextSingular = "Cargo airplane";
    		nameSound = "veh_cargoAirplane";
    		mapSize = 1;
    		_generalMacro = "CargoAirplane";

    And the main Plane base class

    		class Plane: Air
    		vehicleClass = "Air";
    		damageEffect = "DamageSmokePlane";
    		icon = "iconPlane";
    		displayName = "Plane";
    		accuracy = 0.1;
    		maxSpeed = 450;
    		landingSpeed = 0;
    		flapsFrictionCoef = 0.5;
    		formationX = 200;
    		formationZ = 300;
    		precision = 200;
    		brakeDistance = 500;
    		steerAheadSimul = 1;
    		steerAheadPlan = 2;
    		wheelSteeringSensitivity = 1;
    		unitInfoType = "RscUnitInfoAir";
    		gearRetracting = 1;
    		cabinOpening = 1;
    		durationGetIn = 0.99;
    		durationGetOut = 0.99;
    		flaps = 1;
    		airBrake = 1;
    		vtol = 0;
    		lightOnGear = 1;
    		gearUpTime = 3.33;
    		gearDownTime = 2;
    		ejectSpeed[] = {0,40,0};
    		ejectDamageLimit = 0.45;
    		minFireTime = 60;
    		cost = 2e+006;
    		simulation = "airplanex";
    		minGunElev = 0;
    		maxGunElev = 0;
    		minGunTurn = 0;
    		maxGunTurn = 0;
    		gunAimDown = 0;
    		envelope[] = {0,0.2,0.9,2.1,2.5,3.3,3.5,3.2,2.5,2,1.5,1};
    		weapons[] = {"FakeWeapon"};
    		magazines[] = {"FakeWeapon"};
    		type = 2;
    		threat[] = {0.1,1,0.5};
    		aileronSensitivity = 1;
    		elevatorSensitivity = 1;
    		landingAoa = "10*3.1415/180";
    		class ViewPilot: ViewPilot
    			initFov = 1;
    			minFov = 0.57;
    			maxFov = 1.4;
    			initAngleX = 6;
    			minAngleX = -85;
    			maxAngleX = 85;
    			initAngleY = 0;
    			minAngleY = -150;
    			maxAngleY = 150;
    		class ViewOptics: ViewOptics
    			initAngleX = 0;
    			minAngleX = 0;
    			maxAngleX = 0;
    			initAngleY = 0;
    			minAngleY = 0;
    			maxAngleY = 0;
    			initFov = 0.5;
    			minFov = 0.5;
    			maxFov = 0.5;
    		extCameraPosition[] = {0,1.4,-25};
    		selectionRotorStill = "vrtule staticka";
    		selectionRotorMove = "vrtule blur";
    		memoryPointLRocket = "L raketa";
    		memoryPointRRocket = "P raketa";
    		memoryPointLDust = "levy prach";
    		memoryPointRDust = "pravy prach";
    		selectionFireAnim = "zasleh";
    		leftDustEffect = "LDustEffects";
    		rightDustEffect = "RDustEffects";
    		dustEffect = "HeliDust";
    		waterEffect = "HeliWater";
    		class WingVortices
    			class WingTipLeft
    				effectName = "WingVortices";
    				position = "cerveny pozicni";
    			class WingTipRight
    				effectName = "WingVortices";
    				position = "zeleny pozicni";
    		class Reflectors
    			class Reflector
    				color[] = {0.9,0.8,0.8,1};
    				ambient[] = {0.1,0.1,0.1,1};
    				position = "L svetlo";
    				direction = "konec L svetla";
    				hitpoint = "L svetlo";
    				selection = "L svetlo";
    				size = 0.5;
    				brightness = 2;
    		class MFD
    			class HUD: AirplaneHUD
    				borderLeft = 0.09;
    				borderRight = 0.02;
    				borderTop = 0.02;
    				borderBottom = 0.1;
    		class GunFire: WeaponFireGun
    		class GunClouds: WeaponCloudsGun
    		class MGunFire: WeaponFireMGun
    		class MGunClouds: WeaponCloudsMGun
    		class Sounds: Sounds
    			class Engine: Engine
    				sound = "soundEngine";
    				frequency = "(1-randomizer*0.05)*(thrust+0.5)*rpm";
    				volume = "thrust+0.5";
    			class Movement: Movement
    				sound = "soundEnviron";
    				frequency = "1";
    				volume = "speed*0.03334";
    		class SpeechVariants
    			class Default
    				speechSingular[] = {"veh_air_plane_s"};
    				speechPlural[] = {"veh_air_plane_p"};
    			class EN: Default
    			class CZ
    				speechSingular[] = {"veh_airplane_CZ"};
    				speechPlural[] = {"veh_airplanes_CZ"};
    			class CZ_Akuzativ
    				speechSingular[] = {"veh_airplane_CZ4P"};
    				speechPlural[] = {"veh_airplanes_CZ4P"};
    			class RU
    				speechSingular[] = {"veh_airplane_RU"};
    				speechPlural[] = {"veh_airplanes_RU"};
    		mapSize = 10.19;
    		textSingular = "fast mover";
    		textPlural = "fast movers";
    		nameSound = "veh_air_plane_s";
    		_generalMacro = "Plane";

    Eble these may be of use for you, taken off the MH9 config

    			driverAction = "Chopperlight_L_Static_H";
    		cargoAction[] = {"ChopperLight_C_R_static_H","ChopperLight_C_L_static_H"};

  6. At least the future is bright for seeing more mossies flying. British based group have bought the next mosquito that's half finished and rumors are of a third one in the pipeline as well.
