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About NiklasJ

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  1. NiklasJ

    Tracking force lost

    Balschoiw I'll check everything you said.. Messiah I write: [Delta, hunterteam] exec "searchscript.sqs" Delta is the name of the player group, hunterteam is the spec ops trackers. //Niklas
  2. NiklasJ

    Tracking force lost

    Well thanks anyway . Hmm...I'm still kind of wondering about the "Script searchscript.sqs not found" message I get when I play.....suggestions ? //Niklas
  3. NiklasJ

    Tracking force lost

    This is frustrating guys . Messiah I tried running your script, but when i run the mission in preview mode I get a message: "Script searchscript.sqs not found" or something similar. I have the searchscript.sqs in the same file as my missionname.sqm folder so I don't know what I'm doing wrong? Sorry about all the questions guys . [EDIT] Don't know if it helps but I have the script activated by a waypoint.Oh, and another thing, this is a coop mission so it would be very nice if this worked in coop too... //Niklas
  4. NiklasJ

    Tracking force lost

    Excellent answers ! Thanks alot everyone ! Great to see you guys helping us newbies . //Niklas
  5. NiklasJ

    Tracking force lost

    Also is there a place that explain exactly how the guard trigger works....I've been doing alot of searching on the ArmA editing forums and come up empty... //Niklas
  6. NiklasJ

    Tracking force lost

    Sounds cool, but wont that bring all the badguys to that area? You see the player is just leading a 2 man sniping team that's preparing for the big assault. The enemy knows this so he doesn't want to move all his troops when the player is detected. Also, the player doesn't want to engage in prolonged combat, the player will probably try to slip away once detected. Que elite hunting/tracking force. I want this tracking force to follow the escaping player nomatter where he goes. Thanks for the answer Kyle, hoping for more . //Niklas
  7. My name is Niklas and I'm a complete newbie to the Mission making scene but I still love doing what little I can accomplish with the editor and this community seems great so here goes : I have two areas that have one Special tracking force(tough spec op guys) on standbye. When the player is detected in these areas I want this tracking force to go there ASAP and hunt him down. What I've done so far is that I have two triggers with "Blueforce detected by" settings. These triggers have the name Alarm1 and Alarm2. To get the Tracking force to hunt the player I was thinking about doing something along the lines of a third trigger that will activate a DoMove next to the player or on the player. I'm really a rookie so I would appreciate if you wrote exactly what I'm supposed to write. I haven't understood all the formulas and stuff yet.... Thanks ! //Niklas
  8. NiklasJ

    The 5-Minute Mission Maker

    Wow ! Truly great stuff, I never found anything that made me dare trying real scripts but this has turned me around 120% ! Hopefully it's as easy to use as it seems....now if I only new how to use scripts..hmm...I'm wearing out the search button here :P . Thanks again, from another mature (and old) gamer . //Niklas
  9. A nice gesture all the same . //Niklas