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Everything posted by NoRailgunner

  1. Well seems like not allowing bistudio sites through NoScript is one workaround to avoid this menu clutter. Thougt, no advanced editing options.
  2. NoRailgunner

    Invasion 1944 v2.6 (CO)

    Great Invasion44 upgrade, thank you! :) Noticed that sometimes voices are delayed a bit and sound like frogs. Just place some armored + inf groups + modules and try to order your AI team to another place.
  3. Strange even with a new FF 10.0.2 install + without/deactivated add-ons I get these messed-up menus on top of the page.... :confused: Is there something wrong with my useraccount - just in case?
  4. can't even edit in "Go Advanced" because all the stuff is cluttered eg like tables mismatch http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/208/bohemiainteractiveforum.jpg/ [/img] Uploaded with ImageShack.us http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/263/bohemiainteractiveforum.jpg/ [/img] Uploaded with ImageShack.us sorry to big
  5. every page (header/menu), switching skin/style - doesn't change anything about it, using FF. its like overlapping title/header or image is too big can't even see + click on user logout. searching for a screenshot FF addon
  6. Now something got bugged/screwed or just a style/skin hiccup or server hamsters on weekend trip/strike? Menus appearing where they don't belong, in background there is some doubled forum site... :confused: With statistics I mean to reduce those "Total memembers that have..." into one and have some space left for more important content.
  7. NoRailgunner

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    Many publishers/devs use !exclusive Beta testing NOW! mainly just for customer retention and not for bugfixing. Its better to say "Hey, with your help we can make the best/anything happen... just join and sign in for testing our games before release!" instead of "We want a lifetime subscription and that you buy all our products at highest price!" ;) kylania if publishers + devs would do their job incl. QA there would be less need of release patches and patches to patch patches. But perhaps these companies lack a bit of time + project management and proper inhouse communication? Maybe publishers and their finance monkeys are just a little bit greedy and impatient too?
  8. Maybe have one "forum statistics" infobar with links instead of three = more space/options for other stuff?
  9. NoRailgunner

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    @Smurf If its well communicated and ingame marked as Alpha only blind (or very simple minded) people may still think that this is the final product. :icon_rolleyes: And lets be honest: those people will probably like to play something else. Tonic87 zeh ninja
  10. NoRailgunner

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    Did the world turned upside-down? Paying to test an Alpha? Seriously some folks must be really fanatic or from CM forum....
  11. Looks good, when we will see a teaser/trailer incl. GAF team in action? :)
  12. NoRailgunner

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    So this will be a open community test version of an Alpha A3 without NDA? How you make sure that everyone don't use and report issues/bugs using old, obsolete or buggy stuff? Will you implement a feature/tool which suggests a good setting for user and/or include proper benchmark missions (with + without AI)? Will there be another Alpha versions to focus more on specific things eg backward compatibility, commanding/controlling AI, making missions....?? :)
  13. NoRailgunner

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Well at least some news about the "Awesome proj3ct". Hope that some ingame A3 videos will appear sooner or later too. :) Don't forget to include the Sirtaki + Ouzo! Without this dance + aperitif A3 would not feel like beeing in Greece! :cool:
  14. NoRailgunner

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Maybe reduce the volume so one can still hear it but it wont annoy people with "beeping" AI's/players. Or have a feature that send something through the radio that will shock/silence those "beepers". ;)
  15. NoRailgunner

    ASR AI Skills

    Is it possible to add more type of skillsets for "crew" units eg commander, gunner, loader, driver?
  16. NoRailgunner

    Development Blog & Reveals

    This building could be also one part of Biosphere 3 or Biosphere X project. Why should be everything related to military surveillance, spying or millitary R&D?
  17. NoRailgunner

    Test about test

    Its a hidden sign: Dwarden needs more coffee + cookies! :) If (coffee == 1) {give it to him ();} elseif (cookies == 2) {give it to him ();} else {make all the things();}
  18. NoRailgunner

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Sorry had to :banghead: and smile at myself because I searched for "communication", "comms" and "chatter".... Didn't listen to all of your sounds yet, guess next mission will be recon/stealth or something with artillery. Keep on making the difference including modularity!
  19. Dead units (AI) flicker back into their last stand/pos. This issue/bug was already fixed but made a comeback. :(
  20. NoRailgunner

    "Tab" targeting issues

    AI communication is a bit different to human (players) communication so how can BIS make targeting enjoyable realistic with and without AI as crewmember? Is it possible to have more userfriendly options for players/server admins and mission designers to achieve how they want to play missions in A2OA/A3? How much BIS devs know about military stuff they have done or working on? How much time they have to research and inform themselves about advantages/disadvantages of different systems? Which and why certain compromises/workarounds have to be found + implemented? Crucial question: Would Armaverse be more successful if BIS would care more about casual gamers or realism fans?
  21. NoRailgunner

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Where is the radio squelch (beep) pbo? Its a bit annoying to hear it everytime AI is reporting or repeating something. Just curious if its possible to make this sound player (human) only so there is less noise and more sound to hear? :)
  22. NoRailgunner

    "Tab" targeting issues

    PvPscene lets try some other over-simplification, shall we: Most pvp players are using all cheats/tricks to be on top of any list/statistics and/or to be the first who get some achievements/gratifications. Most pvp players use "teamplay" only to their own advantage. Most pvp players like to have a balanced gameplay eg BLUFOR vehicle/weapon system is 1:1 the same like an of OPFOR vehicle/weapon system and vice versa. Now go find some other over-simplifications.... :D How realistic the targeting procedures can be made without annoying the player eg "almighty" radar, TAB-lock or menu fumbling? "PvP vs other players" is inappropriate. ;)
  23. NoRailgunner

    "Tab" targeting issues

    Voice commanding AI would be the best solution (if done right)! ;) "Tabbing" is faster (+ visual feedback) than searching for the right target in a menu. Which one to select from a list of 7 "tanks at ten o'clock" + other targets? AI don't give you any more and/or precise information like a human player can do.
  24. Cross fingers that we get proper animated stuff that works and is believable, kinda dislike the trend to see ridiculous animations/movements. Maybe its possible to get the player badly injured if he tries to make himself look supercool? Something that he does once and never again.... ;)
  25. NoRailgunner

    "Tab" targeting issues

    This discussion only started because the thread got ressurected from kotov12345 and his statement about modern air combat/weapon systems. :icon_rolleyes: We probably will see a better system in A3 but I guess for A2OA there is no chance to convince BIS doing this work for all vehicles and weapon systems. Hope for the best, plan for the worst....