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Everything posted by NoRailgunner

  1. NoRailgunner

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    The distance between Isreal and Iran is a little bit more than distances between Czechoslovakia-Germany and France-Germany. ;) If Iran would go into open war against Israel/Europe they would have some troubles to move their military forces out + around - just see how many US bases surround this country and how many NATO carrier groups can be sent into this or close to this area. Imo Isreal would have enough time to destroy their military facilities, R&D buildings/structures and transfer their secrets in a safer place. Highly doubt that Israel/US or anyone else would just stop surveillance in this region and be surprised by an "SuperBlitz" of Iranian Forces. How many armored vehicles the Greek forces could have deployed to protect Limnos? How fast one can occupy Limnos? Which role plays Turkey - supporting NATO or Iran or just "staying out of troubles as long as possible"?? Where is the frontline in 07/2035? Cross fingers that BIS mission designers don't make somekind of a B- or C-movie campaign where special effects and sounds trying to cover bad plot and/or gaps of the story. Btw did anyone have some pictures from interiors from A3 MBT/IFV or any new info what is different from A2OA vehicles eg crewplaces are more simulated, better and detailed damage system etc?
  2. NoRailgunner

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    @InstaGoat there is still no reason why any A3 faction should start or support a world war. What would be a reasonable gain for Blufor or Opfor at what price? IIRC even today its very hard to deploy troops in large quantities and stay undetected so the possibility of Iran using "Blitzkrieg" or "zerg rush" strategy in 2021 isn't going to happen that likely. Thought in 2025 Iranian Forces invade Limnos and moved on.... Something important must be on this Greek island in 07/2035, enough to send + risk a NATO SF and research team deep behind enemy lines?? Wild guess: it will be a "game changer" and anyone in A3 who is able to control or destroy it will be legend. Lets see how BIS is connecting alternate A3 versum with real world or if A3 will be just another "awesome" fictional game universe on its own. :)
  3. NoRailgunner

    MARSOC Marine Special Operations Team

    Thank you for upgrading MARSOC! Btw is it intentional that all AI MARSOC units do heal themselves? OPFOR would like this just too shoot MARSOC down during this in heal-animation. ;)
  4. Tried but heavy lag even with lowest # of groups. Perhaps its a better idea if you don't populate the whole island at once? Try to spawn and despawn units/static/empty stuff that is out of players view. Of course don't "mass spawn" anything, try some sleep/delay and code optimisation to reduce overload.
  5. NoRailgunner

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    A3 could be "authentic" in its own alternate reality but BIS somehow don't like to talk more about the background/idea of this game. What was so important that Iran/China (OPFOR) and NATO (BLUFOR) went to (world) war? Why could OPFOR win and occupy countries + regions without beeing beaten or slowed down? Limnos is deep behind enemy lines - why sending and risking an SF + research team to this place? Maybe Aliens took over Asia and Limnos is build up as FARP/Outpost including some more advanced alien hi-tech facilities or alien R&D, who knows? :D Must be easier to make a game for casual players who just want to shoot, kill and destroy stuff and don't like to be bothered about the background, reasons and reality/realism.
  6. + radio signal finder/tracker so one can reveal or detect signals and their general directions Mission examples: a) one side has to keep radio silence as much as possible to avoid detetection eg for infiltration/small scale deployment b) one team is assigned to surveillance/recon task incl. scanning/monitoring enemies radio chatter. Something that is highly effective but less noticeable than jamming certain or all radio frequencies. :)
  7. NoRailgunner

    AH-64 Pack

    Those ninja skills must be strong with NodUnit and Franze otherwise BIS headhunters would have caught them long ago. Great work and cross fingers that this Apache Longbow will arrive in CO soon to fight against those pragmatic but creative OPFOR units. :)
  8. NoRailgunner

    Ragdolling players without killing them?

    Well in the last two vids the soldier imo still looks a bit too ragdollish, hope that BIS can find a way to make it look more real/natural. :)
  9. NoRailgunner

    MP thoughts

    @twisted that could be avoided if the mp browser would have a little window showing at least some mission/server relevant infos about what is required and allowed to join/play on this server. Addons/mod renamed or re-mixed into "@Stuff", "@OMG" and similar don't help either.
  10. NoRailgunner

    co10@ =RTY= They Who Dare = 1944

    Thank you! Little suggestion: make a version where the player can only respawn at the LZ its kinda strange to be able to spawn + appear around/behind enemy lines. Or give players some medic stuff instead of respawn. ;)
  11. NoRailgunner

    Ragdolling players without killing them?

    Afaik killed AI's in A2OA are loosing their rifles but it looks a bit too weird how those rifles spin around, imo those weapons just have to drop down without this extra spin. In how many situations during a battle/firefight a soldier would loose his weapon and how often? Isn't it more important to get some proper animations for stumbling, sliding and falling down so the player gets somekind of "real" feedback of the ground/terrain or objects he is walking at? What about climbing or better/more swimming + diving animations? Or some animations to packing and unpack stuff, some finger animations like dialing/selecting or much more improved + userfriendly hand signals.....
  12. NoRailgunner

    Is it still ArmA?

    First of all the game itself (with release or shortly after) should be great + enjoyable and not depending on additional tweaks or bugfixes from community. But maybe some people like to see game devs more as their "Gods - who can't make anything wrong" and will call to a "Crusade against all those non-believers and critic's"?? :D
  13. NoRailgunner

    Very slow transport!!!

    For tank sim go try SB Pro and don't moan about the graphics and other things! Highly doubt that BIS are going to make a "All-in-One Supersim" in the near future. ;)
  14. NoRailgunner

    Is it still ArmA?

    Lol, some people need to try A1 again before going "A3 will be ArmA!!!1!11" Or don't you remember how "unfortunate" this game was on its release?? With OFP/ArmA franchise BIS are just sitting in a "very comfortable" niche where are no competitors that can/will do make games like Arma. Imo it would be better and more challenging for BIS and the community to see more game developments in this area. :)
  15. NoRailgunner

    Is it still ArmA?

    Well from the campaign it could feel very different to previous games. The player is left alive + alone, stranded on an occupied island behind enemy lines with a mission that he probably can't solve on his own. No support or resupply possible due to the nature and area of this secret mission. The player is forced to find some people who will help him to solve his mission and/or to leave the island. So the question is can he hide himself long enough from OPFOR (incl. near future weapon systems) + their informants/collaborators? He is outnumbered, outgunned and the time is not on his side either. Just some challenges that special operators like/trained to solve....
  16. NoRailgunner

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    Well who made the first "pre-emptive" strike Blufor or Opfor and for what reasons? Or is it just that "Ooops, suddenly there is a world at war..." fits better into game development? Will the player be able to change something with his actions during campaign/missions or will he just follow one or two defined/limited paths to get the tragic and/or the happy end?
  17. NoRailgunner

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    There is an overview of A3 which includes the concept/idea of the story. The exact reasons why Iran invaded Limnos are somewhat fishy and not confirmed yet, aswell as the cause of the war. Did some hardliners started the war just under the guise of "fighting terrorism"/"free the world from infidels"? Imo its getting boring with this black-an-white painting in most games, kinda forcing players into the role of "good guy" or "lonewolf hero". Where is the responsibility and dynamic storytelling if the player can't make mistakes or "wrong" decissions and learn from it? Or do project managers/mission designers take the "easy route" for the sake of simplicity and fast ca$h/profit?
  18. NoRailgunner

    "Take On" Franchise

    "TakeOn pivo" (Sim about brewing beer), "TakeOn knedlik" (Sim about cooking).... just anything that could make profit (incl. mobile apps/subscription). ;)
  19. Guess with "balls of light/highlights" you mean those little 'HUD orbs' which are set in Game Options - Difficulty. However playing on Recruit (default setup) should bring these extented HUD orbs back. Btw why should an AH-6J pilot/gunner get up close & personal to do their job if they can do it from a safer distance? Or is it just a fun'n'gun run for the lolz?? :D
  20. When do you make the CWR2 "zeh real classic" edition? Or just afraid of people moaning and crying about downloading CWR2?? :P ;)
  21. NoRailgunner

    Diving Under Water

    @Feint IIRC underwater firearms do fire steel darts because bullets don't work well in frogmans playground. Though there are underwater rifles but the light conditions and the movement underwater are limited so pistols and similar close range weapons are more in use. If you can't find a way/trick to get underwater firearms work properly now than release this addon and add them later via update (or see if + how will BIS do it in A3). Guess underwater mines/satchels will be effective anyway. ;)
  22. Thats a lovely map - thank you! Do you plan to extend it a bit or already working on a new bigger map that is more suited for helicopter & vehicle battles eg something like (grassy) steppe or tundra map/island? :)
  23. NoRailgunner

    Invasion 1944 v2.6 (CO)

    Meh I just tried again - AI skill was set too high and on stealth. Solution placed it on a better + flat place with lower skills + default behaviour. Of course there is a Jagdpanzer 38(t) aka "Hetzer" in I44- first vehicle in [i44] GE/SS armored. What I have seen is that there is no destruction/wreck model for this little baiter. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hetzer ;)
  24. NoRailgunner

    Fuel consuption tank > car seems reversed

    Are you just nitpicking that players can "only" drive 50km with some vehicles without refueling or just bored? In how many missions players are "forced" to refuel? How many players are really annoyed that they have to refuel? Maps/islands are mostly not 1:1 to real world so one has to find a proper way for an compromise. Even simulations can't have all the things working like in real - a big part they can simulate but the rest is a compromise/workaround (= not the big deal).
  25. NoRailgunner

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    Next islands to Limnos are Gökçeada (distance ~22km), Samothraki (distance ~42km) and Agios Efstratios (distance ~31km) it would look + feel wrong if there were some additional + artificial smaller islands around Limnos. Maybe BIS thought to put those three islands somehow (partially) on one map with Limnos but realised that it would be not so performance friendly for most A3 players?