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Everything posted by NoRailgunner
"Q4 release" can also mean the 6th december so the first hotfix/patch/x-mas gift will still have time to be done+released before the 24th december. Better safe than sorry! ;)
mr.g-c you can't have all at the same time! There are player who are used to play in 'shoeboxes' and just overwhelmed about the possibilities of Armaverse. Lets see if A3 will get more funny console signs and screen clutter - just for the sake of profit. ;)
Arma 3: Multiplayer - is everyone running around in unrealistic super gear aswell ?
NoRailgunner replied to oxmox's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
How will you enforce quality gameplay if many players on public servers can't communicate or don't like to play in a team as bloody squaddie? How to setup a working team with strangers that have their own thinking and expectations? Respawning at will and wherever you want is imo wrong, it should be only at HQ/MOB + timed delay or somewhere far behind the own lines at "The Cemetery of Heroes". Something that make people think twice of their tactical actions or habits.... -
How to improve the Close Quarter Combat experience in Arma 3?
NoRailgunner replied to Intezar's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Imo many games do lack proper feedback to the player so he is kinda safe doing funny things. Perhaps there is a good solution to "auto" lower/raise your weapon without making it too easy? Or make the movement/animations more smooth and natural with full control from player?? Guess the later wish is a bit more tricky and challenging than using "auto-mode" or "workaround (clipping) - mode". Beside dreaming about proper collision system in A3 what about crossing fingers for speed adjustments controlled by player eg more gradual or fluent movements? :) -
How to improve the Close Quarter Combat experience in Arma 3?
NoRailgunner replied to Intezar's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
How many movements can one make and how many are properly ported into games? How many are really important for certain battles (open ground/close quarter)? How many can be used without breaking fingers or cluttering the screen? Is the AI able to use these animations/movements too? Should weapons be able to clip unrealistically/arcady through solid objects or is it better if the player/AI get some "punching" feedback if he is too close? -
ARMA 2: OA beta build 91138 (1.60 MP compatible build, post 1.60 release)
NoRailgunner replied to Dwarden's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - BETA PATCH TESTING
Pistol bug is back this time with M9 pistols (US Army SF) perhaps its better to equip default AI only with rifle and/or AT/AA launcher? Or make 100% sure that AI will use pistols rather rare and force them to switch back to their rifle (primary weapon). -
BIS alternate realities can be only authentic with 100% true czech pivo! :D
Naive people do like to follow someone who promise them "peace and comfy living" even if their freedom will be just a little bit more or fully restricted/observed. Of course no one ever was or is or will be interested in marketing/advertisement and product placement or selling personal data. C'mon have a little bit more trust in your politics, those important economical lobbies and of course the bureaucracy - they all will surely do all they can to save or expand their own power. That is just fair and vital to how the world works! Isn't it easier to live in a world that is painted/preset just in black and white? ;)
Just wonder if some people here don't have CO or just didn't try to fire their weapons without using ironsight/scope view (aka using "spree-shooting")? Of course it would be nice if BIS can make all the things but it would be better if they also make them reasonable realistic with all their pro's and con's. One can surely shoot blindly from behind an object on something that is not in his FOV or field of view but the result should not be the same like if this target is in his FOV. The result of blindfire should be imo in A3 "luck if you hit someone or something important with blindfire". Chances that the oppenent (AI) will be confused by blindfire max 50/50. Chances of hitting anything precisely without getting in steady or stable position = low or 0. Imo A3 with a proper weight-endurance system incl. anims for weapons would be better than some sort of "all-can-jump'n'slide" funshooter.
What's your problem again? Where are the full videos/reports showing all of the scenery? I bet that most of them would show that soldiers were able to direct, observe and correct their fire. The other videos would simply show that blindfire is not "highly effective" as some people here claim. Btw would blindfire play a more important role in 2035? Imo its more important to get players character and AI moving smooth without (or at least with less) clunky animations. Perhaps BIS are going to implement some sort of gradual leaning and standing, raising/lowering the head, climbing over obstacles?? What about A3 objects and their damage or destruction parameters? Guess in the end we all would like to see more natural animations/movements incl. stopping/changing them. Some additional features might be nice and optional but the main concern is how real does one feel/move in A3.
Seems that you should open your eyes and search a little more about the differences between blindfire and cover fire/suppressive fire and how its done and used. Please no more vids that show only a pic or a snippets!! Show us effective blindfire including the effect on the enemy not just shooting in the air. "Hopefully" and "lucky" there are only combatants in the room/area of blindfire.... but who cares in todays modern warfare games about civilians/non-combatants or ROE's? :D
Whirly please read comments more carefully and try to understand that blind = blind. Some of your video snippets just show what is already possible in CO = firing your weapon without watching through iron sight/scope view. Some of them show that there is a guy who directs the fire or videos show that the impact is beeing observed. No one needs to be trained in blindfire its just shooting your weapon into a certain direction where the enemy might be. Blindfire is highly ineffective and revealing in all situations except beeing cornered and surrounded by enemies in close range. Another point is how to implement proper fatigue, morale and desperation to make it work ingame with/against players and AI?
One sad problem might be that many people think that only missions/servers with a high player count are "interesting"/"enjoyable". Guess most of them believe that every game that has MP has to be an MMO with at least 200 or 400+ players every day/hour of the week. It doesn't matter if the mission is great or serveradmins are good - as long as it below their player count expectation its "bad" or "not worth" to even try it out. Maybe some people just like to play as one of those bloddie squaddies who don't care about mission task, teamplay or supporting anyone? Its just easier to shoot and try to get the highest killcount instead of communicating and organizing attacks and counterattacks. Last time I checked PR pvp it was a mess in those HQ bases where players just run around like headless chicken, wreck vehicles and tried to kill others..... Doubt that BIS or anyone will change these attitudes with more restrictive/limiting mission parameters - it will probably annoy more players who want a good MP time.
Seems that some people don't get what blindfire is: the shooter fires his weapon from behind an object (wall, car, corner...) and he does not know or care where he is aiming = shooting blindly. If a team is cornered this might be their last lucky chance to repel/slow down the advancing enemies at close range. But using blindfire as an "alternative" to cover fire is senseless. There is just a very small chance to hit anything important with blindfire, better use cover fire and know where the bullets go and where enemy actually is. Of course with 3rd person view active people will use blindfire effectively to make high precision kills/headshots just from behind their cover. Doesn't matter if he is a grunt or a fastmover. :)
Again for all those by blindfire obsessed Whirly's - where in all those vids do you see that blindfire is "very effective" or looks "trained"? Aren't those vids just showing people/soldiers who try to "piss off" their enemies somehow?
Without a shadow of a doubt you got a "blindfire" videobot.... please read the comments and think about those certain situations where people use blindfire and why they don't aim + fire their weapons. But maybe you are one of those run'n'gun players who also like dual-wielded machinegun shooting from the hip? If such arcade action makes into A3 we should definitely demand the backflip hatchet attack!! Just imagine one could start this action behind his cover and suddenly appears in the air and the hatchet flys straight into his oppenent head/body.... "1000 points extra - achievement SuperSpecialForce unlocked" :D
Lol PurePassion again to much coffee or just the usual daily overdose of A3? ;)
Iron Front - Liberation 1944, new WW2 game on A2:OA engine
NoRailgunner replied to Choki's topic in IRON FRONT: LIBERATION 1944 - GENERAL
Maybe something like DM "Sniper at the Gates"? CTF "Battle of Kurwa"? Coop "Tank Cavalry"? Coop "Za Rodina!"? Hopefully there aren't too many bugs and annoying things in release version so people will like to see + play this project as an game on its own. :) -
Blindfire is not effective and could be used as last/deperate chance - if there is enough ammo left. One can be lucky to hit someone without even looking at him or knowing where he actually is. Blindfire is just a try to create some "confidence" or "faith" that the oppenent might not realise that he got the upper hand/initiative of this situation and that he could outmaneuver those blind shooters. Of course the oppenent could also simply shoot + wait until defending team/group is out of ammo/support. Some use of siege tactics. ;)
Well its fully fictional story with the three madman (Iran, China, Russia) seeking to rule the world through destruction and occupation other countries. One OPFOR does not simply operate smooth, smart and with caution!! OPFOR factions in games seem to act always less clever and more shortsighted.... wouldn't be fun for many players if they can't win every task/mission or if they have to change their thinking/tactics about the enemy. :P
Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion
NoRailgunner replied to Maio's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Guess the BIS CH-49 will be the upgraded + advanced + stealth version of an transport helicopter.... ;) Cross fingers that the AI will be much better using all the things in A3!! -
Hi Mondkalb Celle2 looks great! Are there any future plans to make other german countrysides eg Fulda (Gap)? :) @J-Guid you or your mates could simply make some buildings and release it as "House/Building" addon pack. But make it so that it looks good and that AI can walk/"search" through without getting stuck. Perhaps some different styles eg North-European/South-European, modern/old, industry/skyscraper...... Guess that people will like to choose + use different buildings if these buildings would have been done. Go for it and make some great new stuff.... ;)
Well can AI do the same animations/movements or will they have troubles to do them in a reasonable way? Imagine a team of AIs doing a power slide (in perfect sync!) just close to a wall/object and shortly after wasting their ammo with blind fire into the wrong direction or on a target that is armored.... Seems that there will be some more hilarious/funny moments for us waiting in A3! Guess BIS devs do have their laughs in discovering them first and deciding to "let it slip through" or to fix it. Hope there will be a new but classic dance animation "Sirtaki"... a game on a Greek island without this dance (+Ouzo) won't sell well!! :D x6cW779sBF8
Guess we can all agree that natural "chokepoints" work/feel better on default islands/maps. Imo mission makers will be still able to place as many chokepoints wherever they want into their missions. Why should BIS implement/"hardcode" extra artificial chokepoints into the island/map if the better choice is having them "flexible"/"mobile"? :)
OP just wanted to show again how good A3 stuff looks like but somehow he and his fellows don't like to hear + see that A3 is just a fictional game with its very own "reality". Lets wait + see how much fiction is ok or simply too much for a military game. Sure some people will buy any game as long as it looks "cool" and makes *boom*. There must be a reason why popcorn games/movies have a simple "story".... ;)