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Everything posted by NoRailgunner

  1. NoRailgunner

    Underwater element. What is the point?

    Many people did request proper diving/swimming features since OFP/CWA to be implemented as part of the game. Seems that in default A3 you can't be anymore sure that you are safe on ships/boats or on the beach.
  2. NoRailgunner

    European Politics Thread.

    Please show us where UK and Germany are using Mi-24s and MiG-29s in their current fleet + active duty! Why should anyone bother to burn money into foreign developments/productions without getting a significant profitable/political gain? In how many NATO projects is Russia involved? How many years/decades Russia is behind US/EU research & development? Different strategies/doctrine still aren't always that compatible to each other. Because of economical reasons some countries do use old but upgraded russian stuff. One has "just" decide what is good enough to keep (+ upgrade it) and what makes sense to buy for next decades/future.
  3. NoRailgunner

    European Politics Thread.

    One would need to reconfigure and outfit these RF vehicles/system so they are all on the same level with other stuff in use/fielded by UK/NATO. Of course maintenance, supply chain and the local/national production do play another major role. Btw how do you know that: ...or are you just using blue eyes and blond hair to "mod up" stuff?
  4. NoRailgunner

    [Mini-Camp] H&D: Operation Iron Swarm

    Good idea to bring the H&D feeling into CO. Imo the 1st mission is too dark and using other graphic settings makes the scenery look worse. Tried the second mission and seeing a well guarded place makes me happy and curious about the ways to finish it. :)
  5. NoRailgunner

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    Of course and the enemy can crash the carrier with its own force or artillery/missiles.... guess some are playing too much CoD/BF and/or taking action flicks serious. :rolleyes:
  6. NoRailgunner

    Development Blog & Reveals

    ETA Alpha release starting on 08/07 - 09/07? :cool:
  7. NoRailgunner

    Music Recommendations

    Well for something different just watch "I fink u freeky" by Die Antwoord....
  8. Imo for most gamers there is no benefit to download community made addons/mods without more and better missions that do require them. Some of them might be downloading them anyway but the majority want to enjoy good missions.
  9. Imo for game dev its more "step one - make the game itself as much enjoyable you can", "step two - make new content (or support it via tools/documentation/tutorials...)" I'm sure that large parts of gamers would use more addons/mods if there would be more + better missions to play with. Why should one bother to download addon/mods if there are no or just a few missions that require these addons/mods? Agree that all people like to have a userfriendly solution to download/launch additional content incl. the possibility to rollback to last known "stable"/"beta" version of an addon/mod. On the other hand its always good to know that at the same time there are still some "oldschool" download options available.... having more options to find & use content is better than rely just on one. ;)
  10. NoRailgunner

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Just re-read what RoyaltyinExile said: :cool:
  11. No its only another way to download stuff, nothing or less to do with "dynamic of play" or "community spirit". But its always good to have more than one option! Just imagine we would be forced to like a specific way of using additional content....
  12. Since when a downloader/launcher does change the experience and immersion of the game itself?? Are we little bit exaggerating again or just too much caffeine? ;)
  13. NoRailgunner

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Rumors say they wanted to show all BIS devs in a A3 Deathmatch.... Now they all virtually dead in this A3 preview-of-the-alpha-perview and only Celery is still somewhat alive. Guess he will announce something like "I am so sorry, but I couldn't resist to win against those n00bs again.... the force is too strong!!" :D
  14. NoRailgunner

    Mi24-A, Krokodil

    The models look nice but the maneuverability feels like flying a light helicopter (AH6/MH6) with some strange "auto-movements" not like a big+heavy attack/transport helicopter. The gunner sight could get a more decent looking crosshair....
  15. NoRailgunner

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    I'm just curious if BIS can get A3 AI's working together (incl. animations) eg for reloading AT/AA weapon, resupplying machinegunners/static weapon gunner with ammo, covering a medic/corpsman? Or will we see only group/squad based action again?
  16. NoRailgunner

    Project CDF

    Would say that the camo should fit to Chernarus tree/grass colors so those units/vehicles are not easy to find when stopped/on halt. Of course somewhat different to all existing factions eg creative Cherno lizard/DPM... don't forget to create a motto/hymn! ;)
  17. NoRailgunner

    Aiming Accuracy in Arma 3

    Well I would not want that somekind of those "OMG special effects" dictate what I have to see/feel or how much shaky aiming is while trying to overcome such a nasty situation on my own. Hear the bullets zip close around, hear the yelling of your buddy and wounded soldiers, watching all this mess - finding a way to move out of this situation or getting the initiative back. Most soldiers are trained and do know what to do or not - at least the squad/platoon leader should act accordingly. Guess that (instant) respawns are one of the main reasons why players don't care much about their ingame characters and like to see more "immersive" SFX instead.... maybe even the missions are too easy or they don't want to risk to play missions with no respawn/revive eg "KIA" = wait until the current mission is finished? Imo an option would be ok eg "visual cue of suppression/pinned down status - activated/deactivated".
  18. NoRailgunner

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    What about remote controlled systems eg IronDome and SUAS/UAV's operated by one person + that targets/actions can be seen (verified or denied) by HQ too?
  19. NoRailgunner

    European Politics Thread.

    Well there is time one can upgrade stuff and there is time when one need to replace old/obsolete stuff but without politics and lobbies it would be too easy to find & use "the best" solution.... ;)
  20. If this important file is within the @CBA_ folder there should be no problem. Perhaps its possible to check/verify the correct cba_ui_helper.pbo version and notice/warn the player on startup? Or rename it accordingly eg "cba_A2_ui_helper.pbo", "cba_OA_ui_helper.pbo", "cba_CO_ui_helper.pbo", "cba_TOH_ui_helper.pbo", "cba_COTOH_ui_helper.pbo" so people can't overwrite them on accident? Just thinking about easiest drag&drop&play procedure without copy/paste file or clicky action for players who dl stuff from a website.....
  21. Broken record playing: "Not everyone is using SU as dl or/and launcher...." - what's the real issue with "@CBA_CO" or "@CBA_TOHCO"? :)
  22. Guess for some people an autodetection would be more comfy or at least loading CO (A2+OA) only with "@CBA_CO" and TOH+CO with "@CBA_TOHCO" ;)
  23. NoRailgunner

    Celle 2

    There are many places on Celle2 where you can ambush a convoy - you might try another place or just adapt and overcome your problem. Yes, such tidy forests do exist aswell as the natural treeline on forest borders/edge. Forests are primarily not made to conceal someone or to work as perfect ambush side/place....
  24. NoRailgunner

    European Politics Thread.

    Italy is/was the second largest contributor partner after the UK in the F35 (JSF) project. They simply want to see their investment = F35 A/B variants in duty asap. The Eurofighter Typhoon can't be "navalised" just by using superglue (arrestor hook) and scissors (folding wings).
  25. NoRailgunner

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    @Slatts if you look at the comparison pic on the first page you will see that BIS made an hybrid/"merged version" of Mi-28 and Mi-24 .... guess that is called sometimes "creative mix". ;)