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Everything posted by NoRailgunner

  1. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    The mission creator is always + fully responsible for his mission design/setup - not the whole game incl. assets. If there are no equal/similar counterparts of certain weapons, systems, vehicles, aircrafts etc the mission maker can use other means to balance his missions so no side/faction is "superior" to the other at mission start. Think that Limnos will be great and big enough to make many "balanced" and "imbalanced" scenarious. Its up to the mission maker to show some creativity.... :)
  2. NoRailgunner

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Rumours say that BIS devs need more coffee and cookies.... so they can make one devblog per month. :)
  3. NoRailgunner

    DayZ has ruined this franchise.

    Its more about the attitude/education of some players who just can't or dont like to play a game with/against others on public servers. It's was and will be tenfold easier to find people just for a fun run'n'gun public match than for an fun tactical public match. Imo DayZ standalone game could sell much better if Rocket would make it more like a Stalker game.... of course that would delay the release just a little bit more. :)
  4. NoRailgunner


    The map/islands are just too small for proper air combat simulation incl. radar/EW features. Think that many people are just too impatient to locate/search & destroy enemy AA(A) vehicles before sending in their own aircrafts. Tunguska's radar detection range is ~18km, tracking range ~16km, the missile range is up to 10km and the gun range is ~4km. Usually a anti-air/support group consist of 4 AA(A) vehicles + commanding vehicle. Now imagine a fully simulated modern war - at least 50% of players would instantly ragequit because they got killed without beeing able to see or detect the enemy.... Let's see if A3 will have UAV vs UAV missions! ;)
  5. NoRailgunner

    ASR AI Skills

    Hi Robalo, yes I did test it with latest ASR_AISkills addon. Vanilla AI (machinegunner) wasn't picking up any weapon on his own doesnt matter which dead body + weapons was there just 1x smoke grenade and 1x hand grenade. Going to test it with 1.62 and see if there is a change....
  6. Thank you, but the AI can still perfectly detect the faction/side of a unit driving/sitting in a civilian vehicle (car) even with fog/mist (doesn't matter if engine is on/off) within split second. Imo one solution could be to delay side/faction of an unit in a civilian vehicle/car depending on distance, weather condition, time to identify it. If its not possible for AI to ID driver/passenger their status should remain "unknown"/civilian/non-combatant. Another persistent AI issue is that they can detect other AI's position even if they are behind a hill or in a building = they have no line of sight to any of those reported (enemy) units. Think that AI should be using more LOS to identify (enemy) units and not only through "hearing"/"magic" data sharing. If its not possible for AI to identify/verify unknown units - the "contact" remains just as contact. :)
  7. NoRailgunner

    ASR AI Skills

    Hi somehowe AI didn't rearm themselves with weapons just with one smoke + one hand grenade - standing + waiting close to dead units. Played/tested with vanilla A2OA only, on "Independent" faction/side.
  8. Smoke grenades seem to have lost viewblock - AI can "see" through smoke = knows where the opponent is. Nothing against if AI is shooting on last known position but tracking and precise shooting through smoke is bad.
  9. NoRailgunner

    Should the default FOV (Field of view) be higher?

    Where did BIS said that they are developing A3 just for people who have multi-monitor setup and/or TrackIR? Just imagine people were forced to buy X amount of additional hardware just to play + enjoy BIS games.... :rolleyes:
  10. C'mon Rocket just wanted a simple Zombie themed Deathmatch without any story or other "bigger" aims. Just a bit shooting and looting now and then... ;)
  11. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Batto and Neurofunker please point me where I exactly said "you = hardcore veteran, we = CoD kiddies"? Or are you just out of arguments and now trying to twist words/make something up? :rolleyes:
  12. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Hehe, one could also say that "only simple minded freaks are playing (super-)balanced milgames". Reason #1: these players don't want to know and don't want to care about how milstuff works. Reason #2: these players/mission makers only care about their balanced pvp and go by the numbers of assets not by use of mission time, terrain/mission area, mission weather, amount of (re-)supply aswell and use of respawn/revive etc Reason #3: most of them just want simple fun maps/missions So again what's wrong having assets for each side/faction that are not comparable, not equal and not artificially "balanced" just for the sake of it? Are Arma milgame player just become crybabies who just can't improvise, adapt and overcome tricky situations? Or is it once again just a bunch of pvp players who can't deal with different and not always equal/balanced assets?? If one want to play a more authentic A3 - one should be able to enjoy certain differences of each side/faction ingame and the difference to other games aswell. :)
  13. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    There is no such "balance" in real military R&D, combat tactics & strategies - its only in those minds of some pvp players who are uberafraid of a unfair A3 pvp battles. Every military is in fact trying to outrun the other, be more advanced in certain areas and improve others. How many aircraft carriers/fleets the US have - how many have Russia or China or Iran? How much ahead are certain countries in developments in eg sensor, radar or UAV/SUAS developments/tech? Its just a very naive to assume that everything has something like a "balanced" or "equal" counterpart or "must have". Now, would it be that bad and evil if BIS will create and make things somewhat unique to each side/faction and not comparable or balanced/equal? Until today there are no authentic/realistic examples of possible balanced A3 units/assets from those who want them. Just wonder if these people did ever inform themselves about military stuff or if they are just happy with some CS/BF style + maps/missions? Again - why BIS should be forced to balance all the things (incl. faction/assets) in A3?
  14. NoRailgunner

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Its imo a bad idea to make such sounds depending on unit class - soon all who have JSRS will only like to be those "superspecialcool sniper and operators" because of it supersilenced no/less noise class. ;) It would be imo better if there would be a ingame option/feature to tape the noisy stuff for all units. Hope that you don't consider to turn SF into magic Ninjas who are moving/hovering over ground without making a noise even on gravel or foliage. IRL you can't make any exact distincton between soldiers (eg patrol) walking/running - you may be able to here a "specific" sound but thats mostly just a lucky guess. Btw those units must be really close otherwise you just hear the usual rattling, footsteps and (background) noise.
  15. Can't think of a good reason why BIS should suddenly reduce textures or limit features etc of their core Arma games (OA/A2)? Guess it was an unfortunate mistake and nobody at BIS noticed + fixed it. Just wait for the next betabuild or RC.... shit happens + no gamdev is perfect. Beer is on BIS!!
  16. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    batto did you even read + understand anything other than "casual" or does just the word "casual" trigger your special "WE - the sane PvP player" attitude?
  17. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    The naivety is strong with batto and all of his "sane we's and us".... or is it just that he-we is not able to search and inform himself about military assets and how, when and why they are deployed? Guess people like him (and the OP) just want to have fun playing simple missions without having to know the advantages/disadvantages of any weapon system ingame or asset. Its just easier and more accessible for them to jump on a public server and instantly know its all well balanced, equal and there is no disturbance in the almighty tacticool pvp force from Casual Prime....
  18. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Funny thing is that military research and developments aswell as strategies/tactics are not about balanced combat/warfare.... If one side has something more advanced than the other surely they will use it. Guess if BIS would make much larger islands/maps and implement more realistic features + functions for all vehicles and assets - many (if not all) casual players would not go + buy A3. It's always good for simple gameplay/missions to have balanced assets (or exact counterparts of everything) - in that way one can avoid the outcry and rambling from players who just want to have their fun shoot'n'kill around (incl. increase of their killcount/medal/rank/achievement/whatever stats). Now: Should A3 have all the things 100% balanced? Should each side/faction have the same or equal assets like the other/opponent? Should Blufor and OPFOR have the same military doctrines and R&D? Or would it be better if each side/faction has their very own assets - where some of them can be comparable and some just don't have a counterpart at all. Thought, one main thing is that many do forget is selection of the mission area, mission time and amount of (re-)supply aswell as use of respawn/revive. Its not all about balanced assets. Guess if some mission makers and players are just too comfy they simply compare the assets between sides/factions and make their assumptions about a balanced + fair war .... :D
  19. Yes that's right but this bug/issue isn't always active/noticable like the BMPs/BRDMs/BTRs turret headlight beeing always on (simple texture bug?) - even if the vehicle is empty or destroyed. Thought I found the cause with AI team leader beeing heavily wounded but next time I tried it was ok... guess its one of these bugs which is somehow triggered only in certain situations which aren't that simple to repro. Hope it won't happen often anymore and never in A3. :(
  20. Noticed this AI bug "stuck in order/command loop": AI leader keeps on repeating the same orders over and over again. Only way out is to kill this AI. This happens somhow randomly if player is in team/squad lead by AI. Bug is there and annoying since OFP (CWA)... :(
  21. NoRailgunner

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Noticed some strange things: instant swap from one to another weapon sight/tool - at least there should be a reasonable time + animation to fix/adjust these things; AI patrol/walking around with flashlights/IR laser on; able to go through thicker bushes without noise or scratches helicopters still don't have warning strobe lights and seem to have only all lights on/off according to their set behaviour (what about a powerfull search light - working for AI aswell?) Hope we will see more of how A3 works and what else is new or different to A2OA, A1 and OFP/CWA. Btw will there be eastereggs in A3 or something like christmas trees/special atmosphere/aura-breeze? :)
  22. NoRailgunner

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Hmmm.... this Dingo2 looks imo a bit out of proportion (stretched) compared to the real Dingo2: http://www.armyrecognition.com/germany_german_army_wheeled_armoured_vehicle_uk/dingo_2_wheeled_armoured_vehicle_personnel_carrier_data_sheet_specifications_information_description.html#identification
  23. NoRailgunner

    Funny & interesting videos

  24. There is still a issue/bug with AI not using their AT weapon if the enemy vehicle crew is turned out (eg: crew on safe/careless mode). Good fix would be if they would use their AT to damage/destroy this vehicle and only shoot with their rifles/machineguns if hit/kill percentage of the enemy crew is above 90%. As player its tricky/"unhealthy" to use AI AT assistance if they don't switch to their AT but instead - shooting with their rifle. Hope that BIS devs do play a little bit more with and against AI - to observe + improve AI behaviour, AI weapon usage and AI threat prioritization ingame. :)
  25. NoRailgunner

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Think the unobstrusive and optional hints for quick reference is a good way to get most new/veteran players happy. Please BIS show us more how the AI will adapt/survive/win in land-air-sea combat of A3! :)