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Everything posted by NoRailgunner

  1. I would say trained soldiers could recover from suppression and move on a bit earlier than someone who is not trained. Suppression is just what it is but its not somekind of magic skill leak/bonus.
  2. NoRailgunner

    Vietnam: The Experience

    Umm.... what is really new? Last time I checked VTE for A2 it was more a alpha version with lots of bugs/issues. Any pictures / videos about this new release?
  3. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    batto - looking forward to be pissed off by your own addon/mods!! :) As for your examples - thermal/portable launchers are already ingame. Or do you mean that only certain Blufor/OPFOR AT launchers should have the same weight, same max effective weapon range, same armour penetration and the same thermal viewing range limits? Something veryvery simple like Blufor light AT = OPFOR light AT and Blufor heavy AT = OPFOR heavy AT....
  4. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    2 Celery: What do you know about military and their "fair" and "balanced" assets + R&D's? Or is it just you who want to bring CS/BF like maps/gameplay into Armaverse?? Again: Is it still so hard and difficult to write down some clear suggestions/examples of "balanced assets" for an authentic + awesome A3? Or is it better to stay in the nebulous circle of "balanced assets" ??
  5. NoRailgunner

    Better useage of 2 or more monitors

    Its more about what one (as character/avatar) can do ingame vs possible additional extras for a more arcade gameplay. For example: how do you explain that players don't have to open/activate or close/deactivate the map ingame just because they can watch it anytime on their 2nd monitor? Perhaps there is a clever solution so players with multi-monitor setup will still feel good playing A3 and not god-like. :)
  6. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    If A3 is about options - why so much fuss about 'balanced assets' if the mission maker is to cheer/blame for his mission design? Or are some mission designers + players getting lazy and just want to place XX vs XX units on the map/island without thinking about how stuff works?? Imo A3 should have balanced and unbalanced assets - no need to limit this game to some people who only want to have or play with equal/similar stuff. Let the mission makers do their job and let them be creative!
  7. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    @Zukov: What if "Yes" and "No"? Cry + rageloop by some pvp players because of this damn 'authentic'/'real' military R&D's, strategies, tactics, doctrines etc?
  8. NoRailgunner

    Better useage of 2 or more monitors

    As long as it's an extra feature which is separate from other settings and visible to all players before joining a server....
  9. NoRailgunner

    Better useage of 2 or more monitors

    Nothing against outsourcing features/tools to another screen like monitor/admin the server. Permanent map view on 2nd (big) monitor is likely more of a cheat especially if its updated constantly and the player don't need to look at it ingame or open/activate it ingame. One has to remember that his ingame character/avatar is not only sitting in front of multi-monitor setup and very often does not have the same comfort like the player.... maybe you will gain a perfect overview but you will loose the tension, atmosphere, the thrill and immersion. ;)
  10. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Some people are just seeing that A3 should be nice for all players - regardless how arcady and/or generic it will be.... What's next - terrain/areas that are limited so no one can whine/cry about hills, valleys, trees, bushes, buildings, walls etc? Again - name the A3 assets which could be balanced and name those which should stay somewhat typical for every faction/side!! What do you think what kind of "assets"/technology Blufor + OPFOR should have by 2035?? (What kind of strategies they will use to attack/defend/secure...?)
  11. NoRailgunner

    Development Blog & Reveals

    @RoyaltyinExile: Are you just saying that outsourcing QA to the community for free is more fruitful for A3 than let BIS devs test & find issues/bugs?? You should at least think of giving these people some funny badges/medals for use in this forum and ingame!! Something they can/must show everyone.... ;)
  12. NoRailgunner

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    RavenDK - comparing apples and oranges ... :rolleyes:
  13. NoRailgunner

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    It's unfortunate.... and the reason seem to be the lack of time, motivation and money to test + doublecheck all (or most of) the things before release. Perhaps its even the project lead who doesn't crack the whip loud enough and if required - keep devs on a short(er) leash. Trust is good, control is better.
  14. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Just get to the point and show + name those balanced/equal assets and those which should remain unique/typical for factions (and their very own military doctrine & strategy). :)
  15. NoRailgunner

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Hmmm.... watching this new GS video and noticed: AI using pistol to fire at target far away or at the car (04:13-04:15) still no - and since OFP missing - grenades that produce a fatality and injury radius of steel fragments visual fence-bug (watch ~09:21 left side) stuttering mirror / MFD view scenery/colors look a bit oversaturated like its always picture-book weather - just curious how bad weather will look and feel in A3
  16. NoRailgunner

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    Actually USMC has approved the deployment extension of K-MAX Cargo UAS, the first unmanned helicopter to deliver cargo and resupply troops in a combat zone. Boeing's Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System II/h or something similar is another thing that could be nice to see + use in A3. Times are changing.... ;)
  17. NoRailgunner

    jet fighter sp missions

    Guess another reason is that the default islands/maps are too small for proper A2A, A2G combat with planes. Let alone the missing sensor, radar/EW and communication features.... guess in 2035 there will be more BVR than WVR battles. Technolgy, developments and strategy/tactics didn't stop with WW I or WW II. Its possible that OPFOR could have deployed upgraded S-300/S-400 SAM on Limnos to protect whatever they have to protect. Good times for recon units and long range artillery/standoff weapon systems.... but maybe we will see only upgraded Pantzir systems ;)
  18. NoRailgunner

    AI Improvement

    Maybe BIS are preparing an awesome A3 show for gamescom (Cologne, 15.08 - 19.08. 2012) including some AI combat and showing the differences from "recruit" to "veteran" AI behaviour? Or even making something like an Armaverse AI video-lifeline: OFP(CWA) - A1/QG - A2OA/DLCs - A3 ?? :)
  19. Buggy pistol(s) G17 is back - just use two or three German KSK AI groups in a night time setup. Another handgun/pistol bug can be seen if AI is using pistols in prone position - something is stopping them to move out.... Please doublecheck + fix pistol/handgun bugs and/or make that no AI is having a pistol (or more than 2-3 pistol magazines) on default. Imo it makes no sense to equip AI with these weapons if they can't use them in a reasonable way. Keep it simple + working.... :)
  20. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    I didn't say: Maybe just have a look at the pictures of those helicopters before making an assumption?
  21. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    @Chortles - the AH-64 Apache is not similar to the Mi-24 Hind aswell as the RAH-66 Comanche is not similar to the Mi-48 "Hamok" just get some facts/infos about their deployment/usage. Don't compare only the numbers of guns/missiles/.... If players and BIS want a authentic (or somewhat realistic) A3 mostly all will have fun with some different (/unique) assets on BLUFOR/OPFOR/(INDFOR?) side. Of course its still the mission maker who selects the combat area, time, gear/equipment, support etc for each side. You can't blame the whole game just because of poor mission design of some missions.
  22. NoRailgunner

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    US Army seeks for a new training game that will replace VBS2 - http://www.defensenews.com/article/20120723/TSJ01/307230007/U-S-Army-Seeks-New-Shooter-Game?odyssey=mod|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|s
  23. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    So at the end of the day it doesn't matter if the game is balanced or not - as long as the mission makers are able to create balanced or/and unbalanced missions. :)
  24. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Its the game who decides to place units on the map/island or the mission maker?
  25. NoRailgunner

    Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion

    Its all about profit and sales! Maybe BIS will just make & sell some "Premium"/"ExtraSpecial" DLC's so new players aren't that overhelmed/"shocked" by A3 and its features. Just compare the demands and wishes of old veteran club with the young el1t3 tacticool crowd..... ;)