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Everything posted by NoRailgunner

  1. Hmm.... some missions need a bit more extra luv. IIRC "Cleansweep II" plays in OFP in the dark now its bright daylight. In "Vulcan" both Hinds are just circling above the base waiting to get shot down. Seems that testing was done very quick and/or late in the evening (without coffee and short before sleep). Suggestion: one mug of extra-strong coffee before mission making/testing! :D
  2. NoRailgunner

    How far has the game come in terms of optimization?

    Didn't BIS said sometime ago that they do want to reduce distant AI movements/activities? How does or will it work?
  3. NoRailgunner

    How ArmA III should really look like

    Only misssing cardboard trees and destroyed objects that look like a origami (made by a poor bohemian dev). :p
  4. NoRailgunner

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    Genpatton043 and Iroquois Pliskin just some new info about the universal combat platform "Armata": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-99 :)
  5. NoRailgunner

    How dense are the towns?

    Guess we can agree that the towns in A3 should look close to real ones on Lemnos and Agios Efstratios = greek architecture and construction work. Overall it should be great for the player to enjoy playing on greek islands in the Aegean Sea. Smaller battle maps/areas get boring after a certain time just because everyone knows where to go, where to hide etc.
  6. NoRailgunner

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    "Armata" project so far - engine is in the back (for MBT), 3 crew members in the hull and its not like a copy of the Merkava (engine in front) with some extra seats in the rear. ;)
  7. NoRailgunner

    Please make available on Good Old Games

    What is so hard to download BIS games via https://store.bistudio.com ? They have special sales/offers too....
  8. @Danil-ch in OFP/CWA the weapons don't have a A2OA "zeroing". Thought telescopic sights with reticles should work for everyone. Weapons without telescopic sights or just ironsights should have their zero at effective ranges eg assault rifles 300m, submachine guns 100-200m, pistols 25-50m, machineguns 500-800m. The default zero for sniper rifles could be 800m. Sadly, the "AI get stuck with pistol" - bug is still/again there. Imo the rate of fire for AAA vehicles (Vulcan, Shilka) could be a little bit slower or switchable eg slow/fast or burst/auto. AI runs out of AAA ammo a bit too fast....(see SP mission "Vulcan").
  9. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Issue is only to find and select the significant comparable assets and the authentic "imba!!" stuff for A3 factions which aren't made-up just for the sake of balanced gameplay or having balanced assets. ;) Now lets look at A3 in 2035 and have a brainstorm about which stuff could be possibly "fully comparable" and which should have some different/special features. For example BIS revealed the Merkava - assuming its also equipped with APS (Trophy) - should the MBT of the opponent be fully comparable or should he have some other features/extras?
  10. Visible + working damage/destruction for things like binocular, radio, NVG, FLIR, box/crates, backpacks, static weapon, searchlights and some destruction/damage for roads, runways, wooden planks (boat bridge). Some different sized explosion and bomb crater would be nice too.... :)
  11. BIS just need to lure new players into A3 with proper training sp + mp missions so they do have to experience most or all of the important stuff on their own and with friends. Of course those missions need to hit the sweet spot between "too harsh" and "too gamey". Maybe Celery will "volunteer" as A3 pvp drill sergeant on public servers? ;)
  12. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    I said that its up to the mission maker and his knowledge to create great missions. Just because some pvp players don't like to deal with different assets doesn't mean they are right. Its imho more about how to get new people familiar with A3 and its universe instead of doing just a simple "repaint" of certain/all stuff. Would be silly if people find out that there is no real or only insignificant difference between the A3 factions and their own assets....
  13. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Iroquois Pliskin are you sure that A3 should have in general the same or similar gameplay like most pvp shooters just for the sake of the masses? BIS need to make an unique military game not a "copy of popular 123" or "something like game XYZ" otherwise people will quickly notice that A3 isn't that awesome and perhaps not so much about adapt/survive/win either. I just hope that we will see some brandnew pvp missions/creations out of the A3 box so people can see and experience the difference between a popular (popcorn) shooter and Armaverse.
  14. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    DMarkwick maybe I should assume that you are an old fart who is just too old to see how public "competetive" gameplay is and how players do play/exploit/cheat? Or is it just that you are too blind to see that I already suggested something that players can choose right from the start how they like to play A3 - in simple words: a selection like MP - [PVP] or [Coop] and [sP] so one can [click] on it and have fun with balanced or unbalanced A3. Btw nothing trolly if you can make a point which is clear and not just fishy words like "possibility". ;) Btw on another thought: what about a "A3 - PvP only" DLC/expansion for a few bucks - just for the (public) pvp crowd?
  15. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Thread conclusion: some pvp players confirmed that they don't want to have + enjoy an authentic military game and gameplay in A3. Now they are trying hard to convince BIS + others that pvp is the "only" saviour for Arma franchise and all focus should be on public pvp gameplay. Imo that simply means to dumb down A3 to an average casual shooter where players just join public servers for their own stats/achievement unlocks. Or does one really think or believe that on public servers competetive gameplay + teamwork is only a matter of balanced assets? This so called "competetive gameplay" does only work best on locked servers or if the server admin/mod is forcing people to like certain rules and restricticions eg unit/weapon setups etc.
  16. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Nice try, for Blufor you can make up your ideas but for OPFOR you simply go with "make Iranian equivalent".... Btw what if the details do matter such as speed, altitude, effective fire range, additional storage compartment/passenger cabin, fire-forget-capability, sensor/radar range, possibility to start/land/fly autonomous, communications or mission details like area of operation, time and support options etc ?? It's the mission makers call to create + arrange the map/mission. On a bad thought, it could be easier and perhaps faster to make something if there are only smaller combat areas, only balanced assets and less stuff in a game. Like limiting the choices and options for all....
  17. NoRailgunner

    Confirmed features now cancelled - your thoughts?

    Just wait until A3 is released and prepare a thread/sticky "A3 - splendid promises and awesome ingame facts & features!" Just a list without mad or overexcited feelings.
  18. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Wat - until today no one from the "this is imba!!" crew couldn't point out or give examples - its all just smoke and shadows with "sides/factions should have equivalent/similar/"equal" assets. Well maybe its too hard to search and find military developments that could possibly be called "comparable" and authentic for Blufor + OPFOR in A3? Where is the problem of making a possible balanced Blufor/OPFOR list and a possible unbalanced Blufor/OPFOR list? Little sidenote - Iranian Forces must have some awesome "better" weapons and stuff - just look at the long way + time they've battled through to reach Limnos. What about US bases that actually surround Iran or those US/UK carrier fleets, ships and other military bases in the Mediterranean Sea..... If A3 would be about balanced assets - how does the A3 story and timeline fit in the first place? :)
  19. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    @Chortles so you mean its basically ok to paint the Blufor RAH-66 Comanche just in OPFOR camo.... guess BIS could have an easy job and sell an "A3 pvp only" game for the casual pvp crowd. Who needs authentic or realistic games/simulations if some people just like to play with balanced assets that aren't different or just by the look/style? :p
  20. NoRailgunner

    Esbekistan Map v.1.0 20x20

    I started the Esbekistan test just with vanilla A2OA = map/island makers mishap. JSRS needs to get better especially with sneaky/config part. :sad panda:
  21. NoRailgunner

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    ...waiting for OPFOR pvp player crying "This is imbaaaa!!" + if BIS implements somekind of superior Blufor "stealth" technology. :D
  22. NoRailgunner

    Esbekistan Map v.1.0 20x20

    Hmmm.... tried a vanilla quick test/journey but among other error reports in arma2oa.rpt there is also this if you close the map and go back to A2OA main menu: Just check where this soundmod dependency starts and kill it with fire! Let islands/maps be "vanilla" as much as possible. ;)
  23. Big thanks goes to CWR2 team for making + getting back the old "ancient" OFP into A2OA !! May coffee + cookies be always with you all.... :)
  24. Possible to get AI switch off weapon lights if in combat + stealth behaviour? Would be great to get some "evil" AI micromanage back = direct orders to switch lights on/off, start/stop engine, drop weapons/stuff, switch to AT/AA (secondary) weapons and back. Its much faster + enjoyable than just wait & prey for AI to do reasonable and proper actions.
  25. NoRailgunner

    [Camp] P I R O G - AFRF

    Tonci87 open your eyes there are SVD's and PKP's with "scopes" - first mission you don't need to change gear at all even the Metis is a bit too much. What is a bit strange though are those static weapons like ZU-23 and MG's - their CDF gunners still standing/sitting in and don't fire. Imo the should fire or run away asap or get killed/destroyed by OPFOR units.