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Everything posted by NoRailgunner

  1. NoRailgunner

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Well the M224 60mm mortar can be quick-fired in handheld mode (by using a manual spring-loaded firing system) - such piece of realism is missing with ACE light arty. Some info about 60mm mortar: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/fm/23-90/ch3.htm
  2. Are you going to make Tigr-M variants with turret mounted weapons eg AGS-30, PKM? :)
  3. NoRailgunner

    AI Improvement

    Don't use highest AI skill=1 and precision=1 or ultraAI=1 for playing. Cross fingers that BIS will make a "AI options/menu" so adjusting/config A3 AI will be more userfriendly.
  4. Dead Kennedy do you know what a vicious circle is and why people get stuck in? Suggestion like "spam him" or "rent a botnet" are a bit simple-minded and don't solve anything.... Try to look at the whole situation and find the root/cause for it.
  5. Sorry Dead Kennedy but doesn't mean it means more something like "Buy yourself a funeral, motherf***ing a**hole, we gonna hang you!!" Very civilized and mature.... :rolleyes:
  6. NoRailgunner

    Opinions on the Alpha Release Date

    Don't forget the almighty option - "It's done when its done!" Imo it would be better if BIS does cancel the "Alpha" with a "Beta" or "Demo" release announcement "TBA in 2013". ;)
  7. NoRailgunner

    Vehicle Quality

    Guess BIS can make internals for all their A3 vehicles - question is just how detailed and functional it has to be for each vehicle. Just take a crew-seat in a A2OA vehicle and see/feel how much you like it and how fast people like to change their A2OA "profession". Of course BIS could always say "Interiors for vehicles are meh - let's simply force players into 3rd person view for A3 vehicles!!"
  8. Achievements/medals/unlocks etc aren't the main reasons why people play as a team and stick together. Imo the pvp mission tasks should be more challenging and the end of these missions more rewarding from the missions background. Lets see if BIS is going to make something like a small pvp campaign (3-5 missions) for A3 or just 2-4 run'n'gun type pvp missions.
  9. NoRailgunner

    ACE for OA 1.13

    There aren't so many big islands/maps out there so one could effectively use such nice piece of artillery + projectiles .... portable mortars are somehow much more prefered to deal with certain situations. Sadly the handling of ACE arty is a bit cumbersome (missing proper animations and intuitive control). Btw what about a ACE wind + weather module? ;)
  10. NoRailgunner

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Why should anyone need to be forced to like and play with "the most bugged DLC" even as lite version? If you want missions which require ACR DLC that badly just go and make some. It should be up to the people to decide what they need/like to enjoy a game - not a developer or publisher or distribution platform/company.
  11. Didn't BIS said they will implement some decent looking optional A3 hints so everyone can activate them if needed? As for social network - guess it should be optional too. Or is someone interested getting messages/popups during a battle with: friend requests, challenge requests and/or important informations like "el1t3 warrior has connected/ranked-up/level-up/10 kills more/ragequit again!"?? Think that some players refuse or don't want to learn something new or get familiar with something other because they got spoiled to the easy-comfy-lazy gameplay concepts of other games/shooters.... eg "Hey, just shoot the red marked guys and take care of your own K/D ratio + achievements/unlocks !!"
  12. NoRailgunner

    China's New Stealth Fighter J-31

    Meh, China is just bluffing! Meanwhile they are take-over/buying important companies or financial structures and trying to "friendzoning" everyone else with cheaper products. No need for stealth fighters if the backdoor is open and everyone is looking at the superstrongseal'd frontdoor... ;)
  13. NoRailgunner

    SOF Studios and their game, H-Hour

    Looks more like they are trying to make something like a SOCOM sequel....
  14. NoRailgunner

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Is there something against enjoying A3 out of the box - without any need to register/subscribe somewhere?? Just simple install/setup and having fun with A3.... :)
  15. NoRailgunner

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Question is imo more about alternatives which aren't putting the user/player on a leash for whatever fancy reasons. Of course many people will always like the lowest pricetag/sale offers and cheer + protect their dealers/middleman/discounters - no matter what. As long as people can get what they need or "must have played" - everything is nice and sweet.... No need to read + understand those "terms and conditions", "licenses" or other similar "boring-stoopid" stuff - just clicky "YES, I agree!" and enjoy all the new entertaining drugs. DealerWin-ConsumerWin ;)
  16. NoRailgunner

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Just an idea - perhaps have only crew/pilot units wear a "JSRS noise protection headset" on default? Another little issue with JSRS was (or still is?) that people could hear and pinpoint vehicles far far away. Imo these distance sounds could be more ambigous and less audible - so people would only say something like "Hmm I hear some noise, somewhere over there is something driving (flying) around!" Of course if the vehicle is very close people should be able to guess right which side/faction this sound/noise belongs to. ;)
  17. NoRailgunner

    Vehicle Quality

    Would love to see the real view from the driver/gunner/commander/loader/passenger seat just not again somekind of "black-boxed" view. Perhaps add something more for players todo on each crew station? Adding useable/clean small rectangular periscopes on the turret hatches and one or two working+functional MFD screens would help to get the right feeling of operating a tank/vehicle. Sure vehicle interiors aren't done within 5 or 10 minutes but its imo really worth the time, tears and sweat!! ;)
  18. NoRailgunner

    Arma 3 is not going far enough with Technology

    Dreams are fine and dandy but with decreasing ressources, low budgets, lobbyism/nepotism and some political stunts/decisions - no one can predict how the future will be. Guess we will see some of the current stuff still fielded in 2035 - just with upgrades/modernizations (packs). Just keep in mind there is a difference between "prototype", "demonstrator" and "combat ready/proven", "fielded (in active use)". + Soldiers need to get familiar and effective with all those things, train hard.... Or do you think its like in the Matrix - just connect and know how to fly a helicopter within 3-5 seconds? ;)
  19. NoRailgunner

    ArmA, view distance and the curvature of Earth

    Something about the horizon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizon#Curvature_of_the_horizon. IIRC for game development its one of those nasty performance traps... err decisions - draw distance vs frame rate. :)
  20. Tested with vanilla A2OA - played two missions E01 "Hike in the Hills", E02 "Laser Show" before heavy lag + about 5sec freeze in E06 "Littlebird" appeared - after convoy destruction and activation/spawn of friendly tank/armored group south of Bastam. After this freeze I tested to zoom in = stuttering. Nvidia graphic card (560TI) with latest beta drivers 310.33 all nvidia settings are on default/auto-software no manual customisation done yet. arma2oa.rpt:
  21. NoRailgunner

    ACE for OA 1.13

    _b-wFA2na2Y Isn't there a "handheld mode" for lightweight mortars in ACE2? Of course not that precise but faster to deploy and withdraw. :)
  22. @Smurf - guess there are enough people to enjoy A3 on bigger areas all together, the hurdles for those matches are: expectations, proper communication (or the lack of), attitude and willingness for compromises. These kind of bigger events, matches or campaigns are already running - just not in 1000+ pvp shooter/MMO style. I don't think that BIS are soooo keen to turn A3 into a popcorn shooter or military MMO just for the sake of trying to appeal the masses. Though, its nothing wrong with fun instant-action missions like "Ouzo-Ouzo", "Disco 2035" now and then. ;)
  23. Thank you for quick update! Please keep your own RHS AF sounds as default sound. :)
  24. NoRailgunner

    Should next ARMA series go to full sci-fi?

    D'accord with ProfTournesol + "Arma: Hannibal ad portas" :)
  25. Hopefully BIS doesn't make only some clones of *insertshooterhere* missions/maps. Imo it would would feel somewhat wrong + silly if the combat area of A3 pvp missions are too small and restricted (invisible walls). If player team A wants to try out a new way around instead of breaking through - the possibility should be there. If player team B wants to dive/swim instead of walking - the possibility should be there. Instant-action missions on a small area can be fun but they get quickly very boring - because everyone do know the best spots/tricks quite fast. It's a bit more thrilling if one doesn't exactly know where and with what kind of assets the opponent attacks or defends his team/himself, imo. Variety is the spice of awesome and unique games. :)