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Everything posted by NoRailgunner

  1. NoRailgunner

    Future Release Cycles for Arma 3 and Onward?

    metalcraze - you do know that BIS were and still are very cautious about "cutting out stuff" and do prefer not to break default game missions with their own updates and IF they probably do/will announce it? Are you aware that its more secure to use the legit copy of a game/DLC instead of relying on files that are downloadable somewhere on the internet? Who knows maybe BIS will include a "repair" and/or "reset" feature for A3 so people don't have to re-install all of the game or BIS will add even a feature/service which can optional check if the default game is correctly installed? Btw why should one waste time with finding the right addon/mod version if a proper working addon/mod browser-launcher is able to do this? User missions are not the problem for BIS because its up to the user to update/upgrade their own missions.
  2. NoRailgunner

    Future Release Cycles for Arma 3 and Onward?

    @metalcraze: If "mabye" BIS delete/update some files in their patches I'm pretty sure that they are able to take care of these certain error/warning messages too. Highly doubt that players need to search and download vanilla game files/content elsewhere - if they have a legit copy of games/DLC's. As for community made content and updates - you may ask the addon makers why they cut out stuff. Probably this stuff isn't that nice/polished and addon makers like to improve it? Or they simply have no permission to use it? Would be easier for many people to deal with missions/addons/mods if there would be a little more respect and not only "grabbing hands grab all they can" attitude.
  3. NoRailgunner

    Future Release Cycles for Arma 3 and Onward?

    Well BIS could have made more simple + descriptive error messages if default A2 or OA (or DLC) content is missing for example: "This mission requires Arma2 content!" or "You need Operation Arrowhead to play this mission!" As for community addon/mods there could be error messages like "Addon/Mod 123 is missing, please make sure you have it activated!" or "Mission Kekeke requires Addon/Mod version 666 - you have another version activated!" Just simple and userfriendly... :)
  4. AI stay too close together if they have to embark/disembark vehicles - awkward delays happen just because AI seem to be "glued" into each other. One may see this "AI stuck into another AI" even on Takistan intro: 2 Ghillie snipers and one is shooting + killing the other from the inside of the other one. Expected: AI should keep their distance to each other - lets say minimum ~0.5m - 1m so they have enough space to turn/move and don't shoot + kill their own teammates/comrades/buddy's. AI medic/corpsman again seem to have some troubles to get to the wounded unit(s) and heal them or AI medic/corpsman stand close to wounded and simply refuse/deny help. Expected: AI medic/corpsman should primarily try to help/heal wounded units. Still AI driving ruthless over friendly units but AI is terrible frightened about driving over rabbits - which often in leads into chaos and damaged/destroyed vehicles incl. wounded/dead units.... :butbut:
  5. NoRailgunner

    Curious about airplanes and helicopters.

    Dysta - because such "logistics" for many players are just too boring to enjoy and because you will need huge distances to make it worth to enjoy for those players who want this kind of fun. Imo even Chernarus is too small for modern airlift or air combat with ("bigger"/transport) planes. Sure it can look nice but that's all....
  6. NoRailgunner

    Curious about airplanes and helicopters.

    Well one can estimate that a very slow flying aircraft (or hovering helicopter) on a predictable flight path can be better hit than a maneuvering aircraft at higher speeds. Imo it would be good if the AI precision and hit percentage using non-AA weapons/vehicles/static would be reduced especially if there are some ground battles going on. AI could also use some kind of self-preservation instead of getting killed with blazing guns in suicidal attacks runs. Of course BIS needs to improve the AI usage of weapons, AOA, speed and altitude (AI pilots are still crashing into hills and objects). Btw how many BIS devs are working on A3 "flightsim" and AI development??
  7. NoRailgunner

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Cross fingers that the proof of "lorries were carrying Russian-made SA-17 anti-aircraft missiles" is not faked and this pre-emptive strike (and breaking of cease fire) was not just done to keep some hardliners in their places.
  8. Can you check why AI has some troubles to use the MP5SD6 beyound close range? Noticed them waiting and using the MP5SD6 ("Cleansweep" missions) only in full-auto fire mode and if the enemy was closer than 50m. Perhaps force AI primarily to use short burst?
  9. MP5K is 4.5'', MP5SD6 is 5.7'' and imo this weapon shouldn't be + feel similar to an PDW or like a pistol (or the Scorpion Vz 61) ingame. Let's say 200m is max effective range and everyone incl. AI will like to use it instead of waiting if someone is closer than 50m. :)
  10. Guess someone who cut the TAB targeting out is also responsible for this.... just someone who didn't made proper tests of his own fixes/tweaks. So much to do, so little time!
  11. Maybe try to compare the effective range of your Uzi with the MP5K or MP7. ;)
  12. Is it possible to get a proper working targeting system? Now with AI as gunner it's a gamble to hit the right tank with action menu (6) selection with only "Enemy tank at 12 o'clock" lines. Just place 8-10 tanks + some with AA capabilities (or an base with proper defense) and fly an ground attack. Expected: to assign contacts + targets and "slave" them with selected weapon on - via HUD/optics, action menu and as optional possiblity via key. Keep in mind the AI isn't able to communicate and share infos like human players can and do. Now it's more of a gamble or luck to select & hit the right tank through action menu lines....
  13. NoRailgunner

    The boozer!

    Mr. Charles - just as longs as Alt will be sold and considered as beer....
  14. Is it possible to get the "zeroing" for MP5SD6 up to 200m and the AI use it for more than only auto-firing at targets within 50m range?
  15. Well how easy and high can one jump with just sports wear and how is it with all the gear and equipment of a soldier on? Imo the type and size of weapons should also have an impact of how the player feels and moves around eg AT/AA launchers, long range sniper rifles, heavy machinegun/grenade launcher.... Clipping bodyparts or weapons (barrel) through solid objects should be a no-go.
  16. NoRailgunner

    ARMA 3 - still unrealistic optics

    Is the sticky thread (still) not working? => http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?125819-ArmA-3-Community-wishes-amp-ideas-NO-DISCUSSION&
  17. NoRailgunner

    Future Release Cycles for Arma 3 and Onward?

    Last time I checked it was clear that A2 + OA = CO and that the optional DLC's are BAF, PMC, ACR. Imo BIS said that they are working on the A3 mp browser/UI to make it more userfriendly and accessible.... the release cycles for Arma 3 and future releases depending on how good/bad the game is from the get-go. Maybe you can make a deal with BIS if you buy 10 million copy's of A3 at release day? ;)
  18. Hmm.... still the enemy groups are spawning too close around and this feels like it's just made for insta-action and random skirmishes. Imo it would be great if you can focus on mission objectives and their impact (solving/missing/fail) on the next mission task(s) + player. Just a suggestion, though. :)
  19. NoRailgunner

    They better have female soldiers...

    Just imagine the outrage of some people if an A3 female soldier kick ass and chew's bubble gum.... imo it could be totally worth to break with the stereotypic roles and let all the fuzz about it work as marketing/advertizing bonus. Of course the A3 female soldiers should look nice and not like some japanese b**bdoll or military barbie. :D
  20. NoRailgunner

    Arma 3 is not going far enough with Technology

    How many particles and smoke one can have in CO without decreasing performance? ;)
  21. NoRailgunner

    Arma 3 is not going far enough with Technology

    Just look how current "APS" is done in A2OA: AI tank is just firing smoke but doesn't move/doesn't fire = sitting duck. Imo the whole damage and targeting (+ improved prioritizing for AI) system needs an overhaul for players and AI.
  22. Within 2 minutes up to 5 enemy teams/groups tried to break through. Spawn is imo too close to players position - feels a bit like "horde mode".
  23. Shouldn't be the start of this mission be a little bit less instant-action like? Perhaps let the player + his team get on his way and lure him into a "sudden ambush/trap/plan change".... ;)
  24. Just curious are those 25 vehicles are in service or are some of them more "unique" .... like the BMPT ? Just something to scare the sh*t out of the imperialist infidels :D
  25. NoRailgunner

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Hmm... did you change or lower the rain sound volume - can't hear it anymore :confused: