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Everything posted by Z-Nine

  1. Z-Nine

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hey guys. Thanks for the mission. It's always been a favorite of mine and my friends. We are having issues with ACE and not sure who's end it's on. We are getting an error that says ace_medical_gui.pbo is outdated. Is this something that can be fixed? We tried a lot of methods to try to get it working.
  2. Looks great! Keep up the good work KingN.
  3. I prefer this explanation. But seriously, I think you are right about CSAT sparking it off. Though I don't think they would tell the AAF about the Eastwind device.
  4. Just wanted to say good luck with everything. The original has been one of my all-time favorite experiences with ArmA 2. Here's to hoping all the kinks with the new updates will work out. Thanks for the hard work
  5. Z-Nine

    Our friend Randy Stratton is dying

    Much respect to Randy and I wish the best for his friends and family.
  6. Yeah, I drive by the Oshkosh truck plant at least once a week (Which is the logo on the steering wheel for the BLUFOR MRAP) and there are tons of these things getting popped out. These are most definitely phasing the humvee out and I don't see what is wrong with them functionally other than size. Regardless, far too many have been made for them to go back on it now. These are being used in the military and I feel like ArmA 3 portrayed it fairly well.
  7. Z-Nine

    Middle East Irregulars

    So far it's working pretty great. Just to bug report on the latest version - civilians are spawning with no gear ie. in underwear during dedicated multiplayer. It works fine for single player
  8. Z-Nine

    A storm is coming (Arma 3 Zeus DLC)

    This is all working great so far. The only bump I've ran into is how to add custom units. Not sure what value I am suppose to put in for the addon module.
  9. Z-Nine

    Middle East Irregulars

    Well I certainly hope you have better luck. It scrapped one of our missions as well. You can use older versions of the mod and it will still function. We are, unfortunately, using alive - and the older version of Irregulars only functions with the CQB aspect of the mod. Regardless I have tried launching only Irregulars with the required weapons addons on the server and it still does not work with the latest addon.
  10. Z-Nine

    Middle East Irregulars

    Unfortunately I get no error log, but with the latest update my dedicated server no longer works. I've narrowed it down to the irregulars addon, and I have updated all of the required and optional addons. It runs fine on my personal pc, but the server does not show up unless I disable those addons. I tried your latest hotfix. If there's anything I can do to help pinpoint the problem let me know. Hope to see this working soon!
  11. Respawning at all in the editor has never really worked for any mod or in-game script. You should always test it in a server.
  12. Z-Nine

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Looks good! Make sure you link to the actual armaholic page though or it won't link properly.
  13. It seems, unfortunately, the the respawn settings are not working either. At least, it's taking over 100 seconds still for the respawn option on death to show up. Not sure why this would be happening. Edit: There seems to be a lot of strange stuff going on with the mod right now. I am trying to run an ALIVE mission. Currently all that is running on it is BTC Logistics, Mobile Supplies (Which allows for mobile respawn points), the Alive Modules, and the XMedsys. At first it seems like the xmedsys is functioning properly, but after a time it starts to act weird. Our players will actually die instead of being in the "surrender" state, which will send them back to the main spawn, but still stuck with the respawn dialogue for a certain time until they have to click it. Sometimes, when the xmedsys declares a player "dead" it will start the countdown function, as it normally should, but then the player will randomly respawn back at the main base - the countdown timer freezes and the person cannot do anything to get out of it other than forcing the game to shut down. This isn't frustration or anything, just letting you know. I wish you luck with your mod, and it seems to be functioning fine on it's own when we aren't trying to use missions with respawn.
  14. I am trying to get the respawn function to appear almost immediately as well as get rid of the medical icons on the right hand side. Thanks.
  15. I've been trying to use this mod in conjunction with BTC revive. Specifically trying to utilize the respawn at base and mobile respawn features of that mod (While trying to disable it's revive options, which seems to be causing issue). Unfortunately it seems like while running the XMedSys the respawn dialogue dissapears. There are no error messages and I have very little experience dabbling with script. You wouldn't happen to know any glaring issues between the two mods that might be causing this, would you? Thanks! I just got rid of the BTC revive and am now using a different system. That being said, I am now having some issues editing the variables of the mod itself for my mission. I've tried putting this in the init.sqf, am I doing something wrong? X39_MedSys_Display_TimeBeforeRespawnAvailable_Death = 5; X39_MedSys_Display_TimeBeforeRespawnAvailable_NormalKnockout = 1; X39_MedSys_Display_Overlay_EnableLegView = false; X39_MedSys_Display_Overlay_EnableHealthView = false; X39_MedSys_Display_Overlay_EnableBoodView = false;
  16. Hey - thanks for the work on the mod. I do have one question for you, however. Is it possible to disable spawning with long range radio backpacks? The only issue is, with running the ALIVE mod, is that backpacks are getting littered all over the server and the garbage collector does not wipe them. We have our own means of acquiring our own long range radios and do not need this script, as helpful as it would be in a larger mission. Thanks for your time and help.
  17. Z-Nine

    =BTC= Revive

    This might seem silly - but is there some way to disable the medical and revival system of BTC revive? I simply want to use it for the mobile HQ spawn and would like to implement the xmedsystem. I have not found a way to successfully jerry-rig the two together unfortunately.
  18. Love what you have done for everything so far! So far the only issue is I can't seem to get CQB working for civilian military placements. It works fine for the military, but it seems like it might super-cede the civilian ones. Regardless, great job and I look forward to more!
  19. Z-Nine

    mods can't be removed?

    Then delete your addons folders, your missions folders, move out your mod folders, delete your profiles, then redownload them. I have been approached over a dozen times from my friends with this problem and it has always been the case. You have a file somewhere where it shouldn't be. That's all I can tell you and that's all people are going to be able to tell you unless you have something more to show us about your issue. The first place I'd start before a redownload is your config files in the directory. Make sure it's not launching from one of those.
  20. Z-Nine

    mods can't be removed?

    Check your arma 3 my documents folder, check, doublecheck, then recheck that your main arma 3 addons folder is completely free of mods. Not your directory. All mods should be installed with @folders created in the directory. I am literally talking about your addons folder itself.
  21. Z-Nine

    mods can't be removed?

    If you are using launch parameters (which will override anything you do in the options menu) or if you installed the mods incorrectly into the main addons folder you will not be able to disable those addons. These are the only two likely reasons.
  22. Recently, as of the full release of the game, while playing ArmA 3 it will randomly and suddenly exit to my desktop. No error messages and super quick. The only kicker is that ArmA3.exe is still showing up under my processes and is using the same amount of memory as it was when my game was running. This leads me to believe this might be something similar to ArmA 2 where the screen would go black, but you could hold left shift and press minus and type flush to help with the VRAM and everything would be A OK again. Does this sound right to anyone else? It's a shot in the dark, but the game is most (assumingly) definitely still running missions as the ram and cpu usage still fluctuates with the program. If this is the case, would it be possible to still run flush, or am I totally in the wrong category of what the problem could be?
  23. Would it be possible to include a version that would just port over the maps? It would make it a lot easier for dedicated servers to host these maps without needing to uploading many gigs of content onto the FTP that is not going to be used. Thanks for all your hard work on this project. What you have done so far is well appreciated.
  24. Really glad to see MSO (In spirit) making it's way back into ArmA 3. As it stands already it is pretty satisfactory. As soon as we get the abilities to move objects/store them and move ammo crates it will be like MSO never left. Minus the really great insurgency/ied features, of course. Anyways, keep up the great work. Can't wait to see more! @BigShot - they should change once you are inside the zone and no enemies remain.
  25. Did you check the parameters? You should be setting the time of the server in there if you haven't edited them. In case you are unaware - in the upper right corner while you are hosting (or logged in as admin) you can edit certain values for the INSURGENCY mission, including the time of day. This is overriding your editor settings.