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Everything posted by Nephris

  1. Nephris

    Video memory

    Thx for the hint, I also tried each possible and senseful setting with maxmen I knew from firrst ArmA2 times. language="German"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=93750; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=1920; Resolution_H=1080; refresh=60; winX=16; winY=32; winW=800; winH=600; winDefW=800; winDefH=600; Render_W=1920; Render_H=1080; FSAA=2; postFX=0; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=2131259392; nonlocalVRAM=2147483647; vsync=1; AToC=0; PPAA=0; PPAA_Level=0; Windowed=0;
  2. Nephris

    Video memory

    Same here. The low res textures are so fun spoiling. Hope they get it amangaed asap. As it is I just dont want to play it.
  3. Hi , as i am not very used to scripting and evern less in MP scripting i could use some help to add several conditions. I ve got a coop map, 12 players possible = 12 groups possible. Means player is a one man group. In my end condition i want to get each player into a trigger b4 end=true I actually would do it like grpPlayer in thislist in SP. But in MP and in this case it is a bit different ifear.I got no real clue to solve it. E.g. 8 player alive at the end of mission,that ve to enter the trigger b4 end=true. Can u help me with a condition for that trigger?
  4. Nephris

    [MP] condition question

    That works great m8! If i want to ask the same for the list of a car i treid "alive _x" count [unit1, unit2, ...] == "alive _x" count listcar and b4 i asked for listcar like: "alive _x" count [p0, p01, p02] moveincargo "car" to get thislist = listcar but i got an error. car is a global variabel. How have i to change the condition to ask for the players in a vehicle?
  5. Outsch...bingo, ya right. I got an older version of an addon that that what was used in the mission. Expected a missiong Addon msg or sth lke that. Cheerz m8!
  6. Hi guys, i created a MP Misison, exported it to MP Mission  and loaded it into my dedicated Server. When i try to load the mission right now as admin in the server, it just doesnt get loaded. When i load it into the "Lan Server" ,means my pc as server and gaming pc,i get no probs. Each other mission loading is no prob. I got no clue where to look first for errors or reasons.Do you got any tips for me?
  7. Nephris


    Hi folks, once upon a time one could say. We discovered our love to OFP back again and right now i am trying to setup a dedicated server on my second machine (3Ghz,NV6600,2GigRam,XPSP3) I am an easy man not very well educated in server things.I was able to set a vanilla OFP dedicated server and got it running. A few question still remains: How can i setup a mod server in generell? In SP i just have to add mod=@mymod in the target line to the shortcut of my EXE file. How to do that to a server?E.G FFUR2007 or certain Addonfolders.
  8. Nephris


    Hi Q.... long time no see. Got it cheerz m8. Another question i cant find in the Wiki is...how to determine the degrees of difficulty?Means enabling veteran mode only.
  9. Nephris

    Queen's Gambit owner statistics

    I can understand all the negative impressions absolutely and can feel with your frustration. But Queens Gambit made me having fun again on ArmA at all. I changed (i am still on work) the complete ArmA campaign to xyz.sara_DB01 and changing a few triggers and waypoints ingame, so that ArmA main campaign is slowly starting to trigger me ...after almost 1 year ffs. However...back on topic....Queens Gambit should have been released a few months earlier to keep more fans on ArmA....
  10. Nephris

    Queen's Gambit owner statistics

    Get more and more the impression that Sahrani errmm United?(..QG Sara i mean) express in much better performance than org. Sarhani.Can anyone confirm that?
  11. Nephris

    Queen's Gambit owner statistics

    Got it and like it! The campaigns are that we accepted to be with ArmA Release! Was worth the 14 Eus.
  12. Nephris

    I am a n00b to this game

    You can set the time down...like <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">setacctime 0.5 ,so the game runs at half speed. Btw to make good looking pics is not as easy as it looks,means u should start making pics from "non movement situations".
  13. Nephris

    Is this game worth buying?

    These kinds of questions have been answered a 100 times .... about spec .... but well: no it will not run so smoothly that u can realy enjoy the game, don´t expect fps above 12-15. New Graca with more ram.
  14. To get your question definately answered, you shoul ask Mr-Murray himself,if he doesn´t reply here, you can reach him by his mapfact email @ www.mapfact.net Deanosbeano is right in what he is saying but i can understand that you want to ve a kind of bible to get certain easy things quickly readable u don´t have on the screen atm.
  15. Nephris

    Laptop for ARMA

    I am going absolute d´arcord with the statement.You will never get that power for a notebbok at same price as u would get for a pc. I made the expierence to buy a noty and sell my pc - bad descision!Buy or keep your desktop system and as "addon" buy a notebook.It is much cheaper to tune your desktop than a notebook.And the statement that a s.o. noty runs oki at present time for ArmA is acceptable, but ( and i repeat myself) think two years to the future .... Mods, addons etc.A desktop that run smooth on CWC didn´t unconditionaly also on Resistance,...do u remember?Btw are u serious to buy a system only for ArmA ....?Where will u play ArmA?To play with friends u better buy a high end system, for the same price u would get a normal notebook and play online by hosting the game yourself .e.g.
  16. Nephris

    A campaign reshuffle..

    That i the point the campaign lost quality .... a mission normally takes a mapper about 2-3 weeks (idea/story/scripting ,well BIS didnt here really/assembling/BETATESTING!!!. So that means a Campaign of about 20 missions will take a mapper (if he works almost alone) about one year ..... Probably .... and just Probalbly the BIS misison designers have not had the time (we know the reason why). So a quality user made campaign will take its time .... quality not quantity is the point of sight! So i don´t expect a real good (mini)campaign (don´t forget sounds/voices) before summer 07 (don´t mind how many mission are involved)
  17. Nephris

    Laptop for ARMA

    Well i don´t think that 500MB Ram will be enough in sight, that u will still be able to play the game in 2 years, that means Mods,Addons etc.So take a look to the near future before investing in a system that runs right now smooth or acceptable with ArmA but in a few months/years,noone knows but be prepared (if we ll get the tools anytime) I think the main thing u ve to take care is the Graca/Ram, most notys ve enough CPU power no question.You will also be able to change Rams in the meantime but the Graca is a bit tricky.I thing Dell uses onboard Gracas (well,i am not sure if they do with a 7900gt or ATI Xserie too or if they will be able to).But nevertheless take care for a changeable graca and i think it should be the 7900gt at least (at least 256mb better 512),... perhabs u will like Crisis e.g. too.
  18. I can´t confirm that prob with the German Version 1.02
  19. Nephris

    [CAMP] Perpetua

    Cheers m8 i just played the first mission of it and there some thing i would like to mention. First of all you should give an Introduction, what is the political situation,what year.Next you MUST take a look at your english writing !Nevertheless it would be best to make audio files.The way that took me to Bonanza got a bit boring in the meanwhile i boiled some water in my kitchen and did the dishes, that means u should shorten the way by fading out/in at certain positions, so that the player just drives a 30sec e.g.The meeting with LT Ibanez and Gomez failed coz i didn´t know to whom Gomez was speeking .He didn´t stand in front of anybody -> camscene i would suggest! The way by foot up to the mountain is after the long way in the car a bit annoying, try to make the way more intresting -> camscene/getpos setpos etc. The first mission of a campaign should always be a real hammer, coz it is the opener and that is the point the player decides to play on or to leave it, don´t care about what is coming next! So you made a beginnig of your campaign and u ve a root, now let the root grow.... and start fine tuning. Keep up the work!
  20. Nephris

    Again and again crash in the MP

    For sure not ... my runs fine on light and normal Sara in MP.
  21. Nephris

    Debugging a script

    So perhabs i failed the point.Do you want 2 c where error are reported to?Or do u need a debug console like that we had by VB in OFP times?...and no u cant put files in the file .... why don´t u take a look at that ArmA.RPT?!
  22. Nephris

    Debugging a script

    The error Log file is reported to a file called ArmA.Rpt in "local prefs/ArmA" as default (hidden folder to make visible in extra options of ur explorer) .... if this is what u r looking for.
  23. Nephris

    Demo Troubleshooting thread.

    Did u install DirectX 9.c?
  24. Nephris

    Peformance on demo compared to full game

    Well, seems a bit curious i have an c2d6600/1Gig!1959xtx/1GigRam my demo runs on 35fps and my org. german Version of ArmA runs ,depending on where u are (leaves,bushes or the beach),on 40fps @1280x768. and everything on "high" level. Did u tweak ur windows?Did u adjust your gracas on performance instead of quality,did u install new drivers for ur graca?Anyway it is annoying that ArmA runs that hard on "high-end" systems?