* kestrel7e7, Â I disagree very strongly with all the points in your various posts, and think your gross oversimplification of the technology comparison is misleading. NaturalPoint is commited to evolving human computer interaction and offering premium technology to consumers. Â I would be happy to discuss each point over email or PM, if you're interested.
For everyone else, I'm planning to whip up a new video (after GDC) to delve deeper into the tech of the 3 types of color imagers used in webcams vs. TrackIR's imager, and explain what the TrackIR device's onboard image processor does, (and hopefully explain the specifics of the Wii, Eyetoy, and VisionCamera tech approaches/failings/history - if i can legally). Maybe cover the comparisons to vr goggles, triple monitors, and accelerometers, gyros, magnetic and sonar based motion tracking. Hopefully you will enjoy this from a tech perspective. If it seems relevent to post here, I'll make sure it's in some prexisting thread instead of creating a new one.
* I also hope to make another video that goes into more detail on TrackIR usage in ArmA's gameplay.
* Can we bring this thread back around to discussing the usage of "head tracking" in ArmA, and how a video could have better shown or explained things?
For example: I'm not keen on the touchy zoom. but instead of disabling it, i set my center point a few inches forward of where i sit, so I'm not always triggering zooms. I'm curious if this is a feasible fix for those who've turned z-axis off.