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Posts posted by NeoArmageddon

  1. 12 minutes ago, Valken said:

    Playing  the new escape missions on Outkast and is there a reason why the loading times are so long once you enter the server? It is like a good 30 seconds before the screen comes on once the game as started.


    Still as fast as usual on my dedicated server (1-3 seconds "Loading..."). When joining a runnining session the only thing that is done while "Loading..." is shown is just a waituntil{!isnil player}, so I suspect it is mod/server configuration is delaying the player initialization. I don't think it is mission related.


    13 hours ago, pedeathtrian said:

    Definitely smth with mods, but I guess not the CUP's fault.


    18 hours ago, Snipertac said:

    Seems to be an issue with CUP Weapons.


    Pretty sure it is your soundmod making changes in the base sound config of the game and basically excluding CUP/RHS from these soundfiles. Just think of this: CUP and RHS rely on a specific config entry for a weapon sound from the base game but when you load some soundmod it changes that entry or might even remove it for its functionality. Now CUP/RHS can not load this base config entry and overwrite it with their own sounds thus making these weapons inaudible.


    19 hours ago, Snipertac said:

    So we are going to go back to JSRS Sound and try his mods - especially given he works with the Cup team to assist in these matters.


    AFAIK he did not assistest in latest patch, so I would check if JSRS was updated after the latest CUP release. Otherweise I would just play without any soundmod, especially server side.


    • Thanks 1

  3. On 10/6/2020 at 2:21 AM, Snipertac said:

    We have been playing these missions for over 5 years now and all of a sudden, we can't hear each other's gun shots in game. 


    That happens in MP when versions of a mod or if different mods that change some gunsounds are used together. It even might happen when the mod is not used by the mission but only by one player.

    We had a similar problem when we played CUP escape (with RHS also installed on the server) and one of our players connected with an outdated RHS version. He could only hear is own weapon sounds and we couldn't hear his sounds.


    I recommend you double check that server and all players are using the same CUP version and nobody is using any extra addons that may contain weapons with their own sound. So if you play CUP escape, make sure server and no player is sideloading RHS/ACE or something like that.


    Not sure where is bug comes from, but it does not seem to be a config inheritance problem but something deeper in the engine (maybe soundfiles with same name in different locations, but just speculation)

    • Thanks 1

  4. 14 hours ago, tuffleader said:

    I've been playing this mission for the past 5 years, and I remember playing something similar in the years before that, stretching all the way back to Arma 2 (not sure if it was yours).


    To this day, I have yet to actually complete it. I always play on super expert (1st person lock, expert AI, no HUD, etc...), and with at least 4 of my friends. We've gotten extremely close sometimes. But the day we beat it we'll have a big celebration or something lol.

    There is just something about this scenario that allows it to act as a timeless classic to me and my friends. We've joked about making a standalone game around this concept (similar to PUBG's start), but I think the base game of Arma 3 allows it to reach the heights that it does.


    I am always happy to hear that someone is having as long and as much fun with this as I do. Back in A2 the first type of this mission was by Engima. You may also have played my edited and ported version back then. AFAIK Scruffy and I were the first who ported Escape from Chernarus to terrains like Podagorsk and added some more randomization to weapons and stuff.


    15 hours ago, tuffleader said:

    I've been playing this mission for the past 5 years, and I remember playing something similar in the years before that, stretching all the way back to Arma 2 (not sure if it was yours).


    To this day, I have yet to actually complete it. I always play on super expert (1st person lock, expert AI, no HUD, etc...), and with at least 4 of my friends. We've gotten extremely close sometimes. But the day we beat it we'll have a big celebration or something lol.

    There is just something about this scenario that allows it to act as a timeless classic to me and my friends. We've joked about making a standalone game around this concept (similar to PUBG's start), but I think the base game of Arma 3 allows it to reach the heights that it does.


    I'm surprised that you are still here pumping out updates for this.


    Have nothing better to do and play a couple of times a week myself.


    15 hours ago, tuffleader said:

    Do you have any other plans for this concept? 


    Keep it up to date and enjoyable.


    15 hours ago, tuffleader said:

    My friends and I dream of a day where we can play it with more than 15fps. That'll be the day, lol


    Just throw more CPU power at Arma, that always helps.

  5. On 9/23/2020 at 12:27 PM, Dfcon5 said:

    Thank you for that but I have a snow 'escape' map working very well (Thirsk w) I just want to change the uniforms. I have changed to 'CSAT Cnow Tigers' uniforms for CSAT, in the editor and placed the mod on the server as required etc but the 'new' .pbo runs with stock uniforms only. The .pbo runs fine with new uniforms in single player/preview. do I need to delete the stock CSAT team and build a new one with the uniforms?...what am I missing? (aside from the obvious!!).


    If you replace the units in the editor with new uniforms, they should appear on a server. I suspect you have forgotten something mixed up when uploading the mission to the server. Make sure it has a new name  (in include.hpp) and a new name for the whole pbo file. Might be that a cached mission overwrites your changes when playing in MP or you still have some old mission/addon versions of Escape on your server and you simply just start the wrong mission.


    If it works in SP it should work on the server aswell.

  6. Heyho,

    as @killzone_kid already mentioned, there are some problems with your script. I will try to sketch a different solution for your problem that should work better.

    Right now the biggest problem with your approach is, that the trigger is activated on start and finish but runs a loop that counts the time but there is no connection betweens the script instances, so how should the second script instance know which player activated it and what time he started the race. So here is my solution:


    Trigger on the startline with activation everybody and multiple times. On Activation:

    [thisTrigger] execVM "racetimer.sqf";

    dann racetimer.sqf:

    if(!isServer) exitwith {}; //We want to only run this on the hosting computer, otherweise we get a message for every player connected
    params["_trigger"]; //The Trigger itself
    	private _time = _x getvariable ["LapTime",-1];
    	if(_time > 0) then {
    		//There is already a starting time for this player stored, so we print the laptime
    		private _printTime = [(diag_tickTime - _time),"MM:SS.MS"] call BIS_fnc_secondsToString;
    		((name _x)+": "+_printTime) remoteExec ["systemchat"]; //remoteExec is prefered against bis_fnc_mp. Also systemchat is less annoying that hint, but you can change that if you want
    	//Store the new lapstarttime
    	_x setvariable ["LapTime",diag_tickTime,false];
    } foreach list _trigger;

    So what is the difference: Basically everytime the trigger is activated, the current time is stored IN every player in the trigger list. If there is already a time stored (and not default -1 is returned) the laptime is calculated and broadcasted to all players. Then the current time (the new lap start time) is stored again.


    This will give you some decent laptimes but unfortunatly not in realtime, which is a bit more complicated and would involve a bit more scripting to work properly. I just hope you have plan a mission where the player race multiple laps and my script makes sense.


    Possible improvements would be:

    • Create the trigger by script, for example in init.sqf and use setTriggerInterval to make the trigger poll faster (default is 500ms). Also this way the trigger could be serverside only, which may improve the performance a bit (depending on what you also have running in your mission, this might not be needed anyway).
    • Make racetimer.sqf a function, so there is no file access with the first call of execVM


    And disclaimer: As always I have not tested anything posted here. Just wrote it from the top of my head.

    • Like 1

  7. 2 hours ago, Snipertac said:

    I've been playing these missions for 5 years now and have over 3500 pictures of these missions.  


    Always nice to read that someone had this much fun with my mission.

    If you have some good images, maybe you could send me a selection if screenshot you think are capturing the "escape spirit", so I can finally add some more screenshots to the steam workshop. That would be awesome.


    • Thanks 1

  8. Oof... I finally took the time to finish up the release of 1.10. I wanted to get this huge update and maybe the biggest improvement to the co10 Escape mission out as soon as possible but these strange times, working on my PhD thesis and other RL events took their toll on my spare time and made me postpone the work needed for a release in favor of other activities. But I finally pulled myself together and in a six hour sprint I compiled and wrapped up all missions (over 590 single missions). You can find the download to co10 Escape 1.10 on the frontpage, at the github releases page or as direct link here. The workshop entries will be updated in the coming week.


    Have a look at the changelog for 1.10. Not all changes are mentioned, but the major ones are listed:


    Changelog for co10 Escape 1.10 (from 1.9) including Vanilla, Apex, Contact, GM, CUP and RHS versions


    ## Highlights ##

    Complete rework of the initialisation and bootstrapping of the mission. This not only fixes a lot of long standing bugs like spawning on client hosted mission or with exotic server configuration but also makes startup of the mission much faster and reliable.

    Reworked patrol spawning and area dependent patrol densities.

    Huge performance refactor (server and client side).

    Added new units from CUP and RHS and added support for Contact DLC and Global Mobilization CDLC.


    ## Added ##

    Added vehicle lock param to lobby (with this heavy or all enemy vehicles can be locked for the players)
    Added new POI templates from aussie-battler
    Added custom flags to comcenter templates
    Added localisation (by kuroneko)
    Added new CUP setups with units introduced with latest patches (RACS, PMC, ...)
    Added Contact CDLC setup (CSAT vs US)
    Added search chopper FFV positions
    Added virtual arsenal to "additional weapon boxes"
    Added a library of porting missions to all terrains done by Scruffy and Neo
    Added some QoL functions
    And many more minor additions


    ## New supported terrains ##

    Zargabad (CUP)
    Kujari (Temppas)
    Livonia (Contact DLC)
    Winter Chernarus
    Chernarus 2020
    Improved Podagorsk markers
    MKSE (Port by DPM)
    Reshmaan (Port by DPM)
    Napf (Port by DPM)
    Anizay (Port by DPM)
    Vidda (Port by DPM)
    Mull of Kintyre


    ## Changed ##

    Improved object removal around comcenters.
    Improved ACE medical support in regards to the missions revive script.
    Improvent missionflow handling by not assuming some loading time constants but sending state messages .
    Improved guards reacting faster to an alarm.
    Improved nightime and daytime settings to cope with northern terrains.
    Items from civilians vehicles are now mostly removed (no more free medkit for you!).
    Heavy vehicle spawn is delayed to 5-10 minutes after missionstart.
    Improved Porto mission.
    Improvement of unitclasses (general tweaks).
    Made spawn logic server side (reduces network traffic drastically).
    Reduced trigger update interval from "per frame" to a few seconds (reduces server load drastically).
    And many more minor changes


    ## Fixed ##

    Revive: Fixed JIP players sometimes becoming stuck in captive state.
    Fixed: Maximum number of patrols was not always enforced per zone.
    Fixed param for environmental grass.
    Fixed flags not being synchronised across network.
    Fixed jagged fences of the prison duw to network latencies.
    Fixed a bug where a player stayed captive after escaping.
    Fixed a bug in a roadblock templated resulting in statics being spawned in ground floor (and thus being slightly obstructed).
    Fixed reinforcement trucks not spawning.
    Fixed civilian traffic on very small terrains not spawning.
    Fixed guards assuming the players position behind prison walls and shooting through said walls.
    Fixed BI CAS module (again...).
    Fixed "mapconfig\logo.paa" error.
    Fixed HMDs not always removed from players ivnentories on startup (with mods having NVGs in vest for example).
    Fixed comcenter 2 and 3 not rotated correctly.
    Made terrain config available to all clients.
    Fixed daytime settings being always at 01:00 in the morning
    And many more minor fixes


    ## Removed ##

    Duplicated and depreciated files and functions.
    Removed a motorized search group that started right after the alarm sounded (known as the instant BTR/BMP).


    Not only did we added support for more than 15 new terrains and updated the mission with new units from CUP, Global Mobilization and Contact DLC, we also fixed a long list of long standing issues, overhauled the complete base of the mission, making it running much better (with the help of some A3 engine updates) and harden it against some server configuration issues. Overall the mission is now much more diverse, performant and fail-safe. I hope you enjoy this update as much as we did in the last year developing and testing!



    At this point I want to take the time to thank a few people for helping me with this project:

    A big kudos goes to everybody at the co10 Escape Discord server and all the contributors on Github. The increased amount of feedback, assistance and code contribution between 1.9 and 1.10 was incredible. Seeing so many people getting involved is a huge motivation for me! I want to thank all of you!

    I also want to thank my whole squad, namely Aurelia, Steffi, Joshi, Lunatic and Freshman/Commander, for helping me testing (aka breaking the mission and complaining).

    And last but not least I want to thank my long-standing buddy Scruffy for playing, porting, "scripting", breaking, complaining and racing.


    I do this project for fun, but if anybody wants to say "Thank you", you can spend me and Scruffy a coffee here.



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2

  9. The author of Taviana prohibited port to Arma3 and release in the SteamWS, so all uploads are against Steam and Arma 3 EULA. I will not support such terrains ever.


    For Namalsk: Nothing planned yet. Maybe some day that might change.

  10. On 4/29/2020 at 2:59 AM, Snipertac said:

    Finding a Medkit is the biggest challenge and very rare.  You might find one from a Fireteam or maybe Paratrooper. 


    Glad you enjoyed it. You may check civilian vehicles more often. A lot have FAKs and some (like ambulances) have medkits aswell.


    On 4/30/2020 at 7:11 PM, faistaff said:

    Reading up on all the updates. They look really impressive! Is there an ETA on when the update will go live on steam?


    On 5/1/2020 at 7:18 AM, AstroRetro said:


    Based on this comment and seeing that there were a bunch of new and very interesting commits on GitHub, I build a new set of missions using the compile_local.py script (based on main branch 26/04/2020). I have run these for my team on a Windows standalone server. The new Chernarus 2020 mission with Contact assets worked flawlessly. Also the new Weferlingen terrain with Global Mobilization assets, or Weferlingen Winter with CUP assets worked great. So amazing to have these new terrains and assets in the mix. Great work to NeoArmageddon, ScruffyAT, Qerbas, Belkon, Dystopian and all the rest of the coding team. You guys rock!


    Yeah, there were some really good additions by all contributors in the last year and I am really satisfied how some stuff evolved.
    One would guess in quarantine you have more time to prepare a release. Right now I can only say: Hopefully Soon™.

  11. 15 hours ago, Snipertac said:

    but I can see how interesting it would be with more players.  It's quite easy to get pinned down in a location as you advance. 


    We get pinned down because keeping the squad together is like trying to herd cats.


    New dev update is theoretically ready, I just need to remember to pack it and upload it. 😞

    • Thanks 2
    • Haha 1

  12. 2 hours ago, Tuskegee_99th said:

    Again, this only started with CUP_Terrains_Core 1.14, Core 1.13 was fine. I certainly will check our modset and also try with only the minimum requirements for the maps and see what happens. Thanks again.


    Just for the record: Even if it only happens on non vanilla terrains, this can also mean that some third party addon is either messing with CUP configs or that some addons function were build for vanilla terrains but goes nuts on any other terrain.

    Have you tried a non-CUP-Core and non vanilla terrain and check if the error persists there? How did you tested that 1.13 was fine? Did you stored a backup of the files and tested it with your current modset or is it just that you remember that the error did  not happened back then?


    I play nearly every other day on terrains that require CUP Core and I have never observed something similar.

    • Like 2


    On 3/9/2020 at 1:55 AM, Snipertac said:


    Will there be an update with the latest release of CUP and Cherno 2020?

    The latest update DEV_200106 has been great on our server,  Prison spawns are good, AI seems more aware and responsive to their surroundings.  Terrains seem to handle longer view distance without loss of FPS.  




    Kudos to Querbas/Elite for doing the same thing at the same time as me but better.

    Will update a dev build with the new CUP Taki stuff after todays play/testsession.

  14. On 1/12/2020 at 9:40 PM, Sanya said:

    Guy at the video spent about 2 hours on the roof of this house [...] and after was just teleported through the wall under the fire.



    3 hours ago, Sanya said:

    I thought at the video will be clearly visible why in general the author created this video.


    What you posted is just a video of somebody lagging through a wall which happen all the time in Arma3, even in vanilla. Also information like:

    • Is there a mission side antiwallhack-script running (which may teleport people)
    • Does the player in the video uses addons like advanced movement (which may also result in glitching through walls)
    • Any other addons used (atleast ACE as war as I can tell).

    Also you write that laying on the building for two hours works perfectly fine and you expect us to lay two hours in the exact same spot to reproduce that bug (if we had that information in the first place)?


    Oh and last but not least: As stated in the title post, please post bugs to our bugtracker and not in this thread.

    • Like 2

  15. 3 hours ago, pastorilho said:

    the mission in zargabad is great but still a bit heavy


    It is normal that smaller terrains are much harder. Same with Utes and Porto for example. Also larger cities are of course more populated.

  16. 15 hours ago, jgaz-uk said:

    We seem to be getting a problem with Admin time selection, select normal time speed midday & its 04:00? usually dark? Are we doing something wrong?


    Release 1.9 has a bug where "Daytime" setting may result in 01:00 a.m. or slightly later. Set the param to a fixed time (like 0800) to prevent this and actually start at daytime.

  17. New dev 20-01-06 with improved difficulty and enemy spawning. Influence of parameter enemy group size, village spawn and spawn distance are tweak for more immersion and better performance in most cases (you still can crank it up to max, but this will be much more difficult and demanding on performance as before). TL;DR server admins have a wider range to adjust those params now.


    Also in this dev there are Global Mobilization (GM) builds (normal and winter) courtesy of Scruffy.


    And also thanks to Elitehunter for packing this release on short notice as I am off for a conference in a minute.



    • Like 5

  18. 19 hours ago, SkyBomber24 said:

    Thanks a lot man! So we downloaded the maps we didn't have, there was on download I couldn't find but we were able to get the other 50 maps. Out of all of them there were 11 maps that didn't seem to have the mission. I'll list them below, you may or may not already know this but figured I would say something just in case. We also have all 4 of the co10 escape mods, vanilla, cup, apex, and rhs.



    The list is from the 1.10 dev branch. See first post in this thread for more information on how to get it.

  19. Complete list of currently configured terrains:




    • Altis
    • Stratis
    • Tanoa
    • Malden 2035
    • Bornholm
    • Chernarus
    • Livonia
    • Chernarus_Summer
    • Chernarus_WinterPodagorsk
    • Panthera
    • Winter Panthera
    • Isla Duala
    • Lingor
    • Dingor
    • Isla Abramia
    • Sahrani
    • United Sahrani
    • Celle
    • Takistan
    • Zargabad
    • Porto
    • Thirsk
    • Thirsk Winter
    • Capraia
    • Clafghan
    • Al Rayak
    • Lythium
    • Fallujah
    • Esseker
    • Australia
    • Everon
    • Malden
    • Kolgujev
    • Nogova
    • Beketov
    • Vis
    • Isles of Cumbrae
    • Schwemlitz
    • Rosche
    • Diyala
    • Kastellorizo
    • Kerama
    • Valtatie 5
    • Ruha
    • Prei Khmaoch Luong
    • Southeast Angola
    • Yellowstone
    • Tembelan
    • Kujari
    • Utes
    • Bukovina


    • Thanks 2