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Nicolas Eymerich

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Everything posted by Nicolas Eymerich

  1. Nicolas Eymerich

    Arma Qg Grafical Problem

    I've all detail to max... And still i have got this textur problem...
  2. Nicolas Eymerich

    Arma Qg Grafical Problem

    thank to both of you... I'm @ work now... I'll try this evening
  3. Nicolas Eymerich

    Arma Qg Grafical Problem

    thank for the reply... I've already done with no luck...
  4. Nicolas Eymerich

    Arma Qg Grafical Problem

    I wonder who do i have to ask to solve this problem. I'm very disappointed about Bis and their products Due to the lack of support, I'll never bought again a game from them Sorry for saying this, Regards Nicolas
  5. Nicolas Eymerich

    Just so frustrated

    Have you get the last patches? 1.08 seems worked with me... Also: do you have Qg?
  6. Nicolas Eymerich

    Queen's Gambit goes gold!!!

    Thank you Yeah... but what about the price? As far as i know, there isn't any shop (in italy) which have got the same price of play.com
  7. Nicolas Eymerich

    Queen's Gambit goes gold!!!

    Hi, I'm interested in buying Queen's gambit form play.com Unfortunatly, I've the Italian version of Arma. So I would like to know if it is compatible with my version. Regards
  8. Nicolas Eymerich

    SCUD - Nuclear Explosion

    The add on is very ery interesting. Just a few considerations: 1)You should consider to introduce a function which return a Grid Coords (instead the X-Y- Number pos). 2)The mushroom, at least for me, seems to stay for too long (i mean the final effect) 3) You should also consider to change the weather 'cause after a nuclear explosion an acid rain usually occur. A part this, Great work!!
  9. Nicolas Eymerich

    Armed Assault

    I think Bis is a great developer team... I've playing arma since Febraury... and Arma is a great game. It's own scripting feature are awesome (in my opinion). ANd the patch 1.08 has fixed a lot of trouble and added a lot of improvments. Yes, there're some problems too... But I think them all will be solved... By the way: This year I've bought one game: It is Arma
  10. Nicolas Eymerich

    Nightvision with 1.08

    Which is a great thing in my opinion... I was really tired about the old Nvgoggles visual. Now you can make a night mission without "hurting" your eyes...
  11. Nicolas Eymerich

    Note to ATI users

    Do I have to upgrade to 7.5 and then install the fix, or is just sufficient to install the file? (I've Catalyst 7.2)
  12. Nicolas Eymerich

    Base editor extra Rahmadi by BOS mod

    Need some third part add-on or is just a stand alone version?
  13. Nicolas Eymerich

    Dynamic Mine Field

    Good Idea! (Downloaded)
  14. Nicolas Eymerich

    Dialog Template, plus Standard Dialogs

    Just downloaded! Congratulation for this good idea!
  15. Nicolas Eymerich

    Spawn multiple paratroops

    Assuming ASSAULT is the group unit spawned are attached... { _x setpos [getpos ( ( units assault ) _select 0) ) + ( Random 10 - random (10) ), getpos ( ( units assault ) _select 1) ) + ( Random 10 - random (10) ), 1000] } foreach units Assault. Where 1000 (the third element of the getpos array (id est the Z coords)) is the height of the trooper. Be careful however. The line will set pos every element of the array at 1000 mts but won't give them any chutes... You've to call a script to monitor their height. Then, you've to create a Parachute for every one of them in a loop: _i = ( count ( units ASSAULT ) )- 1 #lp _Sold = ( _Units Assault ) select _i ~.1 _chute = "Parachute west" (not sure now I'm at work) Createvehicle getpos _Sold _sold moveindriver _chute ? _i > 0 : _i = _i - 1; goto "lp"
  16. Nicolas Eymerich

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    Sorry but, aftere reading this discussion, I've a question... Do I have to install the new beta patch (I'm with 1.05) or not? (My Config: P. 3.4. Prescott Ati 1950 pro 512 2 Gb Ram) Edit: My config
  17. Nicolas Eymerich


    Have you activated the trigger with a variable?
  18. Nicolas Eymerich

    Unlimited ammo script

    Sorry for this little off topic but I see a lot of sqs file which are translated in a sqf file. Is there someone who can explain me why?
  19. Nicolas Eymerich

    Script Edit

    Great CrashDome Thank you!
  20. Nicolas Eymerich

    NearestObject Vs ObjectId

    Thank again for your help. You've gave me a good idea I have a litle modified to fill my purpose. I've put on the editor a lot of object. In any object there's this init line [getpos this, this] exec "setpos.sqs" and the setpos script looks like this _Pos = _this select 0 _object = _this select 1 ;avoid multilpe launch ~(random 1 + random .5 + random .5) P_G_Pos = P_G_Pos + [ _Pos] ;deletevehicle deletevehicle _object Exit This script works really good for me! Thank you all again...
  21. Hi, As from the topic title, I've learned that Arma doesn't support anymore the fubnctio Object (Id). Instead you have to use nearestobject. Now, I've to put a lot of static mg gun on the map. The first idea is to put an equal number of gamelogic... The other way is to use the nearestobject function but I don't understand how.. Thanks in advance
  22. Nicolas Eymerich

    NearestObject Vs ObjectId

    Thanks for your answer.. Well... I've been working on a dynamic mission since october 2005 and now I've bring it in Arma. Due to the fact it is a very large mission and it use a LOT of global variables, i was trying to use only global variable I need. That's the reason I've asked on the forum. As I've said, I could use one gamelogic for one mg. (or 1 gamelogic for 4\8 Mg). But there're 2 drawback: 1) The number of globalvariable increase 2) There isn't too precision in placing the mg while using a single gamelogic (_Mg1 = .... createvehicle [getpos Logic select 1 + 30 and so on]; _Mg2 = .... createvehicle [getpos Logic select 1 -30 and so on]) The idea suggested by Baddo is a good idea but unfortunatly it doesn't fit my purpose well. In fact: By placing any single mg on the map... I can't create them randomly (Mg, dshk, or mortars). In OpF object id worked like a charm: open the editor, take the id and voilà... You have the right place for the riht static mg. But Wiki tell that you can't use object ('cause of data streaming) and send you to the function nearestobject.
  23. Nicolas Eymerich

    Armed Assault so far....

    I think ArmA is very good. In my opinion, the best improvemnts are in the Ai, in Graphics, and in Scripting feature. Although the military campain has been a little disappointment for me, i think the most beatiful thing in Arma (which is, to be honest, the one important thing) is the editor. Just like it was in flashpoint...
  24. Nicolas Eymerich


    Downloading... I'll try this evening. Thanks
  25. Nicolas Eymerich

    New way to improve the AI?????

    I disagree. That's not true for italian civil law. Of course, I can understand you can't have explanation for every thing about the game-code. That's reasonably. But there're a lot of things which, in my opinion, Bis should reveal to the customer. For example: what are the font to be used in a dialogue? And the button resources? There is not a guide for the editor. I think it's quite un-fair give the ability to the customer to use dialog, for example, and not put him in the condition to do that. My opinion of course...