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Everything posted by zwobot

  1. zwobot

    Handsignals Command System Released!

    I have re-read nearly the whole topic but I haven't found anyone mention some problems with rushing squad/teams. When you order a team to rush it is very hard to get it in formation again before the rush is completed (350m or what distance). A part of the team always doesn't come back in formation and sooner or later gets lost in woods, jungles whatever. Is this a feature/bug of Ofp or has it something to do with the rush script? I think I will inquire this by searching the addon scripts for AI's CombatMode settings which could be a cause for this.
  2. zwobot

    Handsignals Command System Released!

    Well I'll dig this up again with a suggestion, and I reckon - or at least I hope - it will be rather easy to implement: When you issue an command to the squad, a team or the RTO you should be able to issue a command to the same squad element again without having to navigate to this specific element again. Example: When you tell Team 1 to "watch direction" the command list should not be reset to the Squad, Team and RTO selection page but should remain in the Team 1's "main" menue where you can select "Move" "Get down" and so on in order to tell Team 1 to rush that direction or whatever. Do you know what I mean? I tried to work this out by myself but I do not have enough clue with dialogues and/or multi-using radio triggers
  3. zwobot

    Handsignals Command System Released!

    That would definately be a great improvement! When the fighting gets really hot and it takes you 20 seconds to issue a move command to one of your teams (select team->watch direction->select team->move out) - that can cost you half of your squad cause it takes too long But I really like this command system a lot since I have fist playerd your realistic combat patrol mission! Are you still waiting for the Unsung mod to release a good Nam island for your so long planned campaign Barron?
  4. zwobot

    MILES laser training system

    I have a suggestion for your cheat problem (simply standing up again when you have been hit...) With "DisableUserInput true" you can deactivate the human player's controls so he won't be able to do anything. Unfortunately you wouldn't be able to turn your body and watch what happens around you I think. To make the AI not to shoot on sitting (-> "dead") soldiers, you can use "SetCaptive true", thus the selected unit will be neutral for all other AI units.