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Everything posted by zwobot

  1. zwobot

    1.05 Slight Delay - Read News

    I have not read anything about it, but it would make sense that the patch will be included in May 15th release. At least I hope so for you
  2. zwobot

    CiA co-op night

    About six to eight I would say.
  3. zwobot

    Command Engine 2

    That would be really cool. I wonder how far a real chain of command will be implemented in the CE 3. You know some of the stuff that should have been in stock ArmA...
  4. zwobot

    Command Engine 2

    Thats right, spinor has already posted some screenshots in the Chain of Command forums showing the new user interface for the CE 3. I can feel that a public release is imminent, I can't wait
  5. zwobot

    1.05 Slight Delay - Read News

    Huh? Does this mean language switching is disabled for all versions in 1.05 or what? I want to play my ArmA in different languages.
  6. zwobot

    1.05 Slight Delay - Read News

    What a surprise. Well nevermind what are 2 days - nothing.
  7. zwobot

    1.05 Slight Delay - Read News

    Where is the patch? Do you have it?
  8. Will CWR team use this when its done?
  9. zwobot

    VOIP Suggestion

    I second that.
  10. zwobot

    Are there any tutorials around?

    That's not true. Burn the witch
  11. zwobot

    Are there any tutorials around?

    Think I saw her araound at subsim.com a few times...
  12. zwobot

    clan of command and squad control

    Then anyone tell BIS to bring it in the next patch, this is the latest of the uncountabble threads about the command menu and color teams and I dont want to see it disappear again like all the others with nothing changed
  13. zwobot

    clan of command and squad control

    They do. Try it. I think he meant they should move in a proper formation and with different behaviours and stances per team. Just like a group inside your group and not every team always in the whole group's formation. I cannot believe BIS did not improve anything about the teams, it really shouldn't be that hard to assign formations and behaviours to teams.
  14. Will you do Desert Island?
  15. zwobot

    Scope of variables

    Look at the variables article in the Biki. It says that script variables are visible inside the function the script calls, it says nothing about function variables visible in calling scripts though. In my experience the way you want to load the function in the init.sqs works, and you can use it like a global variable in any onActivation line in the editor or scripts (you have to use "call" of course).
  16. zwobot

    the world in ARMA

    The answer is 12.
  17. Exactly, well I am sure there are higher priorities on BIS's todo list than fixing the briefing.
  18. That might be a workaround but it is unsatisfactory.
  19. zwobot

    Hunter Killer Script

    Go for "knowsAbout": <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_run=true; while{_run} do { if((leader_enemy_group knowsAbout player) > 0.5) { {_x domove getpos S1;} foreach (units hunter1); {_x domove getpos SS;} foreach (units hunter2); } sleep 2; }; I am not sure about the syntax of the if statement, but can you see what I mean ? Maybe you could check the whole player's group to see what the hunter group knows about each member. I dont know what happens when the player group retreats and gets out of hunter group's sight.
  20. zwobot

    Hunter Killer Script

    It would be helpful to know what exactly is not working the way you want it.
  21. As i said: "... we're taking the OFPE models and textures until we get/made something better." So the first step is to bring them ingame, after that (and when we see how much or not much work it is to get them playable), we decide about a) totally new models (but with 85 era uniform) or b) simple retex with minor model changes. "Better" is a very relative statement. Can you tell in a reasonable amount of detail what you mean? (Weapon configs - balance issues, textures, models: good looking and lacking or playable and not so eyecandyish). By the way, is there a page in the Biki giving info about recomended amount of polys and texture size for addons? I've seen one about some LOD stuff at least...
  22. I think the briefings in ArmA are bugged, I have made similar experience
  23. zwobot

    DTP Beta

    I think this will be not that easy Unless there are new animations that can carry soldiers, so there can be ppl carrying dead soldiers to the choppers and then extracting them (Altough we can simply let the soldiers 'disapear' of coarse Yes, I thought more or less about the disappear thing. If you had eventhandlers on every soldier which adds an action to the players action menu when he is near the body like "identifiy this soldier and prepare him for evacuation", and you get points for identifying dead soldiers and evacuating them but get negative points for not doing so...
  24. zwobot

    DTP Beta

    How about evacuating dead soldiers too in the medevac script?
  25. zwobot

    invisible H

    The "invisible H" can be found in the editor: Side:empty -> Objects -> H (invisible) Place it like any other unit, too.