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Everything posted by zwobot

  1. zwobot

    Lip moves

    If you are talking about AI you can reveal the ammo box to the opfor unit reveal <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">opfor_unit reveal ammo_box But I am not sure if reveal works on empty objects. If both units are human you could place a marker...
  2. zwobot

    Lip moves

    Which one do you mean? Could you post what you did? Look in the Biki for the syntax of distance and knowsAbout. I have made a mistake with the knowsAbout, it has values between 0 to 4 so rather use: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player knowsAbout unitName > 2 You should also read hardrock's comment about knowsAbout in the Biki.
  3. zwobot

    Lip moves

    For the placement radius thing: create a trigger in the editor with the condition: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player distance unitName > 50 with unitName being the name of the unit to find. Another solution would be to permanently check what the player knows about the unit with a trigger too: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player knowsAbout unitName > 0.5
  4. Thanks for the answer Donnervogel but unfortunately it makes no difference
  5. zwobot

    Hiding Editor Objects In Missions

    As far as I know this is not possible.
  6. I am not really sure what you want but those are the commands to make AI disembark from vehicles: Action eject unassignVehicle to prevent ejected units from trying to embark again allowGetIn false To check which units of a group are in a vehicle use these: Driver Gunner crew
  7. zwobot

    Hold fire

    Thats because there is a car in the training mission and not an acutal enemy. In the editor if you order your squad to cease fire (3-2 in the menu) they automatically start firing at a certain distance to enemies althogh they are in hold fire mode and have no targets assigned via command menu.
  8. zwobot

    The weapons thread.

    The FDF recoil is much easier to handle than what we have in ArmA right now. I think it's ridiculous that MGs are easier to handle in prone than assault rifles. Even in close combat I have to shoot about 3 times to anything 20 metres away. Overall, I am unsatisfied with recoils too.
  9. I like the AH-64 very much as it is the first helicopter that I can really handle in ArmA (apart from the Littlebird maybe). The flight model is less sensitive than the AH-1's
  10. zwobot

    Kings and Pawns

    This mission reminds me of the Ofp demo mission and the later mission "Ambush".
  11. zwobot

    Playing without a CD!?

    MP3 anyone?
  12. zwobot

    Grenade Launcher Sight

    It is very hard to aim with the GL crosshair either, almost totally useless for me.
  13. zwobot

    Grenade Launcher Sight

    The best GL sights I have seen in Ofp are the ones in WGL mod and they are really working: you want to hit a target 50m away -> you aim with the 50m line in the sights; you want to hit a target 200m away -> you elevate the sights to the 200m line and hit the target. When WGL can do it, why can't BIS?
  14. zwobot

    clan of command and squad control

    I just wanted to make you aware of the (unlikely) possibility, I don't think either that we will loose flexibility if BIS implements changes wisely First of all I hope they will change something at all sooner or later (sooner hopefully).
  15. zwobot

    clan of command and squad control

    The only reason I could think of why we might not at least get formations for teams is that BI has designed ArmA so very bad that such a slight change would affect many other parts of the game and thus they fear to implement it. But if that would be the case I'm really surprised how ArmA could be released in the first place
  16. zwobot

    clan of command and squad control

    A real chain of command is something I would like to see myself in ArmA but I find it quite unlikely that BIS will work on that. I'm afraid it could lessen the flexibility mentioned by Frederf; there may be mission where you want to use the old-school method to control your squad and other missions would need a hierarchical structure. The mission designers and players should not be limited to one hardcoded mode, like it is now. BIS has ramped up group size but has failed to give us better control about it. It is ridiculous when 30 units follow you in a big wedge formation. It would be nice for mission designers and players to have the choice of a "classic" command interface (like it is now + improved team control as said) and a "hierarchical" command interface.
  17. zwobot

    clan of command and squad control

    Due to the lack of changes in the 1.05 patch regarding issues mentioned in this topic, I bump this up. At least teams are assignable in the normal command menu now but you still have to command them via quick menu exclusively. I demand formations and behaviour for individual teams!
  18. zwobot

    Frustrations with Biki

    Well documentation is very important in a commercial scope and if it was done properly it is much easier to learn things from scratch and apply fixes/patches/modifications. Documenting may not be fun - especially if you have to do it afterwards but it is vital. You may be successful without decent documentation but you will save time and money in long terms with a solid documentation of your product.
  19. zwobot

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    I've tried to download it a second time and it broke at about 170MB Now I try to download from some mirror with 13 Kb/s
  20. zwobot

    Forums: Very Slow? Firefox Friendly? Heavy Load?

    I think this is because there are much people browsing the forum right now because of the new ArmA patch...
  21. zwobot

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    The file I've downloaded from Morphicon mirror is corrupt, I have to download again
  22. zwobot

    1.05 Slight Delay - Read News

    yeah, the good 'ol I44 times Still remember the I44 mini demo?
  23. zwobot

    1.05 Slight Delay - Read News

    Be patient, they'll have a hard time uploading that 475 MB beast
  24. zwobot

    Manual Fire in Tactical Mode?

    I've recognized this myself and we have to cope with it I'm afraid