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Everything posted by zwobot

  1. zwobot

    Have another look at "Veteran Mode" BIS?

    I want accurate grenade launcher iron sights
  2. Is there a way to prevent AI soldiers (especially in your squad but in general too) to fire in full auto mode? It is very annoying when you order the AI to target something and they use all their ammunition in less than a minute becase of constant bursts or full automatic fire in case of machineguns. I think BIS should give us a command interface to influence the AI rate of fire in combination with commands for point or area fire without a proper target like an enemy soldier - just select units, tell them the method of fire and click somewhere to designate the target zone. Edit: Could some moderator please change the title of the thread to "... AI's rate of fire" instead "...rat of fire"? Thank you
  3. zwobot

    How to influence AI's rat of fire?

    Isn't the BTS for bugs only? I don't think it is good to fill it with feature requests unless someone official said it is okay.
  4. zwobot

    ordering subordinates to move to a map point?

    I get that black square too after ordering a move on map screen. It could be a graphics bug caused by certain graphics cards and drivers. I have a Ati x700 mobile, official drivers (am too lazy to look up the version now).
  5. zwobot

    How to influence AI's rat of fire?

    Agreed about the detailed specification stuff. I have found a place in the Biki to submit suggestions by the way. I reckon that we won't see (improved) suppression simulation in ArmA soon as this is something very complex. I am more confident about the fire sectors and rate of fire things though.
  6. zwobot

    ordering subordinates to move to a map point?

    Wether or not those markers are visible to other players depend on the chat channel you are in when placing the marker. You are in global channel -> every player can see the marker side cahnnel -> every player on your side and so on
  7. zwobot

    How to influence AI's rat of fire?

    Yeah sorry I mixed that up somehow. I have made a quick test mission to see how well the watch command works for fire sectors: player's squad is behind two Opfor fire teams in line formation and hold fire. The enemy teams are at about 45 degrees to the left and right of the player's squad. Then I order my squad to watch the direction of the left enemy team. They don't do it: they watch the direction for maybe 1 second and then turn back to 12 o'clock or whatever. As soon as I order fire at will my squad fires at both enemy teams.
  8. zwobot

    How to influence AI's rat of fire?

    I know of the watch command, but it often won't work. I think it has something to do with combat mode/behaviour of the unit and enemies nearby. The watch command also does not guarantee that the unit will fire enemies that are in the watched direction. I cannot agree that the watch command that we already have covers the "rapid area fire" you mentioned. The reaction of AI is too unpredictable for me. What I have in mind is something like in "Full Spectrum Warrior" where you get a circle on screen to designate point and suppressing fire. The circle you get in FSW is very small, for ArmA it should be of variale size depending on the players needs. That could be used to assign fire sectors to soldiers/teams in combination with different methods of fire like "suppress this sector", "fire on enemies you see in this sector". Rate of fire command is needed as well of course. Thats true, so the "suppression fire" is pretty useless for now. But fire sectors are definately useful, and the current watch command is not enough.
  9. zwobot

    How to influence AI's rat of fire?

    I wonder what one has to do to make "official" requests for new / improved features? Send PM to a dev on the forum? Email to BIS or the publisher? Anyway I'm afraid they are very busy with building the US release and fixing more urgent stuff before reacting to any suggestions for new features in the first place. That would be good to combine with suppression fire: tell the squad/team/individual soldier to area fire an area and if there are visible enemy targets they fire upon them - if there were no targets they just fire in the area (suppression).
  10. zwobot

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Will this mod be the WGL version for ArmA?
  11. zwobot

    Combat Mission: Shock Force

    Battlefront released 2 videos.
  12. zwobot

    petition for wood camo

    You want them to stick out even more? I haven't meant to talk about the effectiveness of ACU in general and in ArmA in special. I just think it is an inconvenience to have the Blufor wear ACU uniform and woodland vests.
  13. zwobot

    MPMissions Cache

    Mine is in the Operation Flashpoint main folder. If it is not there maybe it will be created once you want to play a mission that is not in your normal MPMissions folder (Ofp downloads automatically).
  14. zwobot

    petition for wood camo

    I don't understand why the Blufor soldiers wear ACU uniform and BDU vests above it? Don't they have ACU vests too in reality?
  15. Does anyone still have a donwload link for those invisible targets?
  16. zwobot

    Ambush mod?

    I second that.
  17. Checkout command.format
  18. I want to change a button's action in a dialog via buttonSetAction command. The biki says: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">buttonSetAction [idc, code] example: buttonSetAction [100, {player exec "reply.sqs"}] This does not work because of the curled braces '{}'. The other variant in the Biki: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">buttonSetAction control example: buttonSetAction [100, "player exec ""reply.sqs"""] This does work, but only for a single command with no "" in it though. This is very inconsistent as the Biki also says that code must be surrounded by { }, but in this case this does not work. How can I set an action for a button that consists of 2 commands like: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[arg1, arg2] call (compile preprocessFile "function.sqf"); closeDialog 0
  19. Doesnt that work? That seems to work, thank you all. I did not know that you have to escape " with " ... Anyway I'm quite annoyed about the curled braces vs "" thing. Why do I have to use "" instead of { } ? I dont get it
  20. Nobody else with dialog knowledge has a solution for this?
  21. zwobot

    The weapons thread.

    What's also missing: proper sights for grenade launchers (like the ones in WGL 5).
  22. I think this it what it is about? You want everybody to disembark except drivers and gunners. If you use "crew vehicle" you get an array that contains all units currently in this vehicle (including driver, gunner, commander). You can let the cargo units disembark with a forEach loop and check for driver, gunner and commander everytime so they don't are ordered to disembark.
  23. zwobot

    How good is the AI ???

    Heatseeker I've done an identical sniper test on Ramhadi island with about the same result
  24. zwobot

    Hold fire

    No, they open fire because the enemy spotted them first. Check boecko's test missions on the first page of this thread. Mh okay. But nevertheless it is impossible to make them seize fire again. Deassigning targets, order to disengage, change behaviour, order hold fire nothing helps.