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Everything posted by zwobot

  1. zwobot

    CoC Command Engine X

    stun, you might be able to close the advertisement by cklicking on the top right corner where it says "schließen". Unfortuantely the mission seems not to work in MP and I don't know why.
  2. zwobot

    CoC Command Engine X

    Has anyone tried out my mission yet? I just tried to played my mission with 3 other guys in MP and we had the problem that only the host had access to the command engine, the clients could not use the interface is this a known bug?
  3. zwobot

    WGL server?

    Not blaming anyone because he is busy, I am relatively busy myself nowadays...
  4. zwobot

    WGL server?

    Thanks for this update Pulverizer, I feared this WGL server thing went to Nirvana but you're still working on it
  5. zwobot

    CoC Command Engine X

    Here is a small platoon sized mission I made quickly: Monte Yorito The player(s) is in command of a mechanized recon platoon and has to clear Yoro and nearby Monte Yorito on south Sahrani. It has no fancy story and the briefing only tells you the absolute necessary as I did not have time to write it completely. It is not properly tested in the means of balancing and difficulty. It is designed mainly for coop play but it should work in singleplayer also. Installation: extract the .pbo file into MP Missions or Missions folder and open it via the Missions screen or the MP Editro in Arma.
  6. zwobot

    CoC Command Engine X

    Afaik it is already possible but not thoroughly tested and there are obvious and known bugs like that East and West can see each others waypoint markers.
  7. zwobot

    CoC Command Engine X

    Maybe there is not enough room in the groups vehicles? I remember from CE2 that it worked best to have vehicles in seperate groups and assign other groups as transport to these vehicle groups. In my experience with the CEX beta this is true too or maybe its just my personal taste and opinion of how vehicles should be handled from a mission design point of view, who knows...
  8. I agree regarding the ground textures, but the terrain features are great.
  9. zwobot

    CoC Command Engine X

    Thanks again Spinor, actually I use Notepad++ for Briefings, stringtable- and description files I don't think I have forgotten a closing bracket because Arma would crash if I had, wouldn't it? I guess I just have to set up the whole mission/description again adding only one CEX controllable unit at a time. But maybe the problem is that the leader of the "Mounted Element" is the gunner of a Stryker? I noticed that the driver in the same Stryker (in the same group) has access to the CEX as well, or is this intended behaviour (to let every - possibly - human controlled unit check waypoints in MP and so on). EDIT: yes, confirmed the CEX has problems with leaders of groups that are inside vehicles. I moveInGunner and moveInDrivered the crew for the lead vehicle and everything works as excpected now. Suggestion: can we add markers on the CEX map just as within the normal Arma map? It would be very useful as you would not have to exit the CE just for checking where user placed markers are...
  10. zwobot

    Since when is a terrorist attack NOT news?

    See it like this: It helps terrorists much when there are reports about them in the media because it draws attention to their intents. Terrorists have learned how to use media to their favors. Thus you *could* say not reporting terrorist actions is a good thing as they do not get the attention they hoped for. Of course I don't want to defend stupid celebrity news and not reporting on terrorists won't make them stop commiting their attacks.
  11. zwobot

    CoC Command Engine X

    Thank you Spinor. I set up an MP test mission myself, I want to command a Stryker infantry platoon with the Vehicle sections being commanded by the 1st Stryker vehicle section. Excerpt from the description.ext: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Platoon { IconMap = "COC_NATO_INF_WHEELEDFV_PLATOON"; Callsign = "1st Plt"; Name = "1st Plt"; class PlatoonHQ { Leader = "PltHQ"; Name = "PltHQ"; CallSign = "PltHQ"; NameMap = "PltHQ"; IconMap = "COC_NATO_INF_STANDARD_SQUAD"; }; class MountedElement:PlatoonHQ { IconMap = "COC_NATO_INF_WHEELEDFV_SECTION"; Callsign = "Mounted Element"; Name = "MountedElement"; class SectionA { Leader = "SectionA"; name = "SectionA"; CallSign = "Sect A"; NameMap = "Sect A"; IconMap = "COC_NATO_INF_WHEELEDFV_SECTION"; }; class SectionB:SectionA { Leader = "SectionB"; name = "SectionB"; CallSign = "Sect B"; NameMap = "Sect B"; IconMap = "COC_NATO_INF_WHEELEDFV_SECTION"; }; }; As you can see the "SectionA" unit is supposed to be the leader of the Mounted Element, when I preview the mission in the MP editor the group leader of SectionA has access to the CEX interface but the Order of Battle cannot be displayed (no error message or such). All I get is the map with the CEX and View menu but no markers or so. I think there is something wrong with my classes in description.ext or do we have to do further actions for MP usage ? I am very curious how the CEX behaves in MP with players in different levels of command, each with AI or other human players in command...
  12. zwobot

    CoC Command Engine X

    Do we have to actually select all instances of a platoon (for example) to change its properties? I only selected marker for a whole platoon (so no actual unit like the HQ or squad 1,2,3) and changed its properties (behaviour, formation, ROE). Then I checked the HQ unit itsself to see wether the changes have been accepted there but it was not the case, can you confirm this? I also believe there is a delay when telling a unit to procedd to its waypoints, is this a built in command delay or am I doing something wrong? This beta is all I have been waiting for since Arma release and the full CoC "suite" (CEX with arty and all that stuff) is really something worth looking for! EDIT: About information sharing between units (top down): when a human controls an infantry platoon as HQ and you reveal targets to your HQ group, will the revealed targets be passed down to the squads? I haven't seen it yet but I assume this will be in the final version?
  13. zwobot

    CEX video new functions

    Spinor, what you said about bottom-up information sharing sounds really great. This will be like Combat Mission combined with Ofp The public betatest release will be on THIS friday, today so to speak? I am going to start refresh-mokeying the CoC downloads page immediately
  14. zwobot

    CiA co-op night

    The first mission of my mini campaign is almost done I think, it has slots for 11 players but is relatively easy even with about 6 players I guess (the difficulty is comparable to the BAS demo missions). The second part/mission of the campaign will have slots for about 19 players. The problem is: I had very little time to tweak the first mission although most of the multiplayer-compability issues seem to be resolved there are bugs I know of but did not have the time yet to fix them.
  15. Walker, thank you for this clarification.
  16. By the way: will stock CEX be multiplayer compatible? That does sound a bit like CE3/CEX will not work in multiplayer.
  17. zwobot

    CiA co-op night

    Destructive, for example you could de-pbo "FDF_faces.pbo" from your finmod addons folder (that's where I got my custom face from). There are some camo faces, SebNam Pack 2 should also have quite a bunch of camoed faces. As for single downloads for custom faces I am not sure, I think ofp.info has some...
  18. This is not possible without addons.
  19. What about demo mission(s)?
  20. zwobot

    1st Infantry Division

    How is the performance? Do your models use more polys than the one's from BIS and what about LOD?
  21. zwobot

    ArmA 2

    Don't worry, Czech and German customers will do the main part of betatesting just as it was with Arma. And the best is: you have to pay for it
  22. zwobot

    ArmA 2

    Don't worry, Czech and German customers will do the main part of betatesting just as it was with Arma. And the best is: you have to pay for it
  23. Thanks Pulverizer, naming the trigger worked
  24. I've got a bit of a hangover here. I want to spawn an explosion for a roadside bomb using a trigger and a function. the trigger's onActivation line: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[this, "grenade"] call IED IED is defined in the init.sqs: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">IED = preprocessFile "scripts\ied.sqf" The bomb function itsself: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// example call inside a trigger: [this, "grenade"] call IED private ["_ied", "_pos", "_ammo"]; _pos = getPos (_this select 0); _ammo = _this select 1; _ied = _ammo createVehicle [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 5]; _ied setDammage 1; deleteVehicle _ied; When I activate the trigger nothing happens, what am I doing wrong?
  25. Negative, "Shell125" does not work. I have tried "Shell73" before and it did not work either. Alternatively I also tried to put this into the onActivation field of the trigger: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">bomb = "Shell73" camCreate getPos this Neither did that create an explosion EDIT: "Grenade" is supposed to be the ammo class name of some grenadelauncher ammo btw. Look it up here: Ofp weapon class names