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Everything posted by Nilz

  1. Nilz

    CiA co-op night

    Continue ... (6 screens in one post rule )
  2. Nilz

    CiA co-op night

    Very great games tonight Too bad I couldn't finish that mission on my own, bad luck and wrong decisions I guess The last mission was very tedious but at the same time funny Here are my screenshots:
  3. Nilz

    CiA co-op night

    Super games The last one was pretty funny and frustrating Pics: ^^ what a pity that the injured pilot didn't get on the photo Daddl showing his AT skills. Salute the cows!
  4. ECP, Llaumax 1.2, LSR Deltas, BAS Littlebirds
  5. Nilz

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    Sorry if this has been said here before, but... Too bad that the craters and some effects are parts of the UI. When i'm making screenshots I always use DXDLL to remove the UI so there wouldn't be any black strips on the screen, but sadly it also removes the craters and some effects. Any tips or commands I could use ? EDIT: problem fixed
  6. Afghanistan Revisited 1.2, Llaumax 1.2, Generic Middle East Rebels Final, UKF Warrior, UKF Rovers, Blackblood's SAS, ECP
  7. Nilz

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    Great video. You can clearly see the differences and ECP team's super work.
  8. Nilz

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    I doubt it that running full AA & AF on any card will not affect OFP performance , i think it will i havent tried it on my 6600GT to that extent yet to make a judgement but i do think that it will add to slow FPS since OFP has big viewdistances and many objects onscreen at once. You're kinda right, but OFP is not really demanding in graphics. Sometimes I use DXDLL but sometimes AA and AF, and I gotta tell you that AA & AF don't affect the FPS as much as DXDLL. I use 1km viewdistance when I play SP or MP and 3km viewdistance when I mess around in the mission editor and take screenshots.
  9. Nilz

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    DBR_ONIX, it depends on your card. For example an MX440 makes Flashpoint lag even if you have 2xAA turned on, but a Radeon 9800 Pro doesn't have any problems running OFP on full AA and AF. However both cards can run postprocessing pretty well I think.
  10. Nilz


    Nice work!
  11. Nilz

    CiA co-op night

    Two more screenshots. Great games
  12. Nilz

    CiA co-op night

    Just a screenshot...
  13. Me and my friend testing his WWII mission in MP... Llaumax 1.2, WWII Collection v3, DXDLL
  14. Nilz

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Haha, SpecOp9, wasn't there just one ship of that kind in SW ? Anyways, good pics, looking forward to the first release.
  15. Laser's Deltas & SEALs, Afghanistan Revisited 1.2, Llaumax 1.2
  16. CSLA Update1, Winter Nogojev, Llaumax 1.2
  17. Nilz

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Thanks ! Lots of great pics from everyone.
  18. Nilz

    OFP Launcher?

    Kegetys OFP Launcher is the best IMO, download link: http://www.surkimukset.net/mirrored/launcher218.zip
  19. Nilz

    OFP Launcher?

    Kegetys OFP Launcher is the best IMO, download link: http://www.surkimukset.net/mirrored/launcher218.zip
  20. Nilz

    CSLA 2 Update1

    Really, really, REALLY great job guys ! The first time I ran it the main word comin' out of my mouth was 'wow!'. New GUI, new editor menu, lots of new amazing units... close to perfection. I didn't install the FFUR effects, and there's no lag for me My specs: Pentium 4 2 GHz, 512 MB DDRAM, Radeon 9800 Pro
  21. Hey-ho Something over a long time from me Click to enlarge CSLA v2.10, Llaumax v1.2
  22. Nilz

    I'm confused

    Yep, the updated OFP is Armed Assault. And the new generation game is without a name right now, because Codemasters own the rights for the name 'Operation Flashpoint'.
  23. Nilz

    CiA co-op night

    Sorry I couldn't stay longer, but my throat hurt really badly Well, until next time then.