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About Nardvik

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  1. Nardvik

    Boiling Point: Road to Hell

    Well, Operation Flashpoint 2 is in a league of its own and should be amazing in 2006. Still, until then I found another similar game from GameSpot: 'Atari targets Enemy in Sight Atari has announced Enemy in Sight, an all-new PC shooter that will take place during a fictitious, near-future war that will span all of Europe on huge battlefields of some 100 square kilometers in size. The game is in development at none other than Illusion Softworks, the Czech studio responsible for such games as Vietcong, the Hidden and Dangerous series, and Mafia. Enemy in Sight will feature a goal-oriented single-player campaign that takes place in deformable environments that can be traversed with driveable vehicles, along with team-based multiplayer modes. Atari executive producer Peter Wyse explains the first details.' http://image.com.com/gamespo....001.jpg http://image.com.com/gamespo....002.jpg A few uncanny resemblances there, though probably because so few games have come close to the original OpFlash.