Iv restarted the game and i wana beat this lvl cause i dont wana waist my time runing "After Montignac".
So my squad goes up every1 is still alive even on both other squads after we take Montignac. So im chilling for a sec and then HQ tells us to retreat. So the truck comes up we get in and head to Provins or whatever. Right before we get there it stops and we get out and the truck parks at this local gas station behind us. So the first time i go up and assault but wait i here this BOOM and then I hear the truck has been destroyed and there sending a heli to pick us up. So that comes then this hind comes and im like shit so i grab this RPG launcher off this dead dude and try my luck shooting down the hind but i miss and we run off into the forest so then i restart the mission. But this time when the truck goes to park at the gas station i gaurd it. Then it just combusts. there where no enemy soldiers around and im like WTH. its like freaken impossible.