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About NinjaKid

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. NinjaKid

    Rockets fired at nothing

    I've tried that. The ATAMCS turret looks at the object which looks pretty cool cos the gun raises and it looks like its preparing to fire. but i can't get it to fire at it. I don't know what the main gun name or round name is. There has to be another way, and someone must tell us for both our sanities!
  2. NinjaKid

    Rah-66 comanche

    Looked, didn't find it. Thanx anyway. P.S. wots the weapon/ammo name for the FFARs, can't find that either. I'm pretty frickin' useless!
  3. I've been trying to get a group of DKM Mod Team's M25 ATAMCS's to fire. The idea is as you fly over you see them launching their rockets at some far off target, you don't know or care what, it just adds a bit of an environment. I tried using the "TANK DoFire target" command in the "On Activation" field of a trigger but that didn't work! I also tried to get them to fire at a target in the air using the "this setPos [(position this) select 0, (position this) select 1, (position this select 2)+100)]" command with a series of objects but since i can't make the DoFire command work i don't know if i'm doing this right. Answer this for me and i might give you Å10, but probably won't!
  4. NinjaKid

    Rah-66 comanche

    Ta (P.S. the download i got didn't)
  5. Rather than clog up the main forum i thought i'd post here: I want sideChat to use someones user name, ie I want a unit to refer to another particular unit by their name: Officer sideChat "Where the hell is (username)" Tell me how and i will give you total budha consciousness!!!
  6. Just downloaded Decisive Killing Machines' RAH-66 Comanche, BTW this is one of the best choppers, even best addons i've downloaded. But i'm trying to create a mission where the RAH-66 Scout is used to laser target some enemy camps, problem being i don't want the Comanche to have any weapons, but if i set Ammo amount to '0' it doesn't have a laser designator! if i give it any ammo it defeats the objest of the mission and i can't find the ammo types to get rid of the right ones! + The installer doesn't install a Readme.txt atall so no use checking there. Any help plz!
  7. Sorry no idea myself, got another question to add though. How easy is it to assign keys to commands that arn't in the standard setup controls menu? I ask cos for ages i've wanted to be able to bang my keypad enter to eject from a plane or helicopter. it takes too long to use the menu system, i tend to die!
  8. NinjaKid

    Using camcreate

    Chronicles thank you, you are by far the single most helpful guy in this forum.
  9. I've read loads of posts about using cam create to create heat shells and mavericks inside vehicles to make them blow up. But none of these posts explain exactly how to do it and when i tried using it it just comes up with something like "Unknown Object" or "String" or something. How does it work? And if i want to create something in the air how do i do that? (I'm a Newbie, please be gentle!
  10. NinjaKid


    Almost every day i've been going to @War and downloading the newest Addons, but i was wondering which addons are peoples favourites, just incase there are some really good ones i've missed. Personally mine are: (in no particular order) F-14 Tomcat by Project Hellden Kawasaki KLR 250 Motorcycle and Rider by Tales of War Mod Team BMW M3 by Mehanic Desert Malden by Select This & USMG Pack by Taiwan Workshop
  11. NinjaKid

    Bob style para mission

    create some Game logics and move the up to the sky in the near of the helos. Now tell the gunners to target Game logic I tried this on one of my levels but the gunner just shoots the helicopters. How exactly do i get the Game Logic to hover in the sky? & howcome i can never get the DoFire command to work properly?
  12. NinjaKid

    Lst "mouth"

    Don't think you can As a compromise The Tales of War Mod Team released a cool U.S.S Ashland LSD 48 for Resistance which you can download here Its a lot smaller than an LST but its a really good model, with loads of internal rooms and you can drive vehicles into the hold through the stern of the ship.
  13. NinjaKid

    How to let stachel charges explode?

    just to clarify: I put "ObjectSatchel Action ["TOUCHOFF"]" in the 'On Activation' field of the trigger? does that explode all satchel charges on the map? Or do i have to name the satchel charge?
  14. NinjaKid

    Respawn not working

    cheers placebo i got it working at last!
  15. Already i've read a few lines drawn between Flashpoint and Battlefield 1942. For obvious reasons if you put both games in a ring and let them slug it out OFP would win hands down. Never-the-less, BF1942 does have some nifty ideas i was wondering about. I'm no genius coder, i've never even released any of my lame missions. But, i was wondering if there was some way in which the opening of the paracute could be left to the player, like assign a key or have it in the actions menu so that the player can perform their own HALO jumps and so forth, you know, get to ground easier. The other question in this respect is, could you assign a key to the "Eject" command, time and time again i've been shot down and not been able to roll my mouse wheel over the eject button. if i could just mash the Keypad Enter button and bail it would make my deaths much less frequent. Save me!