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About Nathman

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  1. Nathman

    Joysticks. A question for BIS.

    I've got an x-52 and a set of the new Saitek rudder pedals, but can't seem to get the pedals to work with the demo. Any suggestions?
  2. Nathman

    Demo today....WOOT

    Finally! After waiting all these years for the sequel to OFP I finally get my hands on the demo of Armed Assault! I played OFP until my eyes bled and rank it in my own personal top five games of all time, so it was with great anticipation that I downloaded the AA demo and fired it up for the first time. I have a top of the line rig so wasn't bothered by having to set graphics to low. My initial impression? Ugh. I waited five years for this? My hope is that between now and sometime in the near future modders can turn this into something great. I guess my expectations were too high, but I'll give it a second, third, and fourth chance because OFP took awhile to grow on me and maybe AA will too.
  3. Nathman

    Americans unite!

    How much was it in dollars (including shipping costs)? Did you use a credit card or paypal? I might get if from the site you mentioned if it isn't too expensive.
  4. The absurdity of the situation regarding Armed Assault and it's inability to be played by people who are willing to hand over at least 50 US dollars (and most likely a helluva a lot more) tends to make me believe that BIS is incompetent, at best, in marketing it's product. The fact of the matter is that Armed Assault is the sequel to a game which won game of the year honors bestowed upon it by some very big names in the gaming world. That in and of itself would seemingly propel the sequel to OFP to major news status. BIS has a hit a home run with the first game and when the follow on game is released, they claim they can't find a US publisher. And whose fault is that? As a result, we have people in the US contacting europeans to send them a copy and other such ridiculous situations. I don't believe BIS would know a marketing plan if it hit them between the eyes. I don't particularly care when it's released as I don't have the time to invest in the near future to play it, but it strikes me as a lesson in how not to run a company.