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Everything posted by N.o.R.S.u
This may interest some of you. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Since we were under our full strength during the departure, we were complemented by one more battalion from Novosibirsk. According to the initial plan, we had to complete all preparations by autumn and depart for Tadzhikistan for integrating into the 201st division or some peacekeeping force; anyhow, to fight for God knows what or who. So this battalion arrived on new, experimental BMP-3s. The machine looked great, everything seemed thought of, - however, turned out total shit. Stuffed with electronics like your Lexus, but made in mother Russia. Thus, at first, we coped so much shit from it. It couldn't fire its weapons on the run: equipment failed from vibration. All its sighting systems were electronic, thus totally useless garbage. When it did fire, it couldn't move: something again to do with the damned computer. Well, all in one word, - very crude system and thus terrible. In the third battalion, twenty-four men died in the first quarter of January because of this buggered APC. Terrible statistics, isn't it? All because this unrefined machinery was shipped to the Army, furthermore, to the war zone. About five of them we've lost already. We've moved them off to a safe place and, for now, use as machinegun nests. Although the cannon jams after it fires its first shot. Or as taxi charter in the more or less safe neighbourhoods. I wish those snakes that accepted this weaponry dropped dead.<span id='postcolor'> Taken from Chechen veteran Cpt. Vyacheslav Mironov's book/novel Assault on Grozny Downtown (it can be downloaded from Lib.ru). No idea how true these words are but it sounds like highly electronised weapon systems aren't very favoured in Chechnya, nothing beats good'ol manual systems . Back to topic. Some high quality textures like in AKM74's BMD-3 addon would be good, maybe AKM74 can help Mailman with the textures . The smoke launcher would be best to add into addon only as a weapon, thus letting the mission maker decide if he wants to use them with addweapon and addmagazine commands.
Naah, good games don't always have to be realistic like OFP , Thief games and Deus Ex are good examples .
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ale2999 @ Feb. 10 2003,09:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Red Oct @ Feb. 10 2003,07:53)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Doom III is supposed to have the best Visuals. and require one hellofva PC to run it. the pics that i saw of it looks alot like cinima's.<span id='postcolor'> u should c it in action.....<span id='postcolor'> Indeed, I've tried the leaked demo (sorry I know it's kinda illegal, but I was just too curious ) and even though I only get something like 1-10 FPS with low resolution, it's still mind blowing . I'm probably buying Unreal II when I find it from my local shop's used games shelv (and when I have updated my comp). But right now I'm waiting for Doom 3, Deus Ex 2 and Thief 3.
Good to hear that high quality textures are coming, are you going to make the black version also?
Sheesh it's just his opinion .
Yes true . As long as good, high quality and innovative addons are released, and BIS supports the community one way or another I'm not moving anywhere .
Resistance objects usable wrpedit
N.o.R.S.u replied to der bastler's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Here's what I did: 1. Get rid of those 46 digits, there is a certain program for that, try getting it from OFPEC. 2. Make a copy of O.pbo and put into \OperationFlashpoint\Dta\ -folder 3. Start WrpEdit and voila, it should load the O.pbo just like it loads Data.pbo, Data3D.pbo etc. Now you can use all new models and land textures. 4. Before testing your island, move the extra O.pbo away from Dta\ -folder 5. If you want to edit your island again, make sure you put the extra O.pbo to Dta\ -folder again This way you don't have to worry about the original O.pbo in \Res\AddOns -folder. -
Those who want to be medics in huge co-op missions .
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (JAP @ Feb. 09 2003,13:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Did you look over the radioantenna from resistance then ? Â <span id='postcolor'> Unfortunately you can't blow up the Resistance radio mast . Nice addon Martin, are there any other modern buildings in the pipeline?
Here's a solution to this smoke problem, this should make everybody happy: Why not make it so that the smoke launcher is added to addon as a tank weapon, but it's not in both vehicles by default. So you would have to write something like this addmagazine AKMsmokelaunchermag; this addweapon AKMsmokelauncher to use the smoke. Very nice addon still, only minor minus thing I found is that there is no 'turn out' options for crew. Can't wait what will come next.
I wonder if it would be possible with all kinds of scripts we have at the moment. Many of us didn't believe that OFP could handle complicated addons like DKM's Comanche when the very first addons were released .
Zip and Rar are made for that purpose, exes are much slower to install and sometimes they just don't work. Individual addons don't add any new code to the game so that's why there's no need to use exes, unlike in BIS' offical patches.
Probably his SpetzNaz soldier, AKM74 posted some pics in that ZU-23 thread .
One smiley says enough
Just an idea, could you make textures for WH40K vehicles (and units) from miniature photos? Some close shots of high quality paintjobs from both sides, front, back and top. I assume some very talented WH40K painters would be glad to post you some photos of their work . This way the textures would look just like in the game itself. As an ex WH40K gamer I will surely download these nevertheless.
Hmm that would be good solution, no more accidental smokings while switching weapons.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Kegetys @ Feb. 03 2003,14:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Thats propably just why people want old inslands converted, as old missions can be used in the new island by just renaming the mission file. Plus at least I havent yet seen a totally new island which would be Nogova quality.<span id='postcolor'> I started making an island with foliage and land textures from O.pbo. But the project halted down because making an island with WrpEdit is so slow if you want it to be detailed like Nogova. Also the further I managed to build it, the more WrpEdit started to slow down . But who knows, I might still take it from my archives and finish it.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (blackdog~ @ Feb. 03 2003,07:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">flashpoint\res\dta\data3d.pbo\most_stred30.p3d Why you ask?<span id='postcolor'> WrpEditing...
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I don't notice the engine sound being too loud, unlike what someone said earlier.<span id='postcolor'> Well it doesn't sound too loud, but when you place the BMD-3 lets say two kilometers from your position, you can still hear the engine sound clearly. However BMD-3M does not have this "problem" nor the BIS tanks. Compare those two and you'll hear what I mean. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wouldn't like to see it like kegetys Lynx, for the reason above. The BMD-3 has smoke launchers on the turret, not a smoke dispenser like the Lynx. It wouldn't be realistic.<span id='postcolor'> Hmm couldn't the launchers just launch the smoke grenades normally, but the smoke effect would be just like in Kegetys' Lynx (bigger smoke puffs but only few of them)?
Sorry for digging up this old thread, but it looks like there are quite many Thief fans browsing these forums. Also many Thief fans don't know that they can continue thieving experience by playing dozens of different quality fan missions made by the Thief-community members. Some of these FMs are even better than the original missions. Some info: http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com Lots of FMs to download provided with some review pics You need DarkLoader to play fan missions, get it from here, read the instructions carefully: http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/essen.htm http://www.thief-thecircle.com Many detailed FM reviews and other Thief related stuff
Look good . </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Support>Bridge 2 (Res)<span id='postcolor'> What's the P3D-name of that "Bridge 2"? I couldn't find it from that O.pbo model name list that was posted on OFPEC.
The smoke screen lags so much because it shots 8 basic smoke grenades around the vehicle and even one smoke grenade can cause some slowdowns. Kegetys' Lynx smoke would be very nice since it doesn't lag very much but still covers quite a big area.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (blackdog~ @ Feb. 02 2003,20:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">In resistance engineers can remove/deactivate some mines. I think it is only if you are engineer.<span id='postcolor'> Engineers, SpetzNazs and Black Ops can all disarm mines. Black Ops and SpetzNazs can also disarm satchel charges without any custom scripts in Resistance .
Nice work again, here's a list of incorrections I found: -Turn out options removed , would be nice to see added again -Engine sound is maybe a bit too loud, can't hear the tracks -Your very nice Konkurs ATGM sounds are included PBO but are not in use (explosion & flying sounds I mean) -SpetzNaz as crew in BMD-3M, shouldn't it be normal tank crew? -Commanders periscope model inside the BMD-3M won't follow the turret properly (hard to explain, shouldn't be hard to notice) -No group icons (although mentioned in config.cpp) -Radar range too high for the game balance Very nice addon still .
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The modification are showing up the almost the whole of the Swedish Military to give the player a good look into how large and good the Swedish Military are. This including air, boats, vehicles and weapons. Everything are built upon information and pictures.<span id='postcolor'> From Operation White Knight website. No idea what the demo has, probably a new chopper, some units and vehicles .