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Everything posted by NeZz_DK

  1. NeZz_DK

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    Fk Andersson the tag problem is a serverside setting that needs to be tweaked it has nothing to do with this mission, you can set it up where you change what difficulty settings you would like on expert level
  2. NeZz_DK

    new Squad Editor

    its a editor for the squad.xml files many teams are using to show tags and squad logos ingame. here is a link to the biki that explains the use of squad.xml Squad.xml link
  3. NeZz_DK

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    Great patch!! after I got the securom 7100 error fixed with help from maruk all has been running great, and the game has never looked better :-) Thanks BIS
  4. NeZz_DK

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    think thy updated securom, and that can change what it checks on the DVD to see if its correct, and I they are testing on readme's and so now then It would be detected as wrong. and i am not talking about the international patch but the international DVD
  5. NeZz_DK

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    I have the Securom Error too but it may be because I have the International installed and am using my german DVD. So will try with a reinstall of the game
  6. NeZz_DK

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    make sure the map hasn't been restarted if it has the score is lost
  7. NeZz_DK

    Ati x2900xt is out!!

    But I think it could performe wery well in arma because of the design difference to the 8800 series, It has alot more shader power then the 8800 and a wery high bandwith to the memory
  8. NeZz_DK

    Ati x2900xt is out!!

    But I think it could performe wery well in arma because of the design difference to the 8800 series, It has alot more shader power then the 8800 and a wery high bandwith to the memory
  9. NeZz_DK

    ATI Graphical Corruption: Hyper-Threading Solution

    All bugs should be reported as minor it stands in the info about the bug tracker, the developers are then responsible for changing the Severity of the bug
  10. The new X360 Controller setup is really bad in 1.07b and we cant change them back to the old as it dosn't show the the keys in the control dialog anymore My setup was like this before left stick forward,back and banking right stick looking around, really usefull when you need to land in tight spots LB / RB used for Left and right pedal LT / RT used for trust X toggle weapons A fire weapons Y Auto hover B toggle GPS, usefull when you need to land in a LZ marked on the map but the force feedback is good and the sticks aren't as sensitive when centered and thats great. what do you think off the controller setup in 1.07b
  11. NeZz_DK

    1.07b X360 Controller

    then we could make Y scroll and B action that would make the menu usable?
  12. NeZz_DK

    Ai defend position

    cant you use allowFleeing 0
  13. NeZz_DK

    Inaccurate Rifles

    FADE is also triggered by false cd-keys so you can have a original game but use a fake key and that will trigger FADE
  14. I should work if it dosent then add a gamelogic named server and make the trigger say Init: (local server) AND this
  15. you can use a trigger grouped with the object and make it activate when the object isn't present.
  16. dont you need to make sure that it is actually players playing as the units with the "isPlayer specOp1" command?
  17. barrel1 pop 50% Init: deleteVehicle barrel2; barrel2 pop 100% barrel1 does only execute Init if its present and if isnt then the second barrel is present
  18. NeZz_DK

    random selected positions?

    hehe okay that was a easy way too :-) I have just changed it so that you can move the hole group still using gameLogic's use this in on of the members of a group posarr=[pos1,pos2,pos3];rPos = random (count possarr); {_x setPos getPos (posarr select rPos);}forEach units group this;
  19. NeZz_DK

    random selected positions?

    I can make one of those too if you would like it, but with the way above you get around scripts here is a random position script it uses markers for the positions <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_group = _this select 0; _positions = _this select 1; _selectedPos = random (count _positions); {_x setPos getMarkerPos (_positions select _selectedPos);}forEach units _group; if(true)exitwith{}; this is how its used through the editor <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">nul = [group sfLead,["p0","p1","p2"]] execVM "randomPos.sqf";
  20. NeZz_DK

    random selected positions?

    dont know if this is what you mean but here is how I would do it. it but it works but dont know if there is a easier way to do it I have created a group with 3 different leaders lead1 rank: Sargent probability of presence 33% Init: deleteVehicle lead2;deleteVehicle lead3; lead2 rank: Sargent probability of presence 50% Init: deleteVehicle lead3; lead3 rank: Sargent probability of presence 100% Init: deleteVehicle lead3; and then I have grouped them all to lead1 and added 2 riflemen to the group that spawn in formation, the 2 riflemen has the rank of private so that the other units always will be leaders if they are present the 3 different leaders can be placed around the map and the riflemen do spawn along the leader. you can try out my demo mission, you can download it here hope you can use it.
  21. NeZz_DK


    I always name my player units aP,aP1... so I would use this code. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">playerGrp = group aP; {removeallweapons _x;}forEach units playerGrp; if you use 'player' the group could be different on other client mashines, because player represents the local player unit. ups didn't read the post over mine.
  22. first one is set to pop 0.5 the second condition of presence is set to "!alive first" and pop 1 this works for me with a leader and some squad members I just use alive leader instead for the other units in the squad
  23. think it would be more correct to put them in the mpmissions folder in your arma install the mpmissions in your profile folder is for the missions you created through the editor and they aren't packed to pbo
  24. If you are granted copyright then you would also be responsible for the use of the stuff and if anything happens because someone uses it wrongly then you could be held legally responsible. so you have to state that you, dont take responsibility from any harm that the stuff you created could cause. is that how we should understand this?
  25. NeZz_DK

    What licenses should be used for our work?[url

    If you are granted copyright then you would also be responsible for the use of the stuff and if anything happens because someone uses it wrongly then you could be held legally responsible. so you have to state that you, dont take responsibility from any harm that the stuff you created could cause. is that how we should understand this?