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Everything posted by nyles

  1. nyles

    Less accuracy

    At least when standing and crouched, there should be less accuracy. The way it works in OFP is kinda okay, if you fire off single rounds with a certain delay inbetween to reaim on the target, but no-way could you manage to fire that accurate in a combat-stress situation. Few single shots maybe, but in OFP you can empty mag after mag on an advancing foe up tp 500 metres away and hit them dead-on. Sure it shouldn't be about luck, but at least you should have to wait until you aimed long enough at your target before you get dead-on accuracy, simulating how you concentrate on the target. To compensate for a certain inaccuracy, it would be great to implement bi- tripods, especially for machineguns.
  2. nyles

    The Iraq Thread

    Well, the recent suicide bombing of that german convoy, killing 4 and wounding around 30, for sure says that enemy activity in Afghanistan isn't really slow. Don't you agree?
  3. nyles

    Independence lost release date

    As one of the OFP2 campaigns will deal with some sort of caucasus invasion, which would be positioned somewhere at the end of the 80's or the beginning of the 90's, I think we will for sure see some modern unit's beside the Vietnam setting of the other campaign. Most likely the Afrika campaign will be somwhere in between (early 80's). But yes, IL will most likely be an expansion for OFP2. I believe that, too.
  4. nyles

    Audigy2, ofp and 5.1 surround

    Well, I had no problems with my SBlive, 5.1 and OFP, if I recall correctly, so OFP has to support it.
  5. nyles

    Greece3 completed!

    Didn't Kegetys work on the old Malden Textures for some sorf of improved version? If yes, maybe he could give you the tree models, if he modified them.
  6. nyles

    Enhanced bis model

    Lookgin very promising, but could you cut down the number of ammo pouches? Just give them 2 ammo pouches and the usual webbing gear. I think it looks a little like overkill.
  7. nyles

    Squad sizes, what do you think

    As Walker said, OFP2 should try to get a working command-structure working, just like in real-life. I posted a thread in the suggestions forum a while back, where I listed ideas and a basic concept for an intuitive radio system which would also practically allow squads of large sizes (not just 12), and relationships to corresponding units. That way you could accuractely simulate communication within a platoon, company, etc. The thread can be found here! It's quiet long, but it's worth it.
  8. nyles

    Multiple guns, ok , what about targeting?

    Well, I just hope they manage to make something like this. Yeah, I know, it's a mod for BF, but a PBR with multiple gunners is simply a must for ofp2.
  9. nyles

    Tail rotor failure

    I love how you can succeed in making an auto-rotate landing with a main-rotor failure in OFP. Would be great, if they elaborate on that idea and create new castrophic damage effects. Tail rotor failure would be high up on the list for my part.
  10. nyles

    Multiple guns, ok , what about targeting?

    I second that. Targeting is really annoying when facing human enemies. It makes it so easy to target non-visible units like infantry in woods. They should implement a proper thermovision and nightvision device for units that are equipt with them and the rest should have to spot the enemy to be able to engage them. Period.
  11. nyles

    Scoring system

    There should also be a lot more focusing on teamwork when using the scores. I think that there should be more than just destroyed or not destroyed. It would be great to devide vehicles into seperate points. If you just blow the tires, hit the main rotor or smash the tracks, you receive a small amount, if you kill crew, you receive points for them, if you destroy a weapon or making it no longer rotate, you receive points, and so on and so on. People should not be just rewarded for the total destruction but also for damaging stuff. Of course therer shouldn't be any point for making a hole in the side of a tank with a glock. Another teamplay-orientated aspect could be that every crew member receives the points for damage the gunner inflicts. This increases teamwork, and makes people willing to drive a tank with others, rather than be gunner themselves.
  12. nyles

    Sucker changind id

    Is there any help from behalf of BIS regarding that problem? It is really sad that it is possible to steal the unique keycodes from people that bought the game. Something like this could be the final death blow to OFP multiplayer. I think this is a very serious matter and shouldn't be ignored. Isn't there any way how you folks at BIS could encode or in any other way protect the keycodes with a patch? Â
  13. nyles

    Top for tanks

    Now that's pathetic....Those "testers" maybe shouldn't have checked battlefield1942 and operation flashpoint. I for one would say that tank driving/handling in ofp is extremely far off from reality. Sure it is still the better simulated than in many other games, but if you want to catch a somewhat real tank atmosphere they should have tried Steel Beasts or some other decent simulator that acutally is/was in use with several armies. I bet that BIS/Coalscent had to change a lot to the physics and handling of tanks for VBS1 until the military was pleased.
  14. Hi, superb addon. I think as you would like to have your addons be compatible with the current stuff already in OFP, you should consider some changes. First the sounds: Even though I really like the firing sounds, I would suggest to at least change the sound of the PK to the sample used in OFP. This would be more consistent. The Autocannon should have the same sample as the BMP2 has, again for the reason of consitancy. Some increase in volume for several sounds would also be a nice thing. Engine sounds etc. are in no need of changing and fit perfectly apart from some being a tad too low. Let Mission-makers decide if they want to put AA-launchers etc. in the IFVs, but don't load them up with those from the start on. Provide the space to load stuff but don't fill it. This would also make things a little easier when using the addons with other mods. What you could include are things like handgrenades and/or smoke, but please no launchers or launcher ammo. Let them be put there by the mappers. Is there any chance that you could allow the driver of the BTR80 to switch over to the gunner position and vice versa? Would make things a little more easy. Additionally, if possible, give the BTR80 driver radar as well, or remove it for both. As the driver is the vehicle chief by default, it makes controlling a little difficult. Still, this is one of the best addons for OFP I've ever seen. Great work!
  15. nyles

    Arial pickup

    In this horrible old Green Beret movie where they capture that north vietnamese leader, they extracted him with such a method.
  16. nyles

    Connection lost...

    There seem to be different reasons for that disconnect thingie. I mostly have the problem that my time outs happen at the same time, 1-3 others time out, as well. Therefore it for sure has something to do with OFP...
  17. nyles


    I was wondering if there will be something done about the way parachutes are displayed in OFP regarding OFP2. I would really like to see parachutes work more like the real ones. Namely, I would like to have the following issues adressed: -Parachutes should be something like an item that has to be issued to be able to used. It's hard to imagine that a shot down huey will have its passengers bail off using parachutes in Nam scenario. For me this would really spoil the atmosphere. -Helicopter pilots should not have parachutes by default, only Plane pilots. -Chutes should take much longer to deploy resulting in a higher height required when jump off, not just around 55m. Soemthing like 200m-300m sounds more like it. -Parachutes should not simply vanish when touching the ground, but should take a few seconds to wrap them off. Right now it's touch and go, resulting in paratroopers jumping directly into combat and being combat ready. America's Army has done a great job there, resulting in a very real para-feeling. -Destroyed/Killed Paratroops should not smoke like vehicles. -There should be something like dropable vehicles, ammo crates or dropable additional wargear shipping with OFP2 by default. -Troops equipt with parachutes should be clumsey when walking around before the jump.
  18. nyles

    Connection lost...

    I just got a timeout again. A teammate reported over voice that 2 more guys timed out from the servers with me. Still I remained online in IRC and GameVoice. BIS I demand a fix! Don't let us down here!
  19. nyles

    Ranks on sleeves and helmets.

    Only if they hit the helmet at a somewhat weird angle and bounce off. This happens so rarely however (maybe 1:10000 or even less likely) that you could ignore it. But on the topic of Ranks and sleeves: YES! PLEASE! Something like this would be great. The custom thingie for squads would be nice as well. You could make it so that US soldiers for example can select from a number of divisional markings (like 101stAD, 29thID, 1stCAV) or that players can add their own custom small logo to be shown there instead. Just like with the squad.xml right now.
  20. nyles


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Eda Mrcoch @ 06 May 2003,21:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I would like to see some more hotkeys for standard actions e.g. "Eject/Disembark" "Drop weapon", switch to rocket launcher etc. (or even better to assign hotkeys for any action you want) and ability to disable hotkeyed actions from action menu. Rolling through 10+ actions in menu can be quite tricky and I think something like this could make controls more user friendly.<span id='postcolor'> I fully agree!
  21. Yes, still they should have to USE that hightech to reveal and engage targets. In OFP for example, there is no distinctive seperation between tanks. They can all lock-on the same way. No if OFP2 will indeed be located in the middle third of the last century, tanks were glad to have nightvision then. There were no M1A2 Abrams around back then. On the other hand, it still should be possible to create something like a thermal scope for advanced addons tanks, which clearly makes an M1A2 superior to an M48.
  22. I want it disabled, too! I'd rather have a proper working night vision and support for thermalscopes (for addons) instead of this annoying lock-on. Show the the transport helicopter that can lock on infantry targets... Don't get me wrong, I have nor problems with designating targets, but I have to see them in order to be able to designate them to my squad. For example, while you have your thermalscope activated, you can click-away the positions of (clearly visible) targets even in woods, etc.., but when this scope is not activated and you click at the very same spot, the target should not be revealed. Something like that. The OFP lock-on can be heavily abused in multiplayer and leads to situations where players just randomly click across the horizon until they get a (at that time) not-visible enemy in brackets, which they then fight with a nice 120mm HEAT round. I mean, for me that's an experience like with space invaders. People should have to work for their score, but not like this.
  23. Oh my god...sponsoring in computer games... That would be aweful. What's next then? A 30 second message like: "This missions is sponsored by heckler&koch in cooperation with Pepsi!" ? Personally, I think that the 20 seconds clan advertisement in the beginning of certain maps like Battlefield1985 are overkill already. Ah well, if they need it to boost their ego....
  24. Even though I would be a very good beta tester, as I have already experience in that field, I don't even dare to ask BIS. What I found funny was that Codemasters picked some people who joined that flashpoint2 newsletter for beta testing. Getting qualified testers that way is more than questionable...
  25. nyles

    Command and rank

    This might be interesting for you as it basically deals with the same idea.