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Everything posted by nyles

  1. nyles

    1.95 problems

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm sure I read in some previous beta's readme that the remaining time count for the in-game browser/ASE/Gamespy had been fixed. Now when I look up servers I mostly see something like 15 minutes left. Did 1.95 mess this up again or is the bug still present?
  2. Yeah, quitter sounds when inside vehicles is such a great thing. It makes playing multiplayer on servers with disabled external view a lot more interesting as you can easily communicate with your team without having to yell (or be yelled at) in order to talk to others. I'd wish that more addons would feature reduced engine/rotor noise. Afterall most people inside very loud vehicles, especially tanks and aircraft would wear protective headsets with integrated comms and thus won't hear the engine noise that much anyways.
  3. nyles

    Csla 2 news

    Yes I can do it - but - it takes some valuable free time... So, if some serious MOD ask me/us for this modification of L-410, I can made it. Before that I will start some other work likely...:-) What about some other well world-known multipurpose aircraft? ... I´m just working on it:-) I think the guys from M.M.P would appreciate such a plane a lot.
  4. nyles

    1.95b discussion

    Great work, BIS! Thank you very much for the patch. Will there be a seperate 1.95B server download as well later on?
  5. nyles

    1.95 problems

    hey, whats the problem... there are work-arounds to prevend this bug, its more important that cheating is impossible/difficult etc... ...have good times.. Wrong. You can minimize the chance that it happens, yes, but you can't completely do a workaround which is proof. Reducing the capacities of crates is a good thing, but as soon you want to load weapons into vehicles cargo space, the bug can happen very sudden. A final bugfix is still very desirable to prevent abuse to ruin multiplayer games on purpose by triggering the bug, and thus creating massive desynch/lag.
  6. nyles

    1.95 problems

    no crashes with finmod and 1.95 yet at our dedicated server. maybe it's another addon which causes this?
  7. nyles

    1.95 problems

    Suma, can you confirm this above mentioned ammo bug and if you will be able to provide a fix?
  8. nyles

    Favorite weapon?

    Fav. official rifle: M16 w/ M203 Fav. official sidearm: Tokarev TT Fav. official launcher: Carl Gustav Fav. addon rifle: FDF Tak85 Fav. addon sidearm: FDF P99 Fav. addon launcher: KEG RPG7
  9. nyles

    1.95b discussion

    I guess they are not using a standalone dedicated server, but are running normal OFP 1.95 .exe with something like a "-server" parameter as a temporary workaround until the server files are released. *shrug*
  10. nyles

    1.95 problems

    Well yes, sure, that is rarely the problem though. Most of the time the bug shows up when you want to load some stuff into vehicles, which have limited storage capacities. Hmm, maybe BIS will find the reason for the bug and fix it. Otherwise I guess that the only option would be to increase the cargospace on vehicles so that you would have to stuff immense amounts of weapons and ammo in there until the bug is triggered. We will see...
  11. nyles

    1.95b discussion

    Watching a 4vs4 AI dogfight with Camels from the ground is a great experience. Some few midaircrashes, but overall they do some very smooth flying.
  12. nyles

    1.95 problems

    How exactly do you "fix" this?
  13. nyles

    1.95 problems

    Yes this bug is extremely annoying. It is present since Resistance came out and has been mentioned a lot. It is hard to recreate when playing alone on a dedicated server, but with more people connected it should be fairly easy to reproduce this. Please fix this. It shouldn't be too hard to track down.
  14. nyles

    1.95 problems

    As there is no server for 1.95b yet, I renamed my old (1.94b) flashpointbeta.exe so I can start both 1.94b and 1.95b and still play on 1.94 servers. So far, so good, but after half an hour of OFP mulitplaying gaming, I got a timeout again, just like I did with 1.91 back then. Could this be a problem due to 1.95b consisting of more than the flashpointbeta.exe file which leads to conflicts when using the 1.94 startup? I just hope those timeouts haven't come back again with 1.95b, after those long 1.93 trials which finally allowed me to enjoy OFP mp again, when the bug was fixed. Well, we will see, if the stuff happens again, once the 1.95b server is out and I can use the 1.95 flashpointbeta.exe to connect to servers.
  15. nyles

    1.95b discussion

    Ok what i missed is that 1.95 is not compatible with previous beta versions. So, if you don't want to wait until the 1.95 server files are out and some servers are updated, before you can play mulitplayer again, I suggest to wait. My guess is that it won't take too long, though. Were it not for the (yet) missing server files, the fact that 1.95 servers will only accept 1.95 clients is a very very good think! Thumps up!
  16. nyles

    American tanks

    The firing sound is really good, yes, but I would have wished for a slightly modified engine sound for the m1. It should at least be less noisy. Granted that a turbine has a unique sound, but the one you chose starts to annoy me soon after starting the engine. Maybe it's the pitch? Would be great to see (hear actually) a better sound in later version. The FDF T80 sound for example really does sound nice for a turbine. Maybe you could come up with something similar? Anyways, keep up the good work!
  17. nyles

    M136 at4 released

    German Army uses HOT(2) missiles on the BO-105, so I guess same goes for the Swedish.
  18. nyles

    Bug in 1.94b

    Don't worry, now that they have confirmed the bug, they will sort it with the final update. I'm pretty sure there!
  19. nyles

    T12um1 black eagle released

    Yes, the idea of a joint tank-design guideline would be very much appreciated, however please don't do it like the JAM initiative. I don't mean no disrespect, but I really don't like JAM. I understand its purpose but IMHO the realisation went terribly wrong in some parts. What I would like to see is a project based on "as much realism as possible", which includes heads from many/most of the current design teams. Those people should attempt to create something like a basic realism mod. FDFmod for example could provide their adjusted infantry ruleset, RHS could provide their tank knowledge and other mods could also provide other data and bring all in line in terms of realism and game-balance. This would include to come up with basic damage values for certain calibres, basic sounds for certain weapons, armour values, etc. Every major Modteam would then add their addons to this main construct: FDFmod would provide mainly finnish units, RHS would provide soviet/Russian tanks If everybody would be willing to give in at some points for the greater cause, putting some stubborness away, I'd say that this community could standardize its addons according to a very realistic guideline, making it a joy and very easy for mission makers to use the splendid addons of several addon teams, without having to care weather some addon fits the style of another.
  20. nyles

    Late rhs x-mas present

    Yes i can confirm crashes that are somehow related to mounting/disembarking from the vehicle. Happened quite a lot for me here. I also noticed that sometimes you shoot an RPG at a T55, which has troops riding on the back from right the beginning of the mission, the detonation will be displaced to the soldier's initial position in the editor, if i observed correctly..
  21. nyles

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.2

    Nevermind, I missed that link in the readme. All is good!
  22. nyles

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.2

    Yay! Thumps up. Downloading now. This will be a looong night over here, hehe. Any chance you can put up the readme.txt file somewhere, so people can read it while downloading?
  23. nyles

    Flashpoint2.com updated?

    My guess still is that there will be Vietnam as well. Afterall there was the talk about three theatres (africa, central europe and south-east asia). I conclude that there will be 3 campaigns because of this, which are not neccessarily in the same time, but let's say a decade between each. Well let's just wait and see...
  24. nyles

    1.94beta is out

    I second that.