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Everything posted by merlin

  1. merlin

    ArmA II: The Vehicles

    http://www.arma2.com/united-states-marine-corps-2_en.html it could be some kind of scripted off map artillery option, if this was the case i would really be disappointed. however it's unlikely BI would do something like this to us. Someone in marketing probably grouped the MLRS with the wheeled Russian rocket artillery on account of them being pretty much the same thing. i think lately the general consensus in the game design community is that players want to be on the front lines experiencing all the action, hopefully BI hasn't overlooked the joy in watching your comrades from afar and lobbing shells huge distances to aid them. i love arty
  2. merlin

    ArmA II: The Vehicles

    I thought we were getting an MLRS, i believe it would fit in the 'tracked vehicles' section. ]http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....7879
  3. merlin

    ArmA II: Weapons Sections

    MLRS is confirmed, i dont think there is any russian rocket artillery though, it would be neat to see an old katyusha for one of the rebel factions though.
  4. merlin

    ArmA II: Weapons Sections

    I'm fairly disappointed in the artillery section, i was hoping BI would add some new howitzers instead of just porting the D-30 and m119 from ArmA. I was really hoping to see something heavier like the m198 to make artillery play a bit of a larger role in gameplay. The mortars however look nice, hopefully they can be implemented well.
  5. This is pretty much exactly what i would like to see in ArmA (although i think there might already be a T-55 out there) the CH-53 and CH-46 would be fantastic additions to the marines inventory. i believe gnat is making a B-52. I especially like #10, I love the idea of fighting door to door in a suburban enviorment, with APCs sitting on the driveway of a two story suburban house or a patrol trough a small town's main street. what i would defenitly like to see in an island like this is a interstate/freeway system, not just a texture on the terrain but modeled, with overpasses and gaurd rails, maybe light fixtures every hundred meters. i'd love to see convoys on a 6 lane highway heading toward a smoke engulfed suburban battlfield.
  6. very nice, i love USEC's grey/yellow color scheme.
  7. merlin

    Project RACS

    I think it would be interesting to have older, almost vietnam era attack helicopters for the RACS, at least with the whole concept of as many FFARs as you can get. guided munitions are rather expensive.
  8. merlin

    Player models for girl gamers?

    eh, i think the whole idea behind ArmA is realism
  9. merlin

    Player models for girl gamers?

    I don't think it's very realistic for women to occupy frontline positions in the Marines/Russian Military, however female pilots, or support units or even female soldiers in the "resistance" side would be nice. bot i really don't think it's that important as most of the game you are in first person, and when you're not in first person you're in a vehicle. I don't think it's worth the effort to be honest. plus BIS already put female voices in.
  10. merlin


    The Marines don't use the Bradley, they use the LAV 25. and since the marines will be the "west" faction in ArmA 2 i don't think a bradley would quite fit in. but that doesn't mean addons can't be made.
  11. merlin


    I'd like to see the CH-53 and CH-46, just to complete the marines faction. and maybe something to populate the wasps' flight deck other than UH-1s and V-22s. I'd also like to see the local forces (independent) equipped with old style hueys with M240s.
  12. merlin

    Driving Slowly

    I've never really been in a situation where it is best to drive slowly (i.e. when you have a waypoint and AI are told to approach it in slow speed) there is a key binding in the control menu, but it only slows you down 1-2 km/h. is it possible for human players to drive slowly without tapping the forward key slowly?
  13. merlin

    Arma Mercenaries

    whats wrong with sahrani? if any war were to have a good amount private contractors it would be over a small island, where a large military force would just be overkill.
  14. just a thought here, it's probably too late to add anything to the game and would probably be an unlikely addition anyways, but it's worth a shot. perhaps an in game web browser could be implemented into ArmA 2 or 3, something to the effect of the "steam communities" network. in which you press shift tab and it brings up a windowed web browser in-game. if ArmA did this it could default to a page filled with actual training manuals, guides on infantry manuvers, artillery operating guides, an index with all of the munitions, it could be used by clans to organize evens, and have lengthy reports on whats going on a long-persistent operation (i.e. battle reports, orders, things that could not be updated mid-mission from the editor). aside from the whole training and operational information it could be used to beat boredom, as i'm sure everyone knows the maps in ArmA are huge and just lurking the forums during a long helicopter ride could be a lifesaver. of course there is a way to launch arma through steam and use steam's web-browser. but something built in or a community add-on would probably be superior. essentially the advantages of something like this would be. -Assistance in training -fills the common down-time in arma -can help in long persistant battles/ clan operations -provides information for using complicated weapin systems (artillery, etc.) -no need to alt-tab disadvantages -ArmA already uses alot of CPU, the web browser would probably use a little more. but then again most people who are running ArmA are likely already using a better system than the average user. just my opinion, thanks for reading!
  15. merlin

    Red's Blackhawks

    If you decide to release a new version could you make a SAR medevac UH-60, with the fuel tanks from the FFAR version (only, no FFARs or m134). something like this
  16. merlin

    Trains in Arma2?

    unfortunately i think it would be difficult for modders to make the train tracks usable. one of the train intersections (split from one track to two) would not be able to move as it is just a static model with no animations. plus i dont think BIS spent alot of time to make the collision models on the tracks PERFECT. i dont know much about modding, but theoretically you could release a replacement pack that replaces all of the static track models on the map with improved ones that function properly.
  17. merlin

    USEC C130 Hercules

    could you elaborate on USECs persistent operations? it sounds very interesting.
  18. merlin

    If we had JDAMs

    The Fa-18 also has a JSOW (click on map and release) and some other GPS guided munitions.
  19. I really doubt this is possible, but it's worth a shot. would it be possible to implement some kind of weather system? perhaps make it so when the weather is say, at the far left of the slider in the editor there could be a wind effect that affects aircraft, and projectiles too (probably not possible). but it would be interesting trying to fly around in a warzone having to worry about being blown off course, or trying to land on a carrier with gale force winds hitting your aircraft. maybe there could be a hurricane made with particle effects that damages nearby units?
  20. merlin

    Whats Your 3DE-Project

    just a little SA-6 site to defend the 3DE island from the attack. i'm still learning how to use the editor, but this is the best i can do for now.
  21. i've run into a bit of a problem getting the editorupdate to work in the 3d editor. the editor update puts the objects in unnamed folders, which i presume the editor ignores because it has no name. is there anything i can do to make the editor update available in the 3d editor? thanks!