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Everything posted by Marccom

  1. Marccom

    Project T-800

    Hello all, ok...Evo 10 is done. It is really much reduced and it was lot of work and needed many experiments. Now it has 9286 Points and 14662 Faces. But the real best is: Its working in bulldozer with all textures. Take a look now: Please make comments...they are very welcome and if you have some hints how i can get some chrome effekt (not too much, only some reflections) on the model. That would be nice. Greets Marc
  2. Marccom

    Project T-800

    Hi all, dont think its over...im still working on Evo 10 I am just wondering why here is a second page but nothing readable is opening up i made some mistake at buliding a new lower detailed skull and had to make it new nut now i had nearly finished and go on with the other parts. Hope the work won't be useless and Evo 10 will work fine. We'll see. Greets Marc
  3. Marccom

    Project T-800

    Hi, ok guys...nobody said it would be easy ;-) About the tech info: the model with less details is Evo 3...it has 24000 points and 27000 faces. the others has more and so too much...im working on Evo 10. here I will reduce so much details as possible and then use MultiRes and Optimize to face down. But much work, because i have to edit every single mesh of every single part. I needed hole last night to edit the skull. About LODs i'm not sure yet, but I think i will bild more than six or I will use the same scheme like at Soldier units. When i import the models in Oxygen it calculate the number of sections automatically. Up to know some Evos had one section some hat more. I am not sure yet i will test what is the best version btw...what will work. Testure is a problem now. Because Bulldozer shows everytime the textures back. I didnt find the failure yet. Last test were with 1024x1024 paas. Thanks for all coments so far. Just we say in German: "ich bleib dran" :-) Greets Marc
  4. Marccom

    Project T-800

    No challenge, no fun
  5. Marccom

    Project T-800

    Hey thats nice. I'll come back to you for that ;-) as soon as i get run a model in bulldozer i'll give info. Greets Marc
  6. Marccom

    Project T-800

    Ok, sorry for waiting...now pics are coming. I dont know why somebody wrote "unreal turnament" in the title. This addon will be for ArmA. Only the base models somebody already used for Unreal. T800 Evo 3 - model parts mixed from both bases. only some probs with faces and structure...maybe fixible T800 Evo 5 - Murphys Model but changed heavily in details (head, arms, chest); problems with structure T800 Evo 7 - nearly same model as Evo 5...some changes in detail and reduced smoothing T800 Evo 8 - chest made smaller and some changes at head; less optimize and multiRes effects, but so too much faces for Bulldozer T800 Evo 9 - less faces,so working. Bulldozer showing textures black...but im working on Parallel i'm making some tests with Evo 3. (still interestent, cause has least faces and vertices and is not really looking bad i think) Please give me some comments which model you like most or which changes has to made (f.e. the sharp edges at the headmask [Evo 9], i realized already by myself). Maybe someone can give me some hints why bulldozer is showing model in black. Mat and tex are loaded and updated...bulldozer shows no error messages. Thanks a lot Marc