Master gamawa
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Everything posted by Master gamawa
Seriously, I love Arma and I've been a fan of the series since early OPF times. But you are taking it too far dude... I don't want the chopper to be more complicated than it is. I am not a pilot and I think the same goes for the majority of people here. Some of us want to ride on a chopper AS IF we were trained pro pilots. Which means that flying a chopper should be easy/intuitive enough for us without having to take a crash course in advanced avionics to play a damn game in our spare time. I mean if we take it this far, where do we draw the line? Next thing you know someone will pop up and say "Hey I am a highly trained corpsman and I think this game is about realism so I want a healing minigame where you apply pressure and bandages to the wounds and try not to lose the injured soldier then you can also press space to scream "COME ON SOLDIER DON'T DIE ON ME MAN! YOU CAN DO IT! YOU NEVER BACKED DOWN MAN! WAKE UP WAKE UP! and at that point you click both left and right mouse buttons to punch the soldier dramatically on the chest to jumpstart his heart by the power of love and loyalty. Then you must get a blur effect to simulate your teary eyes and how emotional the whole experience is." what I am trying to say is that you sound half-crazy.
Blurred game and menu bars
Master gamawa replied to commander jao's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - TROUBLESHOOTING
I think you can simulate that blur by having a large difference between 3D and screen resolution. -
AI 'stuttering' when looked at thru scope
Master gamawa replied to yanquis's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
Î¥es but only when I have a lot of units. Like five or six squads in the same area running around, getting out of vehicles etc. It happened to me during a sniper mission over the NE airport in Chernarus. I was looking down the hill and three enemy trucks arrived to unload reinforcements and a few dudes started jumping and posing. It doesn't last long anyway so I don't really mind it but it's annoying. -
Do you prefer English or localized games?
Master gamawa replied to celery's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
And another thing... I appreciate the amount of work BI have put into making a language made of bits and pieces. it must be hard work. But there are some expressions that don't need to be stitched together like that. Simplest example, when you are between friendlies they sometimes blurt out "HI -[pause/change of pitch]- there!". It seems that the "there" sound is generic and used for other stuff. How difficult would it be to make it like the sound for the leg injury where it says "oh my leg" in natural flowing english instead of "OH- my - LEG!" ? Ok I am almost offtopic right now. -
Isn't that the point of the armory challenges anyway? To unlock weapons and shit? The game allows you to use everything in the editor, you can't complain for not having everything you want, when you want it, you big baby! The armory contains locked items that are unlocked if you finish the challenges or play the campaign and single missions. what are you complaining about really, I still don't get it. It's part of the game. here... :confused: They are locked in the armory and they are unlocked when you do what you must do. Do you complain about no being able to play the last campaign mission without having played the rest of the game too? Man, you are weird.
Do you prefer English or localized games?
Master gamawa replied to celery's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
I prefer english because I want to be able to play opfor without wondering "what the fuck did I just say right now?" I'd settle for english with a stereotypical russian accent too. Like in the movies. Bad movies. -
If only ArmA2 had SOME of the OFP DR visuals..
Master gamawa replied to BeerHunter's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - SUGGESTIONS
Ι wouldn't go as far as to call it crap. But yeah, DR visuals are pretty basic when it comes to variety so it makes sense that they use all the remaining processing power to impress you with... you know.. tricks... That is why CodMW2 looks so fucking great too. Cause there is nothing else going on apart from graphics. -
The different difficulty levels...
Master gamawa replied to waterinthefuel's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
AI 'stuttering' when looked at thru scope
Master gamawa replied to yanquis's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
I remember thief the dark project, back in the day, where enemies far away from you used to glide on the floor without any animation. It was very unsettling and creepy but it was a good way to save processing power. Now, thief didn't have the need for scoped weapons and the levels were pretty maze-like so could get away with something like this. Arma on the other hand is all about long distance conflict and this should be fixed if possible. It mostly happens to me when I have a lot of units running around. -
Is it possible to play Arma 2 without the DVD?
Master gamawa replied to imatic's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
About steam. I've said this before and some people didn't believe me... I can understand that since it works for them, but every couple of days I start my pc up and I get the message that I can't connect to steam. That means I cannot play. The next day it usually works but that's something I don't need. Just my two cents. -
The different difficulty levels...
Master gamawa replied to waterinthefuel's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
You can actually see what changes between every difficulty setting if you click on the edit tab. There are sliders for your side and the enemy side skills too. You can modify everything according to your needs. Get in there and set the enemy skill to very low. Play around in the editor see if it works and if it doesn't fiddle around with it again. -
please help - mod problem
Master gamawa replied to GRoss's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
I had problems with mods not working before and I put them on the top of my launcher list and now I have no problems except that I think Japahto removes the grass from my Sahrani islands and I removed it. Try different combinations and have CBA active. -
Dude. That's pathetic... A real modoholic doesn't modify shortcuts. If you wanna be hard-core like us you gotta use a launcher. Modifying shortcuts = Alcohol Launcher = Crack
Come on it's not about not being short on cash. I mean I am 33 years old and I have a job, I just don't spend much on other stuff. And I don't like consoles that much I am afraid. I have a playstation under the tv but I have never played with it. I am not sure how to turn it on to be honest. Sometimes my friends play some football games on that while some of us play Arma, since Arma missions last more than a few matches of COD. :) Anyway, I am too old to leave my keyboard and mouse habbit! And I swear I had no idea about the no LAN policy. I heard about the dedicated servers thing though but I didn't think it would be a problem.
Well I used to have one pc and me and my friends took turns in playing. Then a friend brought another pc and we started our first MOH and COD games locally since I didn't have internet back then. Then some other friend decided to buy a new pc and added his old one to the collection and so on and so forth I ended up with a lot of machines and we got used to playing like that. Then I sold those pcs to other people and bought three new identical ones for LAN since I had complains from the person playing on the oldest system. I didn't need my friends to contribute in any way, as it wasn't something I couldn't afford really... I also have a laptop for people to browse the internet while the rest of us play. I will probably buy another three new ones (since my pc is good enough as it is) next year, but for the time being all four of them can play Arma2 and the COD series, pretty fucking good. Now you can understand why I am kinda pissed off for not having a LAN choice in MW2. And why it pisses me off MW2 doesn't have player profiles. There are around 4 to 12 people here everyday for the last 8 years and they all play... Can you imagine how annoying it is to have to reconfigure everything everytime you want to play? And just for the record, my shortcuts for MW2 still don't work. I must say that I am beggining to not give a shit about it. :rolleyes:
Ok you've got to be kidding! I swear, I wish I could show it to you. I just doubleclicked MW2 just out of curiosity, just to see if it's gonna let me log in straight away and nothing happens! The game doesn't start. Neither the Steam or the MW2 multiplayer icons work! Arma works I just tried it. What the hell am I doing wrong? Did that happen to anyone out there??? I have four pcs... For LAN. I buy all my games in sets of fours. Four Armed Assaults, four Operation Flashpoints, four CODWOW, and four Arma2s. I have only one copy of COD4 and COD2 though because I could actually install those on all my pcs without any problems.
Why the HELL would I lie about that???? I don't know about you, but I love Call of Duty and I bought four copies just as it came out. I didn't expect any problems and I have no reason to bash the game but Steam and IW made things complicated. First off you cannot play SP unless you are logged in, right? I found no option to play offline (which was the case with GTA). Second, for some reason, IW found it smart to remove player profiles from the game. It's not just me playing on my computer and I am sure more people (siblings, couples) share a pc. If someone else wants to play he has to redefine the keyboard, change my perks and weapons. And of course no one else will play the campaign until I finish, because they are going to ruin my savegames. Right? They first day I installed the game I found my self and a friend already logged in and online which was pretty weird. I had to reactivate the account I had since I played GTA4 and spend a huge amount of time trying to reset my password only to get the message "you cannot change your password visit wwwinfinitywardsomethingsteam.com for instructions". Last night I finished my campaign and a friend wanted to try it out. So I fired up steam and I got the message that I cannot connect for some reason. I tried and tried again. Thinking that someone hacked my serial, I tried to reset the password again and I could not because apparently I didn't answer my security question right! :) And I am standing there thinking "what the fuck, why can't I just play a damn game when I want to?" Then we tried to play on my LAN. Touch luck! There is no option for LAN in CODMW2. It's ok we will do the private match thing then. I sent invintations to my friends sitting in the room beside me and they didn't receive anything so we dropped it. The game actually worked at some point which is a good thing but still... Now, I am sure most of you have no problems, either because you are lucky or because you live in a civilized part of the world where your internet runs with ungodly speeds and never fails. What I know is that I had no problems whatsoever playing Cod4. I had my profiles, I could play LAN games easily, I didn't get spammed by Steam, I played online in whichever server I wanted and life was sweet. Maybe I am just old but "back in the day" gaming was simpler, you know? Now chill out aight?
problem about mission editor
Master gamawa replied to LIVE_KILLERS's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
oh what the hell,,, put a trigger activated by the soldiers side (bluefor,opfor, independent whatever they are) on that specific point on the map select "present" for activation and on the effects tab choose "endgame" or a text that says "you failed". That way when those soldiers get inside the trigger area, they will activate it and cause the game to end. -
Operation Arrowhead Needs to add a cover system.
Master gamawa replied to welcome to hell's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - SUGGESTIONS
Did you now that you can bend over behind cover by pointing your mouse down when you are crouched? You probably think that when you look down, the camera just changes angle when in fact your whole body leans forward behind the cover. That way you can quickly peek over your cover, send a few rounds down and hide again without pressing any buttons. I didn't know that until someone mentioned it. You can see how it works by using the 3rd person view. What I am trying to say is that, yes, we do have three stances only but because the player camera isn't just floating in the air but attached to an actual animated body, it follows the animations thus giving you more positions in between the three stances. Little details like this make Arma the magnificent mofo of a game that it is. -
Î¥eah seriously, I don't see any serious stutter even when I really push it, so your pc must be a bit old for this game. Sometimes when I get bored I do this: Find an suitable area and place at least one of each type of group. 4 full infantry Bluefor squads (plus AA plus Corpsman), one of each type of motorized, one of each mechanized, four armor groups and all types of air groups. I do the same for Opfor but I have them travelling from another point on the map towards the Bluefor "camp". I also add two big triggers (one Bluefor 'not present' = Red Wins and one Oprfor 'not present' =Blue Wins)... Then I sit back and enjoy the fireworks (thanks to JDT fire and smoke and Warfx particles and tracers). First the air units engage each other and then the tanks. The whole damn place soon goes up in flames, rockets all over, explosions fire and screaming. The only times I suffer any kind of 'lag' or stutter is when the JDT fire and smoke addon acts up but still it's nothing my pc can't handle. Sometimes I help out but most of the time I let it play out to see what the balance is like. Most of the time the incoming groups lose but in general the Opfor have an advantage.
oh and of course since I activated my Steam account again I started getting spam. Now this is not a big deal by itself but combine it with the rest of the grief package and you'll understand. 1. you cannot play sp unless you are online 2. sometimes (more often than not) the Steam servers don't work and I have to wait. 3. I cannot always invite friends that are online (they are actually sit in the same room with me) but Steam doesn't detect them. Sometimes I send invites and they don't receive them 4. Sometimes I cannot play because Steam says that I am already online (hacked serial maybe?) 5. Spam Then you have all the rest like Infinity ward wanting to charge monthly for new content etc. Man I am pissed off.
Οh hey, hi I would like to take a moment to tell you that I hate Steam with everything I've got. I wish DIGITAL CANCER on everything Steam related. Steam is the antichrist of Pc gaming. Last night I had a friend around who wanted to play MW2 single player. Ok? He played the first two levels a few days ago and he wanted to continue. Steam had a different opinion. "I AM SORRY HUMAN, WE, THE STEAM LEGION HAVE PROBLEMS AND YOU SHALL NOT PLAY THE GAME YOU PAID FOR, BECAUSE WE JUST DON'T FEEL LIKE IT! GO AWAY HUMAN! THE STEAM HAVE SPOKEN!" I had to reset my password 8 times. I restarted my computer twice. I checked my firewall settings, I even exited some security programs just in case. Steam wouldn't let me log in. For forty minutes. Now am I the only one who sees a problem with this? I understand that I HAVE to log in to play mp games. I understand that because it makes sense. You cannot play multiplayer without logging in to Steam. But what the hell does the internet have to do with the single player game? Why do I have to wait for forty fucking minutes to play a game? I don't care if your servers are down Steam, I really don't give a shit because I didn't ask for this. I am sick of this. Steam is pure shit. Pure smelly buggy pig shit. That happens when you give total control to a bunch of suits...
Man, MW2 could be the best game ever if it didn't suck so hard. Good stuff: Graphics (the best I've seen), level/map desing WOW!, cinematic action bits, gimmick scenes (climbing ice wall etc) handling (fast, responsive, flowing and tight character movement) Bad stuff: Insane number of enemies, no lean, weapons sound weak, you can get five thousand bullets, hide in a corner for two seconds and get another five thousand just for fun, extreme linearity, vague scenario, unlikable characters... I played most of the game looking through a blood spattered screen. The second I peeked out my cover splat splat splat everywhere. How would this game become better: Less enemies and more lethal ones. The only reason I jumped for cover in this game was to avoid getting a bloody screen, not because I was afraid I would die and that's wrong in so many ways. The action packed bits were so intense and chaotic everything became bland and repetitive. A chore. You look out a window and there are five enemies on the roof across, about a dozen running around in the street and a bunch of them in the windows. You start shooting and just as you think you cleared the area, all of them have been replaced with new ones. Where is the sense of accomplishment? Where is the application of tactics? Oh I forgot. I just have to run a few yards ahead so the spawining trigger is transfered to the next area. THIS IS FUN! Wait, no it is not! This wasn't a game. That was an interactive movie. I just helped along the action. Also: Guns akimbo? Seriously? I carried 2 P90 machine guns at some point. Two. For fuck's sake if I wanted to play Serious Sam I would play Serious Sam! The best thing is that when one of them ran out of bullets I would lower it and it would reload with the power of magic!!! Maybe I am such a hard ass that I can reload machine guns with my erect penis! What the hell were they thinking! It was fun at parts I have to admit. The sniper/stealth missions were kind of ok. The rest was a tedious bulletfest with no depth. I am happy I finished it mostly because I will not have to play it anymore.
I ranted a bit in the other topic. Now I am at peace with the universe and myself. What game devs should understand, is that some players (like me) haven't allowed the damn internet to come in contact with their normal lives and daily activities. I don't buy stuff through the internet, I don't even know how e-bay works (or what it is really) I don't upload personal pics on facebook, I don't chat, I dont' IM, I don't play multiplayer games online, I don't skype, I don't tweet... The Internet is fine for information, entertainment and work related media as long as it doesn't force me to do stuff. Then Steam came along and demanded that I am connected to the internet to play on my computer even when I play by my self. That's stupid. I will connect to the internet when my intend is to play with people on the internet. That's like telling drivers "You can't drive your car unless you carry a phone on you" Then comes the dependency. I created a steam user profile last year when I bought GTA4. I played the game and soon I forgot all about it. A couple of days ago I bought CODMW2 and started installing. Steam again. Steam means trouble. Steam means I have to remember a damn password and security question I put last year. Steam means that my personal e-mail is broadcasted on the net. Steam means that if my router breaks I can't play a game I paid 50 euros for. Steam means it took me three hours to get the game running because I had to reset passwords and register serials. Three hours of installation for six hours of playing? Well screw you I got a life to live you utter bastards!!!! I don't mind if they gave us the choice. I bought the game in a box because I don't WANT to download it or deal with internet bullshit. I want my shiny DVDs and the boxes and the manuals. My internet speed isn't even that good and I don't leave my pc on during the night! It would take days to download 12gb anyway. I respect people that want that and that's their god-given right. Just don't force this shit on me please. I paid for the game disks, not for the privilege of becoming part of the Steam Gaming Experience. Now as I understand there are a lot of ads on the steam interface and a lof of deals are made under the table. I work in advertising and I hate that shit with a passion. Count me out. I am too old for this.
haha yeah! My friend was playing MP and all those stupid messages, tags and effects filled the screen! "AMAZING MEGA MULTIKILL ULTRASTREAK OF DOOM!" 34 killstreak bonus "SUMMON CTHULHU AND DESTROY ALL SANITY!" What the hell? Call of Duty games were supposed to be intense and violent. Gritty and hard! I am telling you the truth, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to hear "DENIED", "HEEEAAADSSSHHOOOAT!" or "QUAD DAMAGE!" during this game. Most of my friends talked about this game since the rumors started. We planned an amazing night for this event. We bought four copies of the game and got ready for the good times. Good times my ASS! At first Steam couldn't verify our accounts, then the game wouldn't install properly on two of the four pcs I have, we couldn't make seperate profiles, couldn't lean, couldn't start a game on lan because we couldn't find each other through steam, couldn't adjust audio properties separately and finally, well... we decided to play some cod4. I loved cod4. I still do. It was the perfect balance between intense action and 'tactics'. The weapons felt right, the FOV was fine, the perks MADE SENSE (I can't say the same for the MW2 perks) and the game played fine. The sequel is just a mindless fragfest for kids. I'll play the single player and then put it on the shelf with the others. edit: ΟΗ COME ON!!!! Did you know that when you kill the last dude on an mp level you get a killcam effect and you see money flying out of the enemy's body as soon as your shot lands. What the hell is this? Who pitched that idea during brainstorming and didn't get kicked out? "Sir I have an amazing idea. How about every time someone gets the final kill, we go on killcam mode that everyone can see... BUT... money will appear out of mid air when your bullet hits." "money?... did you say money? Why?" "yes! Money! Money flying around! it's awesome. I love money. You love money. Everyone loves money!" I seriously can't imagine what that means. Is it like a money shot? Because if that is the case then it's fukken STPOOPID! "