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Master gamawa

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Everything posted by Master gamawa

  1. Master gamawa

    Female Soldier [Feature request to BIS]

    I don't want soldier women. I don't care. I want those slutty dressed women to be able to carry heavy machine guns and drive bikes. Priests too. Priests must be able to shoot cause it's awesome. I want the Priest patrol. On a mission from god.
  2. Master gamawa

    Freelook - Locking

    Use the hold freelook instead of the toggle freelook..
  3. Master gamawa

    Identify this rifle, Israeli military.

    I'll be damned!!
  4. Master gamawa

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    Υes I did... I don't think there is a problem with your island because it plays fine and nothing is really missing. I get this error when I start the game and the checkboxes are being checked. If I disable Panthera I get no error. Maybe something in your mod doesn't agree with CAA?
  5. Master gamawa

    Scopes and ballistics

    Ι installed both addons and didn't notice a difference. I tested a few scopes and I couldn't remember what they were like before to be honest... And most weapons are zeroed at 230 - 340m which is a bit.. short?
  6. Master gamawa

    Identify this rifle, Israeli military.

    I can't see clearly from your pic but yeah probably.. either that or a torch...
  7. Master gamawa

    Identify this rifle, Israeli military.

    It's a TAR 21 Ι think Tavor Tar 21 to be precise
  8. How come armed civs spawn in groups? I never see them alone.
  9. Master gamawa

    game tip dissable?

    Aren't tips only appearing in the training mission? I haven't seen one after that.
  10. Dude I spent the last hour hitchhicking around Chernarus. Those bastards can't drive for shit. I also found a truck full of civilians carrying guns (armed civilians addon). Even the doctor had an AK. It was surreal. As if I stumbled upon some secret underground organization. Teacher by day, guerilla by night. Good stuff! Now if I find that script for the combat module I'll just get on a bicycle and become a war reporter.
  11. Master gamawa

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    Panthera gives me an error (something about CAA port needs roads.pbo or something). It plays fine but I can't stand errors, they piss me off. what's up wit dat?
  12. Master gamawa

    air control

    yes. In high speeds the rudder would just turn the chopper sideways since the forward momentum is huge. Imagine a car going straight too fast and suddenly turning. The momentum will force the car to follow the original direction... which probably means the car would tumble and flip out of the road.
  13. Master gamawa

    Teach me how to fly, i keep crashing..

    Well it helps people that aren't confindent enough in flying choppers. I use autohover in many instances. Sometimes I go low, go on autohover, stabilize my chopper, deactivate it and pop up again for a hit. Or when I am landing. It's not wise to use it in the middle of a firefight because it leaves you exposed for a long time. But this dude made a topic about crashing all the time, you see?
  14. Master gamawa

    Teach me how to fly, i keep crashing..

    I have this trick see, where I use Home/End for thrust, Insert/PageUp for turn and Delete/PageDown for roll. Then I set the up/down arrows for Nose Up and Nose Down. Mouse is used for fine tunining really. It's impossible to do a complete turn using mouse only so I used the nose up/down keys for most of the functions. If I want to take a big turn I use my mouse to bring the plane or chopper to the right angle (on it's side) and then 'nose up' all the way. Then mouse again to bring it back straight. keyboard 'nose up' (instead of pulling on your mouse) is always useful when you are diving towards the ground. In choppers don't b afraid to use auto hover too.
  15. yeah you know, vanilla is plain.. and white.. and sometimes boring.
  16. this line has got to go, man.
  17. In my opinion the default Arma crosshairs are too accurate. They should be more open. A lot more. Now the crosshair is right in the centre and just widens a bit when you move. It should be damn wide open in the first place and even bigger when you move! Of course there are mods that do that but I seriously believe that if the default crosshair covered a bigger area, topics like this wouldn't exist. The reason people complain about crosshairs is mostly because of the advantage they offer right now. Crosshairs should be an indication of your weapon's general direction. They should only be used when changing to ironsights or optics would be a matter of life and death! Aight? Get it? Now YOU ALL KNOW THERE IS A PERFECTLY GOOD ADDON THAT DOES EXACTLY THAT and you should try it. It balances things out perfectly, it's not intrusive, it doesn't offer any advantage when used beyond short range and it makes using items (crates, ladders, doors) in the game world very easy. I really hate sounding patronizing but try the minimal crosshair addon and tell me it's broken or unrealistic if you dare. Now I am gonna go crazy and show you some crosshairs I made for fun: How about this one? You can hardly see it. It could even change colors too. Suit the mood, you know? http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g163/master_gamawa/Untitled-3-2.jpg The simple point crosshair. Very nice piece. You can't get more mimal than this. http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g163/master_gamawa/Untitled-2-2.jpg hey let's go SCI FI DUDES! http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g163/master_gamawa/Untitled-1-15.jpg How about this one for grenades? Shows about where you aim with a grenade. The circle widens the further you aim just to give you an idea of spread or bounce etc http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g163/master_gamawa/Untitled-4-2.jpg Ok? Are we cool now? Can you complain about this for any other reason than pure aesthetics? Wouldn't ten different styles, colors and an opacity slider take care of that anyway? Someone make this please.
  18. Oh, hi it's this topic again, innit? Did you guys talk about minimal crosshair mod yet? it's the best. Use it, shut up and have fun.
  19. Master gamawa

    3rd Person View

    Doubletap keypad "-" I think...
  20. Ι have a 5.1 speaker system and I end up playing with headphones because sound doesn't work as expected. It doesn't work right with headphones either I don't know why... But I've learned to live with it.
  21. I have never noticed any swaying in crouched position. I always use crouch when I want to be stealthy and I have no idea what you guys are talking about.
  22. Master gamawa

    Childs as civilian [Feature request to BIS]

    You want flying children or something?
  23. Master gamawa

    Operation Arrowhead Suggestion

    yeah also make the high command bullshit optional please! I don't need no stinkeen dollars for shooting enemies and resource management in my ARMA! aight?
  24. Master gamawa

    Is there a demand for this?

    Îœy friend I don't want to piss in your soup but Arma hardly ever gives you a chance to admire/interact with objects. I am just saying, go easy, as most of us still try to avoid clutter in our missions...
  25. Master gamawa

    One thing that really bothers me

    How about THE WHOLE WORLD against America? It would be great fun imho! Imagine an Eastern Hemisphere Coalition vs the Americas. The game of the future I tell ya!