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Everything posted by OberSchutze

  1. OberSchutze

    Two questions

    A lot, I am using this FOB : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11279 What I want is to not have my FOB get damaged if a helicopter has a bad landing and wipes out half my base from future use as it is a series of COIN ops missions I am doing.
  2. OberSchutze

    Two questions

    Can I make like a trigger or something to establish like a box that can't be damaged? Or is it a per item only basis?
  3. When you eliminate a squad does it respawn a new squad in a different location?
  4. OberSchutze

    Civilian Insurgeants

    :P Bink, you are dealing with that part now anyways so :P
  5. I tried looking but couldn't find what I was looking for. I am trying to make it so that if BLUFOR kills too many civilians they turn on the BLUFOR team and begin to shoot at them until they gain enough faction back.
  6. OberSchutze

    Bad things about Arma2

    I'm not sure where he is getting his numbers from, but there are definatly more then 300 people on during the weekdays. The problem with running non-Dom or evo missions is there aren't many other join in progress missions out there. On top of that people don't tend to join servers without either people or atleast a mission started.
  7. I was wondering if you had thought of adding support for the ambient civilian and car features of the game. I was thinking something along the lines of if you kill too many civilians they start tossing rocks at your faction.
  8. I like your pvp pack and I have created a mission with it. I have tested it on three different servers and everyone gets choppy screens every couple of seconds. I am not sure if it is the scripts or not. The servers run 64 person domination missions with no lag at all, so I find this odd.
  9. OberSchutze


    Remember what happend when we did this? Nothing but sorrow...
  10. OberSchutze


    create a trigger with this code in the activation. You can change the Sh_105_HE to anything really that has a boom, I would stear away from the MK82 and GBU12 though. the 105 or 122 seem to do an good job at blowing up things and scaring the shit out of the survivors. To really screw with people it is also fun to spawn a few enemy to shoot at the survivors. IED1_1_LOC = getPos IED1_1; ""Sh_105_HE"" createvehicle IED1_1_LOC; Oh and make sure you make an object like a trash barrel or something and name it IED1_1
  11. OberSchutze

    TvT respawn issue

    I tried it with 20 people on a dedicated server. Trigger named End (ScoreW >= Param2) or (ScoreE >= Param2) or (time >= Param1) player execVM "outro.sqf"; EndGame=1 Trigger named TrueEnd TrueEnd ForceEnd outro.sqf enableRadio false; sleep 2; private ["_camera"]; _camera = "camera" camCreate [4361.044922, 7641.136230, 10]; _camera cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK"]; _camera camSetTarget flag5; _camera camSetFOV 0.7; _camera camCommit 0; waitUntil{camCommitted _camera}; sleep 5; titleText [format [localize "STR_MP_GAMEOVER_FINAL", ScoreW, ScoreE], "PLAIN"]; sleep 7; TrueEnd = true; sleep 2; player cameraEffect ["TERMINATE", "BACK"]; camDestroy _camera; true Also why doesn't end when in coop games with respawn when all players die then?
  12. I have finally jumped into the world of team vs team missions, and found a fun one called inferno. However I needed to mod it for my server, such as added 14 additional slots, take out the arty and armor, disable AI, etc. My question is, after about 10 minutes the mission ends if someone on either team dies. Now obviously that is a bad thing when you have it set to unlimited points and are expecting a prolonged urban firefight. Is there something that must be done for TvT missions that is different then Coop? the respawn is set to respawn = "BASE"; and there is a respawn_east, and respawn_west marker.
  13. OberSchutze

    Is it actually possible to play online?

    He also plays on my server :P good to see you on here Super.
  14. I am having a similar issue, however I can see it but others can't.
  15. make sure your PAA files are in the right place.
  16. Nux are you going to release your script?
  17. I am trying to make a aircraft tractor move vehicles and repair and rearm them. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function file for Armed Assault // Created by: Robert Larson, larson@20thsfg.com ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _tractor = _this select 0 _tactor addAction ["Hook Up", [attachTo, air,[0,0,1]]]; _tactor addAction ["Detach", [detach, air, [0,0,1]]]; transportAmmo = 10000; transportRepair = 10000; transportFuel = 3000;
  18. OberSchutze

    AI Paradrop from C130J

    Is it possible to have this activate on a trigger when BLUEFOR doesn't blow up a tower so that a plane full of russkies paradrops down as reinforcements?
  19. OberSchutze

    What am I doing wrong?

    Well I just wanted to make the mission more challenging by adding the reinforcements. I figured it would encourage a more rapid assault on the towers. They don't even have to come every 10 minutes, maybe just one wave of reinforcements. As for the trigger would I make a SQF for it to execute?
  20. OberSchutze

    What am I doing wrong?

    That script works fine on land, but as soon as I put it on the carrier it doesn't work at all. ---------- Post added at 01:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 PM ---------- I got it to work, I appearently had a playable slot on the trigger. I only have two other questions if you would be kind enough to help me with them. First I need to figure out how to get enemies to fly in on a helicopter and para drop out the back after bluefor hits a trigger, every 10 minutes until a tower is blown up. The other is linking the operability of some IGLA pods to a radar dish. Any additional help would be much appreacheated.