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Everything posted by ModaFlanker

  1. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    While talking about this bug in 1.10, someone kept insisting that it must have something to do with custom files when people join a server. If they have a lot of custom files it gets uploaded and doesn't connect until they all are uploaded.... So if this is the case then somehow the mission waits for the custom files before continuing on again when it is uploaded. How many of you disable custom files on your server? If the bug is still there despite it being disabled maybe its not the problem... [unless its related somehow].
  2. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Are you able to monitor the game while it is running, or are you only able to hunt that problem when no one is playing the game? If you are able to monitor what is going on while the game is running, please do invite us to a server to demonstrate it to you. If your server cannot handle enough players, please ask for someone to host that for you... The problem is most obvious when there are a lot of players on the server, quitting and joining. We DO want to help you; you don't have to always go it alone Issetea.
  3. ModaFlanker

    RTS-4 ArmA Released

    Yes, it does support JIP. The only JIP problem I remember from RTS is that people who have just joined are not able to get all the stuff from the ammo box, they need to create a new ammo box and then it'll be full for them.
  4. ModaFlanker

    RTS-4 ArmA Released

    I see the link no longer works (from first page). Someone will have to PM Karrillion and see if he's still checking around. Alternatively you can go to Karillion's server and play the mission, then it should be in one of your folders, so maybe copying it to where the server folder is would work then? ***1.09 BETA HAS BEEN RELEASED*** and it looks great. Give it a try if you havent. Released December 21st (today). Lets get a 1.09 RTS resurgence going on here!!!
  5. ModaFlanker

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    I'm using the beta 1.09 patch... I don't know if this was the same problem in 1.08 or not... I think I've seen it happen in 1.08 before. When I repaired a MK 19 Humvee using a FARP, it gives the humvee one clip of MK 19, instead of several clips.
  6. ModaFlanker

    Arma beta patch 1.09 - released

    The LONG patch log is very heartening to see. It HAS taken a long time, but it is clear you guys have been working real hard on this patch. I am much more likely to buy ArmA 2, seeing your dedication to this game.
  7. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    I don't know why it worked for me, but when I was the only guild on the map I went to the gang area and claimed it. "You have claimed this area!" or something like that. It then continually built up my Guild points over time. Didn't know what else I could do with my Guild though. --- Issetea, any progress on the lag? Please do invite us to visit your server so you can monitor it in action if needed.
  8. ModaFlanker

    RTS-4 ArmA Released

    Yeah, should've installed the DACS AntiCheat on Karillions server... Hopefully 1.09 will have effective anti-cheats that can be used right away. I've been hoping for an RTS resurgence with the release of 1.09...
  9. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Last night. 9th Infantry server. Teleporter script set to on. Cost 55,000 so it was only usable by those who had played long enough. Quite simply, "realism" is not a valid reason here. If it were, we'd have to make changes to Sahrani Life to make it more "realistic" that it would become unrealistic to play because it wouldn't be any fun. ie: You die, that's it. You cant play no more until everyone else has died. Thats realistic, but plain silly. If the cop base was in Paraiso, the Cops would be upset about having to drive all the way to Bagango (and back for ammo and other stuff).
  10. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Heres the reason why I and some others have wanted teleporting... It is a MAJOR DRAG on the game to be killed, spawn at the hospital, and think, "Ugh. Drive all the way out to Masbete/Pita/Terror camp again?" Especially if you've been playing a long time as a civilian and have enough cash to do something about it, but cant since there are no options. So the ability to purchase an air vehicle at Bagango or the ability to spawn at a hideout should seriously be considered, if you all are SERIOUS about removing Teleporting.
  11. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Issetea, You said that under the 1.02 JT edit marker version it was too easy for civilians to snipe/spreekill outside of town... This is only exploitable if the cops are not doing their job. The fact that civilians can be seen on the map 150m from a cop ENCOURAGED cops to go on PATROLS, and not alone-- but with at least a 2nd cop so if the civilian shoots the 1st cop, the 2nd brings the civilian down. This enhances the game tremendously. I have found Civcam VERY useful, and have relayed the info to other cops... I am able to figure out after a while where the civilian must be by looking at the landscape clues through civ cam. Maybe 150m around a cop is not large enough-- maybe you'd want a bigger radius around cops to balance this... Maybe even you'll want civilians to stay visible on map when they are on the roads! One thing is UNDENIABLE--- civilians SHOULD be able to go invisible when they are OFFROAD and there are no cops nearby chasing them. ---- The lag problem: I know it probably makes no sense that lag occurs when people are connecting since they haven't even made it to the lobby yet to enter the mission and download scripts, but the difference is clear as day when you switch from 1.10 to 1.02. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you track down the lag problem. How about inviting us to your server so you can monitor it server-side? So we have it full of many players and you can better watch it in action?
  12. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    The lag problem: This is not something that stops when you are out of Bagango. When you are not in Bagango, everything may seem to be working fine. You can drive normally, and you can even use the bank while the game is lagging. To really notice the lag outside of Bagango you have to notice when all of a sudden a quiet period becomes a long list of chat that scrolls by very quickly. However, you cannot get in and out of a vehicle during the lag, even out of Bagango. It is very clear: When a person is connecting, the lag starts, and when they have connected the lag stops. If a person takes forever to connect, the lag takes that long... It lags before it says "(Username) is connecting" and "(Username) has connected"... you see that after the lag has stopped.
  13. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    The only reason for their voting in 1.02 (over 1.10) was the lag when people are connecting to the server. If that bug is fixed, then should release the newer version ASAP since that will be playable until the next version. Since Jana wasn't having a problem maybe server host (or someone really close to server) doesn't experience it but others do... so if you can't replicate it Issetea try to find a server already running 1.10 with enough players and join it yourself and see if it happens to you. --- It does seem that if Mr G C/Jana/Terp have to go off on their own branch, that might be what's needed... build it from the ground up with brand new code. Is that easy to do or a lot of work [one year?]. I hope it doesn't come to that; I hope you all can combine your strengths. The best content come from those who actually play the game and know what is essential.
  14. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Okay, I am now POSITIVE on this.... From playing on two servers... Every time someone joins, the game LAGS... it is waiting for something so the entire game freezes.... so if a person is taking forever to connect, it really messes us up... If no one joins the server at all, the problem does NOT happen. I am speaking of when they join the server... and not when they join the mission. What exactly happens: You see everyone running in place... no new text... it can last a minute... then bam, a lot of text screams by with a lot of people saying "lag?". Some sneaky citizens are using this as a moment to rob the bank and be far away before anyone can stop them... I am playing on Jana's server right now and its very unplayable right now, since there are some people who get auto-kicked but they keep coming back over and over [maybe doing it on purpose to exploit this]. Added: Got so bad that they voted to go back to the 1.02 mission... Hope its something easy to fix...
  15. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    OKAY! Have playtested 1.10 and there are some issues to address: 1) I had 9507 in cash. A cop came up to me and checked me, saw that I had 9507, and ticketed me for 10000, so I lost ALL my cash right down to 0. I had done nothing wrong. I had to get Admin to kick off the abusive cop... this is something that is too easily abused so that should get some attention. 2) BOAT LICENSES DO NOT WORK. I could NOT buy a boat despite having the boat license. 3) Due to not being able to fish for food, there is NO WAY to get food in Masbete, Pita, to fish for food (cuz you cant buy boat), and there is no food in the Terror camp or hideout! I was forced to go back to Hospital to get food. There needs to be a way to get food in Pita/Masbete/Terror Camp... 4) Terror camp no longer sells vehicles? I thought that was good in 1.02... now all I can buy are suicide bombs, repair/refuel/medikit, jammers and weapons. 5) Is there intended to be a limit for drug runs? I bought marijuana twice, and was worried maybe I had lost 40k, but I was able to sell marijuana twice at the destination (40k each for 70k gross=140k gross). If you want to keep a cap on drug runs you'll have to add a script to prevent people from buying multiple drugs. If you dont want a cap, could it be made easier so someone can buy bigger volumes instead of just 40k? Thanks for reading! Edit:Added Not to insult the JT edit or anything, but I thought that the 1.10 siren was more realistic as it sounds like a real cop siren... the siren mixes itself up like it does in real life, instead of being two alternating tones. I AM deaf with a hearing aid however so if theres a quality issue here that I'm not able to discern here then maybe that's why I don't notice a problem...
  16. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    [shakes self awake] Sorry. I've been in such shock from how long the ArmA 1.09 patch is taking that to have 1.10 Sahrani Life released already is amazing! Way to keep working hard on it Issetea and Fewo and others!
  17. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Deus, If the problem persists and you are sure you did not add any mods, and when you run ArmA there is no added strings such as -lowplants or whatever mod it might be trying to run... The only suggestion I have is to uninstall ArmA and install it again cleanly, and then do not add any mods. You should then be able to join. If it works, then you should be able to use the two mods Jana mentioned as being allowed on the server, if you wish to use them.
  18. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    positive on this? as its happened on my server too BUT at the same time i found all the ammo also around the castle where there is no ammo crates... Not 100% positive, but since I always see this as a cop on all servers I assume that must be the reason. I'll play cop soon and watch the ammo ring around the cop base when the truck comes in... if it grows each time the truck arrives, then that should indicate that my presumption is right. I'll get back to you all on this [but if any of you are able to find out before I do, post here].
  19. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    If anyone here isn't aware of the "Stanford Prison Experiment", you should Google it. Volunteers played the role of prisoners and guards... As it happened, some of the guards turned EXTREMELY sadistic. Sahrani life appears to be repeating the results of that experiment... I've seen some people turn into absolute tyrants... I shouldn't be surprised, but... I am when I see it in action. Wow.
  20. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    BUG REPORT in 1.02-- Checking if this is fixed in 1.10 yet? The weapons crates in the Cop Base apparently have a limit to how much they can hold. What happens is that when the ammo truck keeps coming, ammo is dropped all around the cop base when it overflows those crates. An Admin thought that a cheater was messing with the Cop base, but I've seen this happen on many different servers, which is why I figure its the ammo truck overflowing the crates. Issetea and Fewo-- have you made any changes for this in 1.10?
  21. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    I'm all for the work you guys are doing to make this a better user mission! Who better to improve a user mission than the ones who love it? I hope Issetea and Fewo can welcome these contributions... combine your strengths! We got a very good programmer here who can help Issetea with whatever he is facing programming wise? Speak up!
  22. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    You want to get our sympathy, quit it with the manipulation. "No Reason" and "BS excuses"? That's your judgment, not ours. Give us the reasons given and let us decide, instead of trying to decide that for us. I really like Jana's suggestion, hopefully it is possible to actually have zones on the map in the ArmA engine, where the civilians become visible but disappear as soon as they leave town and are out in the wild. Any cops trying to figure where they are will have to use Civ Cam more often to deduce where they are, and then relay that info to the cops. Edit: Added later-- If it is by some miracle possible to have these visible/not visible zones in the ArmA engine, lets keep them visible if they are visible from the roads This will help make going offroad more feasible... I have gone offroad to try and escape the cops before, even changing directions to try and throw them off but the tracking is just too good. The "slow down marker refresh" flag is useful but I think it should be possible to buy an even longer duration than it is now... 10 minutes is not long enough.
  23. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    While the cheater is online, type #userlist into chat. If they have just joined, it will be visible on the screen. If it scrolls past the screen because theyve been online for a while, hit / to open chat and then use the arrow keys or page up/page down keys to scroll back. Write down the userid number. I do this often.. so if they try to come back under a different name I let the admin know. Also have that number handy for permabanning if the admin asks for it . Peter Horst is not new, he is a menace on the popular servers. He tends to use different names.. I think I have his ID written down here but I have it listed under a name other than Peter Horst, so since I can't be sure its him I'm not posting it.
  24. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Very interesting way to play. RPG means Role playing game, not Retarded playing games. So, dont complaint about stupid kids because u are one of them. When will a hacker come in and claim "Stop to kick me u dumbass, i use hacks and ruin your game but i'm a hacker and i play my real role in your RPG" ?? Since when is running over people a hack? He'd piss me off for sure if I got run over, but I always am careful not to trust any driver. Since this IS roleplaying, this "psycho killer" should not complain if others wait for him to spawn and run HIM over when they get a chance too. I mean, hey... if you're going to say its cool that way, then its also cool when its done to you. Alternatively, a civilian can shoot out the tires... "Hey, you think I'm crazy enough to trust you with that car, near me? HA! Enjoy your broken wheel? What's that? Forgot to get a repair kit? MUAHAHAHA."
  25. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    By having everyone vote, it helps ensure that more good mayors are elected. It would be hard for the annoying, cheating or griefing user to win such a position. If a Cop wants to be mayor, he better earn the respect of the civilians! I do think its a great idea.