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Everything posted by ModaFlanker

  1. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Most servers I've been on have had the "See you wherever you are anywhere on the map" set to OFF. When its set to 120 second refresh, 60 second refresh, etc then it means they can see you even if you're way offroad hiding somewhere. With it set to OFF as most servers do, then the cops CANT find you if you are offroad somewhere, unless the cop goes on patrol, where you show up only if they manage to be within 200m of you. That is why a cop in a helicopter is very useful as they can fly around and hunt hidden civs. Have I misunderstood what you were trying to say?
  2. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Do you still read here Issetea? I asked a while back what the difference between mines and mineE's are... available at the Heavy Weapon shop. No response on that yet... ------------------------------------------------- BTW Opformaster: Definitely thats when Cops need to come in and clear the spawnkiller, if no admin is on to kick/ban them. I'm speaking of the lazy cops that do nothing but act like the hospital is some place to hunt for crack to feed their crack addiction, hoping they'll find a civ with crack on them... Its just bizarre.
  3. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    How can cops be unhappy if they are bored because civilians are doing nothing illegal after server restarts because they need to build up money legally first... Then unhappy because civs are running around killing cops later on, most of them at the civilian hospital? I'll never understand the cops who harass civilians at the hospital. I wish it were a no-hands up zone, so they'd stop massing up there and guard the bank or go on patrols instead. Its like the cops THINK if they search a newly spawned civilian 100 times, that maybe they'll get lucky and find something illegal??? ------- By the way, you're speaking of Marvin? The fool thinks if he robs bank with pistol and gets away, then comes back again with the same pistol and ignores the guild and bank pole to search the grounds for any hidden cops, then dies because he points the pistol at a cop, that he was killed "FOR NO REASON AT ALL". Ignore him, that's his method and its getting old, and no one listens to his cries for the cop to be banned. I wish the stun gun was more useful... this one-shot then reload thing makes a cop VERY vulnerable against multiple enemies, especially when you're trying to hit someone's spidery legs so that you dont KILL him with the stun gun. Why were the stun flares removed? It seemed to work much better and killed no one. ------- ADDED later since no one is posting anymore... We are having cops that are too lazy to catch drug runners WITH the drugs on them... so they become vindictive and set civilians wanted and arrest them after they successfully drug run. This harms any incentive on civilian part to even drug run at all. ------- Can we have different statuses of wanted? Like Red/Yellow/Green or Red/Orange/Yellow? Red= Killed cop or civilian, is not going to surrender to arrest, so it is okay to shoot on sight. Orange= Only has infractions but is not a known murderer, is arrestable due to not being violent. Yellow= Unwanted. There are too many noob cops that think that simply because youre red, that he can just open fire on you.
  4. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Issetea, You made some buildings indestructable. I don't know if you can fix this, but I found it only works for those who are still on the server while the building is blown up. For example, you can blow city hall or any side of civilian hospital repeatedly and it will reform itself as it collapses, staying intact. I then saw a civilian go through the wall of civilian hospital, and was wondering what was going on... so I disconnected and reconnected, and sure enough that part of civilian hospital was down. So, in a nutshell it stays intact for those who were present on the server during the detonation, but people who join the server later see it as missing/destroyed.
  5. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Issetea, What is the difference between mines, and the mineE? They look to be different mines visually but do they do anything different? Ive asked many people that question but its not in notes and no one seems to know.
  6. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    SLjrc! FJIOPX DIJF HHUFIOE FHIOUE! JFIPEIJOWPFJ!!!!!!!!!!! JFIPEJWOPGJ*GU*(PCV*IJPWEJIOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG* You're dead. Yeah, that's my problem. I'm deaf. My hearing aid allows me to enjoy sound effects, but I can't make out speech. I'm screwed if I'm a citizen and run into a cop who has no interest in typing or using a quick-command key as has been asked here. Of course, I've already learned myself not to wait for the order, I'm usually doing hands up when theres a cop that seems interested in me somehow.
  7. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    I wholeheartedly second this! Definitely one of those things I've wanted to mention but forgot each time I came to this board. Many times as cops if you try to take the time to type in direct chat to someone to do something... 1) Citizen runs away before you can abort the typing and stop/stun them. 2) Citizen kills you with a gun. 3) Citizen runs you over with a car. Its a catch 22... try to bark orders and die like a fool while typing, or shoot first and ask questions later and be called a really bad cop. Definitely something in the game crying out for a solution. Thanks for posting this, Icewindo!
  8. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Hmmm... I admit I didn't TEST satchel charges... I was on a server where a lot of new players were being killed repeatedly... and a cop was laughing about it, about blowing people up way in the air. I didn't experiment on someone else because they'd naturally be angry... so if I'm mistaken, can someone report on that?
  9. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    It would be nice if it were that way.... But what I FOUND OUT was that the person who was doing it... WAS A COP. Plenty of Satchel charges for that cop, every time the ammo truck comes in. A hop and skip away to Bagango to place them. Cop placed satchels INSIDE civ hospital spawn, outside by the ATM, etc.... lots of new players were screaming about it and so when I investigated I found out who was doing it and was disgusted... ---- By the way, not entirely accurate-- the heavy weapons shop in Masbete sells pipe bombs (which are satchels) so people can do this without being wanted, they can even load up a car with as many pipe bombs as they want, instead of being limited to the 8 satchels per ammo truck at the Cop Base.
  10. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    What you need to understand is that griefers have been abusing this. You're a peaceful citizen, walking along, and suddenly YOU ARE KILLED. You don't know who. All it says is that [You] was killed. It then happens again, and again, and again.... Someone's playing with satchels, blowing people up "spree-killing" style, WITHOUT ANY PENALTY. Those people can really ruin a server, as it causes people to be upset and leave. Wanna get mad? Get mad at those griefers, not Issetea.
  11. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

  12. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Please add roadblocks around the medic tent at the Civ Hospital like you did at the Cop Base. People are driving over it to flatten it, and then it becomes unusable by anyone. Some people were abusing the use of satchels to kill anyone, without any penalty for using them [ie: Bad cop placed satchels INSIDE civ hospital and blew people up when they spawned]. It is good that now people know who is doing it, but is it possible to have the penalty for killing unarmed civilians applied? So there are no more ammo crates and you can only buy weapons at a shop? That is good... some people were satcheling the cop ammo crates making them disappear and ruining the mission. Can the area that triggers the ammo truck entering the Terror Camp resupplying the camp be made much larger? Some people are abusing this to drive the truck AROUND the terror camp and then parking it between buildings so that cops cant get in to destroy the truck or bring it back, so all ammo shipments cease. Some people lay mines on the road the ammo truck travels to destroy it each time it spawns, so if 30 are placed the truck will blow up 30 times before it finally can get back to base... so we have to manually drive in the truck. That's okay... but is it possible that cops can REMOVE the mines and satchels they find on the ground? Similiar to the "confiscate weapons" menu option we would like as cops in the case we find a weapons stash in Bagango [confiscate weapons should be as simple as DELETING the item we find on ground, nothing fancy needed]. ---- Is there a way that a map can be restarted or reformed while keeping all the stats that people have earned? There have been too many people who have just joined server that cry for a restart [or leave map within 15 minutes of bringing about the restart] without really caring that they are impacting the hours of work that some civilians have put into building themselves up. This has led to more people playing cop than civilian, since the pain of a restart is felt less by cops than civilians... and then we have bored cops going overboard on the new civilians that join in order to keep themselves entertained...
  13. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Re: Cops and ammo stashes around the city Maybe there's a simple solution that can satisfy everyone. Can cops have a "confiscate weapon" option in their menu so they can clear out any weapons they find on the ground? Its not easy to "remove" a stash when you are already loaded up... so you got to manually transfer it to a vehicle and bring it back to cop base or torch the vehicle you loaded the stash up in to get rid of it... This way it keeps the game in flux with stashes... that stashes work but then eventually the cops bust them and clear them out...
  14. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    People got to be careful what they ask for In ArmA 2, AI will run behind buildings or any type of cover, and THEN peek from this cover, firing. Where you previously had an entire AI body to shoot at, now you have to be so accurate as to PICK OFF THE PEEKING HEAD of AI. Oh yes, the noobs will scream and cry...
  15. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Well, my idea of being able to "track" who smuggles guns out doesn't limit the freedom for a Cop to do so... It merely gives Cops a way to deal with it, if they do find they need to do something to stop it.... Without this, here's the problem that made me come to this forum... The words, "COPS! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, GUARD THE BANK!!!" repeated over and over again each time the bank is robbed. Civilians armed with AT rockets, sniper rifles, and grenades are attacking city hall and holding it, robbing it every 10 mins and redepositing the money without having to run away anywhere. Might as well shrug, buy a buncha insurance, and find it easier to harrass civilians at the hospital like the noob cops do...
  16. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    This is probably not possible with the ArmA engine, but in case... Is it possible for weapons that cops "touch" become marked in the same way we can check vehicles to see who bought the vehicle? So if we bust a stash and find it somewhere, we know which cop took the weapons out of the ammo crate at cop base? It'd have to work by putting down the NAME of the cop because we wouldn't want cop 2 to do it, leave, join as civ, and another person comes in as cop 2 and we blame the wrong cop 2...
  17. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    I believe I understand why it is bugged here. Its been the cause of a lot of civilian deaths because they cannot holster. If you *DIE* while holstered, then you are bugged. You can no longer holster ANYTHING at all... only way to fix that is to go to lobby and rejoin. What happens is that you holster okay.. but then a second later you unholster. Holster again.... it unholsters... "ARRGH!" ---- We are having a problem with Cops supplying civilians with COP weapons. A squad called ~ HA ~ tends to do this with one of their members being on cops and stashing the weapons somewhere. I'd suggest a solution but I'm sure you know the game well enough what you can or cant do, so something that can stop cops supplying civilians that way would be excellent... ---- Not sure if you can do anything about this, but hackers have A) Removed ALL ATM and Bank poles, someone said they are using a script to teleport them elsewhere... it ruins the game requiring a restart B) Brought vulcans raining down from the sky littering the entire place... C) Made people spawn in as a seagull (not sure if intentional or a byproduct of their actions, or if this is just a game bug but it tends to happen during a hacker attack. D) Made all cop crates disappear-- the graphics are still there but there is no longer any option to "Gear" at them anymore.. so cops were stuck with only their MP5/Makarov SD starting set... forced a restart.
  18. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Found a minor bug/exploit in 1.12.. When you are stunned, you don't need to wait for "You can get up again". If you IMMEDIATELY do "Animations/Normal" after being stunned, you can get right back up. A civilian was doing that to try and evade arrest after we stunned him.
  19. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    KEEP the penalty for cops killing cops however! That is a good anti-griefing tool... like that kiddie who posted videos of trapping cops inside the respawn and killing them repeatedly as they spawned. So how do you define unarmed? Has no weapons on their possession, or that they are holstered with no weapon drawn?
  20. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    1.12 is great... having the lag bug fixed is a BLESSING. ***THE SLA ATTACK ON BAGANGO happened 24 hours after server start yesterday*** so it appears to be around that time. STUN PISTOLS need to be worked on. I killed 2 civilians with it too easily.... it appears that I have to shoot their legs to stun them, but if they are running and since the pistol is only one shot per reload, when I go for the body to make an accurate shot (and not the head) they do die a little too often. It is for this reason I went back to using flares, but it seems they do not stun anymore... So I switched to civilian... didn't enjoy killing civilians when I didn't want to.
  21. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    If you use a suicide bomb, which blows in 5 seconds, it does NOT go off if you are shot before that 5 seconds. I don't think that's good... eventually the cop response to any suicide bomb will be to shoot any civilians near or inside a car on sight. Cops should be running for cover instead! That's a lot more fun. So I agree with the above poster on this one.
  22. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Oyman, You have that many posts in this forum and you brag about griefing/teamkilling on a server? [He posted photos of trapping cops in spawn and killing them]
  23. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Strange thing... I bought truck license (on same server) and could buy humvee without a problem. So its not bugged for everyone. Maybe its related to a problem a civilian had--- Civilian switched to Cop, and it remembered that he had only a car license, so as cop he had to buy licenses to be able to use anything else... When cops start (instead of starting as civilian) they have all licenses... ------------------- The lag when people are connecting problem is still there in 1.11, so I guess thats why there are no "how we fixed the lag" anecdotes after all.
  24. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    Any interesting anecdotes on what caused the game to stall/wait/lag during the connecting/connected phase and how it was fixed?
  25. ModaFlanker

    Sahrani Life

    If you ever get a chance, try to disable custom files for a while with 1.10 and see if it makes ANY difference. If it does, we can report that to Issetea and hopefully that helps him track down the specific problem...