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Mad Dog 7.62

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About Mad Dog 7.62

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  1. Mad Dog 7.62

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    Wow, only 8 pages of "awesome" vs. 33 pages of "disappointing"!! I guess I will add my .02 cents worth under awesome. Well, it may not be quite awesome (although the potential is there with some work). I am having a lot of fun with it, though. While there is certain wierdness at times in the AI, no game has ever gotten that right yet. I am happy with the graphics, but I am playing on a pretty high end system. I had just gotten a new comp before getting ArmA, a quad-core Q6600 with 4 MB ram, 640 MB 8800 GTS, and 1 TB Raid 0 drives. I made sure the drivers for the video and sound are the latest ones, and installed the 1.08 patch. So far really good frame rates with no bad slowdowns and very few other problems. Messing with the editor is lots of fun, and there are some really cool add-ons for this game with more coming, I hope. The perfect game? No, but a very good game and lots of fun!! I think in a year or so when its been tweaked and modded some more, it could be an awesome game! MD
  2. Mad Dog 7.62

    How about a screenshot utility?

    Thanks!! Thats better than just calling camera.sqs from an init line....at least in the Mr. Editor utility I can turn the camera on and off. The only bad thing is having to put that unit in the scenario. I hope someone comes up with a game-level mod that allows free camera movement, preferably even when the game is paused. Does anyone know anyway to pause the game without the dialog box showing up on screen? MD
  3. Mad Dog 7.62

    How about a screenshot utility?

    Well, kind of but not really, unless I just don't understand everything about using it. I have used camera.sqs in the mission editor, but it would be nice to have the ability to just turn it on and off with a keystroke. Kind of like the * star key does, but a completely free camera. Also, is there anyway to pause the game without the selection box coming up, while still retaining the ability to move the camera around? I am guessing from some of the great mods and add-ons that are out there for this game there is way to do it, I am just not knowledgable enough to know how.
  4. Hello everyone, I am very new to ArmA but am enjoying the heck out of it so far. I just started playing with the editor, and I am just barely starting to figure out the scripting commands. I have a long way to go with them. Is there any chance someone much more knowledgable than me has made or could make a little utility to make it easier to get screenshots? It would need the ability to move the camera around freely and to pause the game without the selection boxes coming up in the middle of the screen. Kind of like can be done in LockOn. Thanks for any help or info!!! MD
  5. Mad Dog 7.62

    SCUD - Nuclear Explosion

    Awesome!! The blasts seem to get more powerful each time....the first few I was fairly close and did not get killed by the blast, and the town I was targeting was only partly destroyed. After a few times, I had to move a lot further away to keep from getting fried, and the town was leveled. Cool add on though, I can see building a mission where you have to get to the Scud and destroy it before the bad guys have time to launch it. Thanks for the work on it!!! MD