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Everything posted by manzilla

  1. manzilla

    ACE for OA 1.13

    When you say load you mean add to target line of shortcut? EDIT: Think I got it. Thank you. Now I just gotta figure out what this "hellskitchen" error is coming from. :)
  2. manzilla

    ACE for OA 1.13

    I've come back after an extended A2 vacation. I've updated everything for the game.(most recent stable patch and also betas patch) and updated SU and ACE2 stuff. But now when I try to start the game I get an error that says: I can click ok thru this message but when the game opens and the loading screen appears for a few seconds the game CTDs then gives this error: I saw something earlier in this thread about it but the only answer didn't make sense. Something about using 4 suits of CBA? Any help would be appreciated.
  3. manzilla

    ACE for OA 1.13

    What do you mean? I need to have all 4 dl'd? But do I add all 4 to the shortcut target line too? I'm getting that 'ace_main' error as well.
  4. manzilla

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

  5. manzilla

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    I've been MIA for a while but what's the deal with getting an email to the alpha/beta? I've seen it mentioned here but can't seem to find where I sign up for said email. Also, I see the website says Q4. June 2012 fell thru? Like I said, I've been gone a while. :)
  6. Well...well...well.... Glad to see one of you guys finally decided to get off your butt and quit being so lazy. Like any of this is hard or takes any time. Cheers for doing nothing all this time! EDIT: lol. Just messing around. I've been m.i.a. for a while and was feeling randy for my first post in a long while. Glad to see some progress. I've always enjoyed using these. Thanks guys!
  7. Here's an ACE2 SP campaign I've been working for a long time now. It's only 3 missions long but the missions aren't super short. I planned it as an ACE2 intro type campaign and it includes many of it's features and has various hints to help players use the features. The missions are pretty close to finished beta states but still may have some bugs and need a little polish. None should be game killers. I've played them all extensively. Eventually more missions will be added. Please help me test this and feel free to provide any suggestions for existing missions and/or future missions. Enjoy! Here's the beta: A Noble Cause Beta v1.1 Southern Takistan villages and it's oilfield has been under protection of a UN peacekeeping force but things around the region have intensified putting the force at risk. Finally under orders of Takistani Dictator Qasim Fahim the Takistani Army has moved against the world's sanctions and taken back the lucrative southern oilfields. They unleashed a vicious unprovoked attack on the UN Peacekeepers protecting the southern populace and the oilfields. With this fragile peace broken the US and it's allies are preparing another invasion of Takistan. Before we invade we need to secure the southern airfield for a staging area of the main invasion force. You(Team Sandman), Viper and WHiskey teams will be inserted via chopper and are task with taking over the airfield. You are the tip of the spear. Features: Intro/Outro's Mando Missiles Support High Command and Hybrid HC Various ACE2 features(CSW, Spare tires, Wounds, and many more) ACEX ACEX US Army UPSMON DAC Team switch BAF and some PMC stuff A bunch more I forgot Required AddOns: ArmA2 Combined Ops v1.57(only tested on newest beta though) ACE2, ACEX, ACEX RU & ACEX US Navy- At least v1.9RC3 and most recent ACEX build CBA Hopefully I didn't miss any used in testing. I'm not sure if it requires BAF and PMC but you can try and let me know. I always update to the most recent build once they are released so if you use an older version/outdated milestone I will not support any troubles you may encounter. Sorry. Credits and Thanks: Mandoble- MMA Script Suite/Mando Heli Route Silola- DAC v3 Big Dawg KS- Light Truck script Centipede- Hybred HC script Monsada- UPSMON The guys at ACE2 BIS The community for keepin' BIS in business and thus keeping these games alive. Everyone else that's provided help, support and scripts. If I've forgotten to give credit to anyone please PM and I will make sure I add you immediately. I'll get a proper read me included soon. I'll try to get everyone in there. Known Issues: Not sure but there's gotta be a ton. Mirrors: v1.0 beta(old) ArmAholic.com Future Plans: Refine story line Refine current missions Add more missions Make MP compatible(I'll need a lot of help and testing cause I've never made a MP mission. Or played much for that matter.)
  8. Thank you! Everything you guys do is greatly appreciated.
  9. Thanks SB. That's what I figured but wanted to make sure.
  10. I don't get these RC candidates and betas being released at the same time. Do we need to upgrade to each RC and then upgrade to the newest beta? Do the RCs have the most recent beta changes in them? Do the RCs have stuff the betas don't? Vice versa? I'm confused with them being released concurrently.
  11. Presenting a very basic alpha of a ToH combat mission: Here's the alpha: Rain down on 'em from above Alpha v 1.1 You are flying in some ground troops to assault a mine complex that was recently captured. After you drop of the troops provide them with air support. Credits: BIS for another great game. The community for keepin' BIS in business and thus keeping these games alive. Also for teaching me how to use the Editor and providing valuable feedback. Known Issues: Not sure but there's gotta be a ton. The end trigger may not work. Very basic No intro, cutscenes, etc. No story line Only 1 real objective(will add more later) Too short No base Starts in air, I'll fix this when I add an intro and some story line. Mirrors: Get em up! Again this is nothing special and need many things. No cutscenes, intro, only 1 quick main objective. Don't expect much. If you really want to you can play as one of the ground teams that are dropped off. Just use team switch and select which unit. ***Note: Read the hints that come up at the beginning. If you come in low to the LZ you can drop off troops and not be seen. The LZ is just above the mine on top of a plateau. ---------- Post added at 12:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 PM ---------- EDIT: Please wait. I made a mistake and posted the version with the troops in another chopper. Give me a few minutes. ---------- Post added at 03:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 PM ---------- New version Alpha v1.1 available in the first post. Fixes: - Player's heli now has a team in it and it does unload if you get close to the wp when landing/hovering. - Fixed end mission trigger. Was going off too early. - A few other tweaks.
  12. manzilla

    ACE for OA 1.12

    To the entire ACE2 team, Thank you for the years of fun. You guys are epic.
  13. Yes. An example mission would be excellent.
  14. I don't get it. Is this for trackIR only?
  15. Thanks for the Demo. Not sure why there isn't one. It's so much easier to see the set up than just to read it.
  16. Dragon Zen, I just want to say thank you. This is an epic mission. My machine is a horse so it runs great. You have done an incredible job.
  17. Gaia, Great info there. Much appreciated!
  18. manzilla

    class list

    Hey bud, check out this section of the forums. All about mission editing. http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=119 Tons of good mission making help here.
  19. Sweet, a new mission! This looks great. I'll give it a go for sure. Hooray for the community! The missions are coming folks. And begin........ :D
  20. Zipper5, Wow I'm an idiot. I shoulda been able to figure that out. Thanks a bunch for the refresher and new info. And to the new forum folks, this shows why BIS beats all other developers. You can't go wrong getting advice from a developer. W1ndy, Thank you! I appreciate the compliment. Welcome to the BIS forums. It's always nice to see new members. sxp2high, Thanks as well for the compliment and good looking out with that code. Exactly what I was looking for and needed. You rock!
  21. I completely agree and I will make both part of the mission in upcoming versions. I couldn't decide the best way to set up the take off part so I left it out for now. I just wanted to get something out for the community to play with. I plan on having the mission start with an intro scene of the pilot getting orders from a CO and then have the first task being to get to the heli. Same goes for the landing. Again, just me wanting to rush something out and being too lazy to do that part yet. I definitely will though. Hopefully I'll have a longer version out by the weekend. No promises though. I'm slowly getting motivated to get back on the editing train and start making missions again. I kinda miss it. Headaches et al. Thanks for the feedback. It's always appreciated.
  22. Derbysieger, Ya that was just me being an a$$. :) Thanks for the compliment. I'll make it longer in the near future.
  23. zipper5, I'm checking out the functions viewer but I often have trouble using this thing. Say for Tasks->BIS_fnc_taskSetDestination. I have trouble figuring out how I would use it. Do I need to put all this into an .sqf? /* Author: Karel Moricky Description: Set task destination Parameter(s): _this select 0: STRING - task ID _this select 1: ARRAY or OBJECT or NUMBER - position, object or waypoint ID Returns: BOOL */ private ["_logic","_taskName","_destination","_taskParams","_taskArray","_taskArrayObjects","_taskGroup"]; _logic = bis_functions_mainscope; if (isNil "_logic") exitWith {false}; _taskName = [_this,0,"",[""]] call bis_fnc_param; _destination = [_this,1,[],[[],objnull,0]] call bis_fnc_param; if !(_taskName call bis_fnc_taskExists) exitwith {["Task '%1' does not exist",_taskName] call bis_fnc_error; false}; _taskParams = _taskName call bis_fnc_taskParams; _taskArray = _taskParams select 0; _taskArrayObjects = _taskParams select 1; _taskGroup = _taskParams select 2; { if (isPlayer _x && local _x) then { private ["_task"]; _task = _taskArray select (_taskArrayObjects find _x); switch (typename _destination) do { case (typename []): { private ["_dx","_dy","_dz"]; _dx = [_destination,0,0,[0]] call bis_fnc_param; _dy = [_destination,1,0,[0]] call bis_fnc_param; _dz = [_destination,2,0,[0]] call bis_fnc_param; if ([_dx,_dy,_dz] distance [0,0,0] > 0) then { _task setsimpletaskdestination [_dx,_dy,_dz]; }; }; case (typename objnull): { _precision = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {false}; _task setsimpletasktarget [_destination,_precision]; }; case (typename 0): { if (_destination >= 0) then { [_taskGroup,_destination] setwaypointvisible false; _task setsimpletaskdestination waypointposition [_taskGroup,_destination]; }; }; }; }; } forEach units _taskGroup; true It's confusing. I'm sure there's an easier way to use a function like this, I just don't see it the description/code.
  24. No problem bud, I had the exact same problem at first. You need to put it in the missions folder in the main TKoH directory. Then go in game select Single Player and then Challenges. It will be listed there. Should be the first one, under My missions.
  25. Thanks for the feedback Zipper5! - Overview in briefing: I plan on adding that soon. I realized last night that I didn't have anything there. - Briefing detail and task set: I'll definitely go in depth in the future. I left the first task un-set to start so there wasn't 2 markers(green dots) to confuse the player. I believe when you get to the first wp the task than becomes set. I need to rework the way the tasks appear. - Task not being marked: I will add this too. Definitely something I'm aware of. I just set them up using an OA mission I made. It seems the way I used to make them appear as complete doesn't work the same way in TKoH as it did in A2. I didn't check in to the new functions but I'll definitely do so in the future. Nice to hear there's some new stuff to work with in TKoH. - Sh*&&y pilot thing: That was just me being a jack ass and an attempt at being funny. It says that even if you complete the mission successfully. Sorry about that. Again I appreciate the feedback. It's pretty motivating to get that from a developer. I was going to wait but I really wanted to get something out for the community to try. I plan on expanding this mission in the future and will implement your feedback. Also thanks for the great games. I've been a fan of BIS since OFP and the games have added fun to my free time for a decade. You guys are by far the best development I've ever encountered. Hell you listen to the community and even use the stuff we make, what more can one ask for?