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Everything posted by mr_centipede

  1. I have this piece of code here, it works in ARMA 2 (originally made for ARMA 2), but in ARMA 3 it doesn't work. The COMMUNICATION menu just wasn't available... any idea why? waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; [] call BIS_fnc_commsMenuCreate; HCS_menu = [ ["HCS",false], ["Split Unit",[2],"",-5,[["expression","nul=[player,(groupSelectedUnits player)] execVM 'cent_HCS2\Scripts\cent_HCS2_split.sqf'"]],"1","1"], ["Regroup",[3],"",-5,[["expression","nul=[player,(hcSelected player)] execVM 'cent_HCS2\Scripts\cent_HCS2_join.sqf'"]],"1","1"], ["Watch My Direction",[4],"",-5,[["expression","nul=[player,(hcSelected player)] execVM 'cent_HCS2\Scripts\cent_HCS2_watch.sqf'"]],"1","1"] ]; waituntil {!isnil "BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication"}; [bIS_MENU_GroupCommunication, ["HCS",[0],"#USER:HCS_menu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"]] call BIS_fnc_arrayPush; if (true) exitWith {};
  2. mr_centipede

    Arma 3 Retail

    Yes, I have civ 5 boxed version and recently just rebuild/reformat my pc, reinstall steam and sure enough civ 5 is there, and reinstall directly without using the cd
  3. Will there even be a colour print?
  4. mr_centipede

    Newbie - Arma 3 - wat's the big deal?

    Go to the editor, that's where ARMA series shine
  5. mr_centipede

    Speed Of Sound

    I think I like the sound of the new release v1 video...
  6. mr_centipede

    [WIP] bCombat infantry AI Mod [SP]

    What script did you use to make that? Could be useful for us the rest of the testers as well
  7. mr_centipede

    AI ignoring commands when in combat...

    Copy my stance command is a misnomer, it does what it's suppose to do -> to revert back AI stance to their own discretion, because we already have command for them to go prone/crouch and stand. So copy my stance is actually setUnitPos "auto". Basically a misnomer...
  8. mr_centipede

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    ^^ sorry, but what?
  9. mr_centipede

    [WIP] bCombat infantry AI Mod [SP]

    Yep, it was on my end. It's Hetman's fault. I'm sorry for using with other mod, but in my defense, I assumed (wrongly) that HAC wont activate if they were not called, as in have the leader variables. But it seems it still active even without the HAC leader. So sorry for the false alarm. Still regarding not exiting the combat mode, if the enemy group is fleeing and no longer a threat ( no shots were fired), AI group seems taking forever to revert back their combat mode. At least for me seems never, and the enemy is very far away already. But original problem of AI not exiting combat mode after a firefight (no enemy left) is false alarm on my end. A conflict with Rydgier's HAC mod. Sorry about that
  10. mr_centipede

    [WIP] bCombat infantry AI Mod [SP]

    I'll try to retest the combat behaviour, maybe it was just on my end... will report later.
  11. mr_centipede

    [WIP] bCombat infantry AI Mod [SP]

    Can anybody else confirm? AI squads never exit combat mode after a firefight. They will always stays on combat mode
  12. Another problem with deleteWaypoint is, whenever I successfully delete all waypoints, the AI will still continue on with its current waypoint and then stop. I would expect they would stop in place when all waypoints have been deleted. This is the problem with "Cancel All Waypoints" in high command. I cannot make them stop
  13. mr_centipede

    [WIP] bCombat infantry AI Mod [SP]

    Squads after went into combat mode will never recover from it, ie. they never go back to aware or safe, even after they call out "CLEAR". Noticed this with AI group as well as player controlled group
  14. mr_centipede

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Lets discuss what has changed instead of what we would like it to become, without first looking at what was changed. I'm at work, so cannot try it yet... hope someone who already does will share their thoughts or video of the change
  15. I would think its to reduce cost, 350 pages, all in color, I don't think that will go well with anyone's wallet
  16. mr_centipede

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    Trees are the way forward to a greener life... Its the future. If you can play stable 30fps in a jungle, then you could probably play in any type of terrain... Just my wishful thinking :D
  17. mr_centipede

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    Well, ingame, NATO are prepping to head to the pacific, so probably an expansion will take us there... we haven't had a proper tropical jungle yet in ARMAverse, so I hope they will take us there in the expansion :D
  18. Well I agree incoming missile probably cannot be heard, but I was referring to missile that passes by. You should at least hear the sound of the air being displace aka wind... I think that's already represented ingame right? Maybe that's just the ground AT missile/rockets. Not the one that was fired from helicopter
  19. mr_centipede

    The island is boring.

    I like Altis, the flat rolling hills are nice... Stratis on the other hand, too mountainous. I like playing out in wilderness, instead of urban combat, so I guess it's just a different of taste.. Currently my fav battle spot is NE of Negades (A bit of North of Kavala). The farmhouses and small patches of trees there kinda remind me of Aliabad terrain from ARMA 2. That is for infantry combat only... for armour/combined arms fight, I guess there are a lot of places to chose from. Not very infantry friendly when there's tanks around. Overall I like it... need to explore more a pick the best battlefield
  20. mr_centipede

    Speed Of Sound

    Which version is that? Mine one doesn't sound like that... I like the wind sound. Good job BP
  21. mr_centipede

    [WIP] bCombat infantry AI Mod [SP]

    Leading AI is so much fun now. You can travel in column formation, when in contact, order some unit(s) to go somewhere and they take cover once at destination and generally facing the enemy, instead of staying in column formation. Thus, reducing micromanagement. Coloured teams make sense now, to act as fireteam. In my test patrol mission, I will always first go to safe mode, and ordered 1 fire team to go to some location and I will follow them, thus mimicking a travel overwatch pattern. If the lead fire team comes under fire, I will order all units to stop, and free my self to move around and check up with the lead fire team. If I found them not in a favourable position I will order them to move to a general location that seems to have more cover, and they will follow and take cover again as necessary. Watch command also helps. Overall, leading AI is so much fun now. Less micro, but you can micro when needed. Good job fabrizio_T
  22. That is so unfair, to throw a stick and a missile travelling at or near speed of sound...
  23. mr_centipede

    [WIP] bCombat infantry AI Mod [SP]

    Another thing I noticed when playing as a squad leader, whenever I ordered a group of units (colured team for example) to move somewhere, they always bunched up at the destination, unless they come under fire, then they dispersed and look for cover. This is when in contact.
  24. mr_centipede

    [WIP] bCombat infantry AI Mod [SP]

    As for my own feedback, it seems AI squad leader no longer rushing like in v011, so I guess that's good About morale, I once saw a unit turned purple and turn tail, so I guess that's working as intended. Then I saw a unit turned red, but didn't noticed any noticeably different behavior. They still charge the enemy if ordered too, (but in prone only) The rest haven't properly tested yet, those above are my early observation. But good feeling overall
  25. mr_centipede

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I concur that the sprint to prone animation while fatigued is too weird... inertia or momentum should dictate that he will fall flat immediately. But I do understand that while tired, sometimes you wanted to 'fall' slowly, but that means you need to create another set of animation... other than that, so far so good...