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Everything posted by mr_centipede

  1. mr_centipede

    Random death while scouting

    The whole map cannot be explored all at once because the campaign was not design that way. Unlike Old Man campaign, you can explore whole of Tanoa no problem. With East Wind, there probably a lot of nothingness if you're allowed to explore the whole map. Anyway I gave a possible solution, try it if it works. If it doesn't then maybe some other people more experienced will help.
  2. mr_centipede

    Random death while scouting

    Probably that's the reason. You are way off course so the game decided to kill you off. If you've done the vet clinic mission, you need to return back to base first, then select next mission you want to do. I think you cannot do all of them at once.
  3. mr_centipede

    Arma3 Videos

    Oetzendorf has fallen to rebel hands. A Bundeswehr infantry platoon and a Marder platoon was tasked to recapture the town and restore order. Played in Rosche map. Using BWMOD and Global Mobilization CDLC.
  4. Hello all. Once upon a time I requested a debriefing page where you can see how many friendlies was killed (not just in your group), and how many enemy was killed (not just killed by you, the player), and someone said you can already scripted in. But all these years I haven't seen anyone that does this, or there was no interest in such info. Anyway this is what I came up with. Maybe some people will find it useful, and here is my small contribution to the community. First the description.ext Then, init.sqf next is unitKilled.sqf the EH script Lastly the script to compile all this information and present it into the debriefing screen. countCasualty.sqf The countCasualty.sqf I put in at trigger that will end the mission. In activation field I put this: [] execVM "countCasualty.sqf"; Then that trigger is synced to END MISSION module. That is all, I hope someone will find this useful. Thank you for your time 🙂
  5. mr_centipede


    Okey, rpt file sent to your inbox. Sorry for the trouble. Thank you
  6. mr_centipede


    Hi, yes still exist with only BWMOD and CBA3. I put in a rifleman in editor. Change his loadout to G36A2 and put in RSAS scope. Then play in editor, right click to bring in the scope ( default scope is the full powered one) change it to RSAS scope and press reload. Reload animation run, after it ends, it goes back to full powered one. After further investigating in CBA3 addons options I untick/uncheck 'Use Picture in Picture Optics'. But if I check/tick it back, the problem is solved. I guess the culprit is CBA3 then? Thank you
  7. mr_centipede


    Hello BWMOD team. Sorry, I think I maybe found a bug on G36A2. With RSAS scope. When I'm on RSAS scope, after reloading it revert back to the full powered scope one. This doesn't happen on G36A3, or G36A1. Only happen in A2 version. Thank you
  8. [ unitBackpack pltCmdr, "Reset Teams", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_requestleadership_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_requestleadership_ca.paa", "true", "true", {}, {}, { {_x assignTeam (_x getVariable "defaultTeam")} forEach units AsltGrp }, {}, [], 1, 10, false, false ] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; I have this code here using BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd. The action is on the backpack. But I cannot access it unless I put the backpack on the ground first. How can I access it when I'm wearing the backpack?
  9. Thank you @pierremgi got this working. { [ _x, "Reset Teams", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_requestleadership_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_requestleadership_ca.paa", "((typeOf unitBackpack _target) == 'B_RadioBag_01_wdl_F') && (_this distance _target <= 2) && (leader _this == _this)", "true", {}, {}, { {_x assignTeam (_x getVariable "defaultTeam")} forEach units AsltGrp }, {}, [], 1, 10, false, false ] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; } forEach units AsltGrp;
  10. mr_centipede

    Random task for AI

    It seems you are indeed correct. My mistake. Sorry for the confusion that it might caused.
  11. mr_centipede

    Random task for AI

    I think it should probably be (random 6) since its 0 to 5 ( 6 items )
  12. mr_centipede


    Hello BWMOD team, do you have plan to add cover for the fast helmet? Thank you
  13. mr_centipede

    Arma3 Videos

    Me as a platoon commander, herding the AI, using LAMBS danger fsm mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1858075458
  14. mr_centipede

    [Terrain] Uzbin Valley

    nice. Looking forward to it
  15. Thanks for your insights Phantom. I mostly run on ultra, but view distance for me 3000 is my sweet spot, because I usually only play infantry. I only notice this thing because my GPU fan got noisy for just standing still on hill doing nothing. So I got to tinkering for a bit and noticed that my GPU temp got cooler, when VD is maxed out. But FPS is no go. Got to 30 - 36 with just me on a hill in Altis. When you start putting AI, firefights, explosion etc... then I don't think it will be playable. Anyway thanks for the insight.
  16. I just ran into weird thing that when I just sit on top of a hill in Altis my GPU temp and usage is less when view distance 12k than when I have it on 3000. I didn't do anything much, just standing on a hill staring straight ahead into the distance. When at 12k VD, my GPU usage is around 60+% and temps around 58-60ish C. But when I change to 3000 VD, the GPU usage ramp up to 80-90% and the temp went up to 70+ C. Shouldn't it the other way around since the GPU need to work less when VD is is lower? BTW, my object VD is also the same as the overall view distance. If any of you guys that have knowledge about GPU/render kind of things, do please share your knowledge. Thank you. my system specs: AMD Ryzen 7 3700x @4050MHz Sapphire Nitro+ RX 5700XT BE HyperX Fury 32GB RAM @3200Mhz Mobo ASUS Tuf Gaming X570 Plus (WiFi) Monitor ASUS Tuf Gaming VG249Q 1080p @ 144Hz (Also I ran ARMA 3 at 1440p using AMD VSR)
  17. mr_centipede

    Arma3 Videos

    Back to Chernarus, CUP really did a good job with this Chernarus 2020 map
  18. CDF soldiers in a firefight. Mod used: RHS, Chernarus 2020 by CUP and bullet casings mod (Steam Workshop::Bullet Casings (steamcommunity.com))
  19. mr_centipede

    Arma3 Videos

    A mission featuring BWMOD clearing insurgent in Kunduz province (Re-upload)
  20. mr_centipede

    Arma3 Videos

    Patrolling Kunduz countryside with Bundeswehr, featuring BWMOD and Kunduz map. I must say Kunduz map is really beautiful. Nice job to the original creator 🙂
  21. mr_centipede

    Arma3 Videos

    Just a random editor mission in Tanoa that I cooked up
  22. Hi, I was just wondering whether we can load creator DLC maps like Weferlingen (Global Mobilization) or Cam Lao Nam (SOG PF) without loading the DLC itself, just like Livonia can without loading Contact DLC? Just to note I have all the DLC, GM and SOG PF.
  23. AMD just released FSR, do you think ARMA 3 should support it? Or it's too much work at this stage of its life?
  24. Hi, I was just wondering if certain foliage can affect mobility just like hill inclination does... for example the sugarcane fields or wheat fields for example. If not, can we somehow force it somehow using script? Lets say force to to walk speed when moving through thick foliage like wheat fields. Thank you in advance.