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Bad Pilot

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Posts posted by Bad Pilot

  1. Depending on the offset, you may or may not be able to spot a particular string inside an exe.

    From what I read, your cpu cores should be counted (and used) correctly by default. I think the initial purpose of the function is to reduce the number of cores available to the game i.e. you have 4 cores and you only want 2 for the game instance.

  2. The game is pretty difficult and has a steep learning curve.

    A steep learning curve means it's easy. The learning curve measures learning (y-axis) over time (x-axis).

    A shallow learning curve indicates just a small increase in knowledge over an extended period of time - i.e. it's pretty difficult.

    Glad to be of help! :D

  3. OK, I see we had a communication failure at the start: you have two triggers instead of the one. My code uses a single trigger e.g. the player enters the trigger area and starts the (broadcasting) clock . He leaves the area at the finish line and his final time is broadcast.

    If you can do it with one trigger encompassing the course then what I've done will work with the edits given below. If you want/need to keep 2 triggers, I'll explain a (hopefully) quick fix at the end.

    1. Ok, you have an "init.sqs" file. In that, put a line as follows: -

    ?isPlayer _clientThread = "[] execVM ""client.sqf"""

    2. Make "client.sqf" as I specified earlier.

    3. Make "stopwatch.sqf" as I specified earlier.

    4. Edit "mission.sqm". This file is created by the editor for any and every mission. I imagine it's in the same place as your "init.sqs" (and hopefully the same place as "client.sqf" and "stopwatch.sqf"). "mission.sqm" contains all the objects, triggers etc you placed inside the ingame editor.

    4.1. You gave your start trigger a name. Find that entry and put the activation and deactivation code I specified earlier. Maybe it's already there if you typed it inside the ingame editor.


    If you've got two triggers, then you can do instructions 1,2 and 3 above. Then you take the activation code-line I originally gave and put that in the activation line for the Start trigger. Then you take the deactivation line I gave and move it into the _activation_ field of the Finish trigger. Both the triggers' deactivation fields are then left empty.

  4. What's start and finish? Is it the scripts that you don't understand? You can't really do this in the mission editor... Your mission may be in a .pbo file. Un-pbo it and you get a mission.sqm file and maybe other files. client.sqf and stopwatch.sqf go in the same place and then you create a pbo including them.

  5. there are 2 new scripts and an edit of the pre-existing mission file

    Listing 1 is the file client.sqf executed whenever a player joins

    Listing 2 is the file stopwatch.sqf called by your trigger

    Listing 3 is the trigger code which you can hand-edit into mission.sqm file or paste into the editor's trigger dialogue-box.

  6. "client.sqf" runs in the init field of all players ( e.g. init="client = [] execVM ""client.sqf"""; )

    broadcast = "";
    GlobalMsg =
    titleText [format ["%1",broadcast],"plain down"];
    broadcast = "";
    for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do
    sleep 0.5;
    if (broadcast != "") then {[] call GlobalMsg};

    "stopwatch.sqf" does the timing

    runStopwatch = true;
    while {runStopwatch} do
    broadcast = format["%1 second(s)", counter];
    publicVariable "broadcast";
    sleep 1;
    counter = counter + 1;

    "mission.sqm" contains the following activation/deactivation lines

    expActiv="coach = [] execVM ""stopwatch.sqf"";";
    expDesactiv="runStopwatch=false; broadcast=format[""%1 took %2 second(s)"", this, counter];publicVariable ""broadcast"";";

  7. In Arma1 and Arma2 I get that syrup-like mouse behaviour when the gfx are set too high. I only ever experienced it when I was tuning the game for my PC - which I do by setting everything high and then trying different degradations until i get fps and proper responsiveness .

    So, maybe you've got your settings too high. Video card settings can make a big difference with the render-ahead count, vsync, filtering, quality vs performance etc etc
