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Mtn. Goat

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Everything posted by Mtn. Goat

  1. Mtn. Goat

    C01: Convoy

    Anyone having trouble with Convoy? Yesterday was the first time I decided to play it, and when I'm at the part where you defend Lamentin, it's so crazy! I keep dying goddamnit! When the convoy earlier got busted, it was only me and a LAW Soldier left - so it's only me, my LAW guy, and a whole bunch of useless guys at Lamentin. And an M2A2 which keeps getting busted all the time... Any advice/pointers guys? I tried using the Vulcan and it successfully took out the Mi24 but I got blown up at the end. I tried running up the road to take out the tanks before they entered the base - but one way or another, they're still gonna get in. When it comes to escaping to the nearest friendly-occupied base, it's a suicide mission literally - let alone trying to defend Lamentin in the first place. Any help totally appreciated guys. Chris
  2. Mtn. Goat

    Welcome Back Placebo!

    WB OFP god! Chris
  3. Mtn. Goat

    05 - Secret

    You guys know that track in OFP called "Secret"? Well, I heard the ArmA version like a month ago or so and I really liked it. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find it anywhere on the net. Is it possible for someone to send it to me somehow? (Like hosting it somewhere?) I know it's in the music .pbo in ArmA but I don't have ArmA unfortunately. Thanks a lot guys. Chris
  4. Mtn. Goat

    ArmA2 development policy

    Thats impossible, we dont have any modding 'standards' because we cant agree on even the simplest things. And alot of people have a weird perspective on things and very unrealistic expectations. I think that eventually they would be dragged down by the community it wanted to please. Hell the majority of humanity is retarded anyway and shouldnt be allowed to make even any decision. I agree with you ofpforum, but a good alternative would actually be closed questions (in other words, rather than you saying anything you want, you have to vote on a few questions). Chris
  5. Mtn. Goat

    Videos & Screenshots

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqBIvWmk2D4 Please rate and comment! It would be very much appreciated. A great video I made. Chris
  6. Mtn. Goat

    A1: Vulcun

    Okay, I'm having trouble on the mission Vulcan. When we're in the base blowing up enemy helos, suddenly some BMPs come. We get asked to blow them up. Then later on we get asked to retreat to Saint Louis. It also says to radio USS Midway (I'm assuming you don't do it "manually" since it doesn't show you how to anyway... Plus when you go press 0 (Radio) the player just says Roger...). Radioing USS Midway and going to Saint Louis to retreat is one objective itself. Okay, so I go to Saint Louis, but nothing happens - just a mission plan updated (and that just ticks an objective and crosses an objective). Yes it could be that bug in OFP where the mission doesn't end, and you have to retry the mission - but I retried several times! Also, when I was waiting at Saint Louis for quite some time, I saw some friendly soldiers coming to retreat there too - then I saw this mission error on the top-left corner of the screen. You know when you use the MED (Mission Editor), and you type some command that's not executed properly/correctly and an error shows up on the top-left corner? Yeah... that. Something to do with setdammage... This is stupid - anyone encounter something like this or something? Thanks guys. Chris
  7. Mtn. Goat

    A1: Vulcun

    Haha! Done the mission! Thanks a lot Mathieu.Trudelle - that radio thing on the map worked. I went to that radio and clicked CALL AIR SUPPORT and I didn't hear a radio message from the player just then - but I knew it worked. Then I heard the friendly radio messages. Awesome. Chris
  8. Mtn. Goat

    A1: Vulcun

    Hmm... there was no subtitle that mentioned keys to contact the vessel... When I press 0 it goes to that menu, and then I press 0 again for Radio and the player just says something like "Roger", or "Copy". Also, it said to contact the vessel and retreat to Saint Louis. That was one objective. And if it had a tick on it, that would mean I did contact the vessel and retreated. While on the way escaping to Saint Louis, there was a radio message saying something like "HELP!" or something - did someone on my team contact USS Midway? Hmm... I'll load the mission up later on and see if I can find a way to contact USS Midway. Thanks man. I would still like help from anyone else as well. There's gotta be someone that's experienced the same as this. Chris
  9. Mtn. Goat

    The Avon Lady's OFP FAQ will be shutting down

    That sounds awesome. Avon's OFP FAQ rules. Helped me with a lot of what I wanted to know. Chris
  10. Mtn. Goat

    Funny Review of ArmA

    He just can't handle realism. That bugger. I did laugh a few times BTW though lol. Chris
  11. Mtn. Goat


    Go to the official BIS website and point to the link for ''Game 2''. Down at the bottom left of IE or whatever, you know how you'll see a link? Game 2 HTML page is called ''of2''... So, it's too obvious! Just wondering whether Codemasters has anything to do with this... Chris
  12. Mtn. Goat


    You're probably right lol. They must've named the page ''of2.htm'' when they were with Codemasters and they had the name for it, then they split up and they couldn't call it that anymore, and they probably left the page name as it is... Chris
  13. Mtn. Goat

    Game 2* - What name should it be?

    Operation Not Game 2. Chris
  14. Mtn. Goat

    Are they?

    Well, I've seen some threads that mention this, and OFP got ported to the Xbox, so, is ArmA going to be on the Xbox 360? I think yes, what do you guys think? Chris
  15. Mtn. Goat

    Some questions

    You guys know those explosions, smoke, etc. in OFP? Is there a way to edit they way they last, the blast radius, etc? I've got Binarize and there is some config files in there that could help. And does anyone know where the radio sounds and gun sounds are located? I know they're .ogg files BTW, and I have a program to open 'em. Ty. Chris
  16. Now I'm working on a little project for OFP, and in the .pbo file called ''Sound'', there are the gun sounds, UI sounds, etc. I'm assuming ArmA's got a similiar type of .pbo, which holds all the weapon sounds. If anyone is bored and has spare time, I would be very grateful if someone could fetch those sounds (just weapon sounds), .zip them up, and send them to my email: chris_sb_fstr645(at)hotmail(dot)com. I just hope that the size for the sounds ain't too big (OFP's weapon sounds are 1.56mb TBH). Thanks! Chris
  17. Mtn. Goat

    Some questions

    Thanks buddy. It would be awesome if I replaced the weapon sounds with Armed Assault ones IMO lol. I don't have ArmA unfortunately, so if someone has ArmA and would like to take the time to get all of the weapon sounds in a .zip, and attach it, that would be awesome lol. (You or whoever else, can email them at chris_sb_fstr645(at)hotmail(dot)com.) At the same time, I try not to ask for too much. Makes me feel like a greedy ass. Chris
  18. Mtn. Goat

    Some questions

    Thanks dude. Now, GoldWave can't open .wss files unfortunately, which can handle .ogg files... That sucks lol. Chris
  19. Mtn. Goat

    Custom strings

    Okay, you know how you go into the ''DTA'' folder in OFP, and see ''STRINGTABLE.csv''? And you know the radio chatter strings like ''ROGER THAT'', ''I'M ON HIM'', etc? I would like to know how to successfully make my own radio chatter strings (without voice), and then have them in the game. I want the soldiers to then randomly say one of the strings I put in when playing a mission. Can this be possible? If so, and you know how to, I would be so happy! Thanks. Chris
  20. Mtn. Goat

    Custom strings

    I found a file called ''stringids'' in the Binarize folder! It probably adds the strings into the game... Some stuff it says: // 1.4 Combat modes STRING(IGNORE) STRING(BYPASS) STRING(WHITE) STRING(CONTACT) STRING(ENGAGE) STRING(STEALTH) STRING(COLUMN) STRING(STAGGERED) STRING(WEDGE) STRING(ECHL) STRING(ECHR) STRING(VEE) STRING(LINE) // 1.7 Commands STRING(NOCOMMAND) STRING(WAIT) STRING(ATTACK) STRING(HIDE) STRING(MOVE) STRING(HEAL) STRING(REPAIR) STRING(REFUEL) STRING(REARM) STRING(SUPPORT) STRING(JOIN) STRING(GETIN) STRING(FIRE) STRING(GETOUT) STRING(STOP) STRING(EXPECT) STRING(ACTION) But the file doesn't actually tell the ordered soldier what to do, just what strings are for what... * Edits: I do know what scripting is and I have a fair knowledge of what it is. I've used it HEAPS when making missions in the game. Also, I realized a minute after I saw your reply that it was indeed for the Mission Editor. Chris
  21. Mtn. Goat

    Custom strings

    Do I have to enter this in the Mission Editor? Because I want it to automatically say it in whatever mission I play... I was kinda thinking of making the addon, then when putting it in the ''ADDONS'' folder, it will play those things randomly when playing a mission. Now, can this be possible? Thanks bro. Chris
  22. Mtn. Goat

    Custom strings

    Well, if I had broadband I could download the addon easily and un-PBO it to see what is done... but damn... Any tutorials that show how to do this? Unless you want to un-PBO that addon for me and tell me what they done. Chris
  23. Mtn. Goat

    7th lifeless song in operation flashpoint

    I Am Gonna Fly is the other song in OFP... or whatever... Chris
  24. Mtn. Goat

    CONFIG.bin and RESOURCE.bin

    When I asked about trying to open the .bin files I thought it would hold stuff I could edit. The ''STRINGTABLE.csv'' file holds EVERYTHING I wanted to edit lol. What I'm trying to do with the file is change the radio chatter strings (e.g: ROGER THAT, ENGAGE SOLDIER, ETC.) and edit them... I want to know how to make it so that I can make my own radio chatter strings and have them played randomly in the game. That basic? Yep. Because I'm creating an ''addon'' called ''Botchat'' where the soldiers in SP would talk like they were human players and they would say ''Holy !@#$!'' randomly and etc, lol. Any help here?! Chris
  25. Okay, go into the OFP folder, and there's a folder called ''BIN'', and then open that up... There's a lot of ''types'' of .bin files, whether it be text, or something similiar to .iso, etc. But but but, how the heck do I open .bin files for OFP? Thanks very much for any replies. Chris