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  1. Thanks for all the replies, you guys have given me plenty to go on. I will spend some time reading and testing. I will post back with the solution I end up using. Cheers, Medi.
  2. I'm always reluctant to start new threads, but I have searched hard and not found anything similar to this. So I seek wisdom from the Guru's I hate co-ops where the humans playing spend the last 15 minutes of a given mission running around trying to find that last pesky opfor who is lying halfway in a staircase somewhere obscure, so they can finish the mission. I am looking for a script that makes it so when the enemy is down to their last say.. 3 guys, those ones will surrender and walk out with their hands on their heads to a central location. And when they all get there, the mission is succesfully completed. I have managed to sort a script that counts the enemy units in play, and I have sorted the surrrender script, I just need to sus the code that will execute that script when there is only 3 enemy left. Â Furthermore, I would like it to create the final meeting waypoint when the script is triggered, and send them there. Â From my reading, I see that "captured" units don't set off triggers anymore, so I assume this script will also need to know that they have reached their surrender waypoint, so it can trigger the mission end. Its important to note, that the last 3 units may not all be from the same original group, so I can't limit the script to one group or another. Â Not sure if that matters.. All assistance appreciated. Edit, I just realised it will be hard for the script to know where best to place the surrender RV waypoint, so perhaps it should simply point to a predefined marker instead.
  3. Medicare

    setting helicopter height

    Thanks for the suggestion Balschoiw, I will look into that. Guys, I found that when I gave the choppers a flyinheight 200 or 300 in the first waypoint, they would do that, if I left subsequent waypoints alone, the choppers would follow them correctly, but if I gave subsequent waypoints the same flyinheight value as the first one, thats when they would circle the waypoint a random number of times. I think the AI has a mind of its own lol. Anyway I am off to play with these improved AI flight addons.
  4. Medicare

    setting helicopter height

    Well after some frustratingly mixed results, and Wacky AI making things up as they go.. Today I set up some tests to find out what was and wasn't working. Lined up a row of choppers and gave each of them FlyInHeight instructions.. Both on init and in waypoints. Found that 2 out of 5 choppers nearly followed instructions, 3 out of 5 did their own thing and 1 of them did as requested. Each chopper was named, and I tried several combinations. I even tried giving them all the same instructions.. Mixed results. And I got all sorts of anomalies. Some choppers would get to a waypoint and just fly in circles.. Others would do it perfectly. Am I missing something really key to the process here? I've read all the relevant topics on here and see so many conflicting reports and advice..
  5. Medicare

    After all, diamonds are forever. Aren't they?

    Yeah, the diamond industry is pretty full on. The price of those rocks is so heavily inflated. If all the stockpiled diamonds in the world were released into the market, they would be worth about as much as marbles. But still plenty of people fight and die over them. Don't forget, diamonds are forever untill a housefire.. They still burn like any carbon based material.
  6. Thanks for the suggestions guys. Drifter, no go on the Nvidia tip. Dave, I'm sure that would do the trick.. but for how long? another week or so? I have had a win of sorts.. By using Msconfig I disabled any non essential processes from starting up on boot. This definitely solved the pausing problem. Now all I have to do is spend a bit of time disabling them one at a time to find out which of them is causing the issue. I will post back here when I do, as I am sure there are others who suffer from this problem. This is such a great game when its working smoothly. Cheers, Medi.
  7. Well, I doubt you have the problem if its not bothering you, as I have the issue here and its driving me nuts.. I had a mate buy the game at the same time as I did, when the German version first hit the shelves, and it did this to him from the get go. It drove him nuts and he ended up binning the game after trying everything he could to fix it. So, two weeks ago I build a new PC for myself. Installed the game fresh and started enjoying it with no issues. Then 2 nights ago, all of a sudden it started doing this pause thing to me. It happens any time I go to the map, gear, even the menu that comes up when you press escape. I have changed nothing on the PC, no drivers, no software or hardware. So why oh why did this just start happening??? I am sick of getting lost or killed because of it. I was seriously hoping to find some solid answers about this one, as I know I'm not the first to encounter it. Please BI, please address this issue. I have taken on board all the suggestions in this thread, but seriously, if it was a hardware issue or conflict, why did it just start happening all of a sudden?? Thanks in advance, Medi.