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Everything posted by Macser_old

  1. Macser_old

    Unable to open external viewer

    Is it something to do with map editing by any chance? It's just I've never had that particular error.Which would make sense seeing as I've never tried anything related to maps. It's looking for that file in O2/Data3d,but it's obviously not there.If you could depbo the original Data3d,and copy that file over,that may sort it out. P.s From what I can remember,a plain install of O2 may not have all the files you need.Particularly in Data3d.
  2. Macser_old

    Unable to open external viewer

    Hello Sputnik, Have a look in here If you don't find a solution,post back.
  3. Macser_old

    Project Alien

    Hello NeilReed101, Thank you for the encouragement,I'm sure we could use any help we can get reference wise.I don't know how far reaching we can be,but it'd be good to make things as rich as possible.I'd love to work in some reference to the corporations,their personnel and hardware.If it would fit the time line,something like the Nostromo would be a nice addition. But in the meantime,I'm going to concentrate on the Colonial marines.If nothing else,we'd really like to get them and their gear out there,for people to enjoy. If you've got any reference material for them or any hardware/Personnel,other than what appears in the CM tech manual,then that'd be great. Anyway,I'd like to wish you success with your board game.Sounds like a big undertaking. Thanks again for lookin in on us.Drop by any time.
  4. Macser_old

    Project Alien

    Cgnetworks?Sounds familiar.I think that's one of D@nte's favorite haunts.If we're talkin about the same place,I may have a look later. As for the pencil,I'm more of a sketcher.Ye know, quick work up to visualise an idea.It can be very handy for deciding to keep or dump somethin. That was one of a few sketches I did with somethin else in mind,but I thought it could be a starting point. We did indeed intend to add those vehicles/units you mentioned,particularly the tanks.Like the longstreet/ridgeway and Jackson. Same with the air units.I'd definately like to throw in some more.Like the "cougar" and "stingray".But I think the "Snakefighter" heavy dship would end up being just eye candy.Still,nothin wrong with eye candy. And yes,I'd planned to add an enviroment suited marine too.But for now I'm going to focus on the more familiar units/hardware from the film.
  5. Macser_old


    In a trigger,in the on activation field,just put savegame. For instance, If the trigger,is set to go off when all units of a particular side are gone from it's detection radius,it'll save the game at that point. Use it sparingly though,it could ruin a decent mission if used too much.But that's only my opinion.
  6. Macser_old

    World War II CZ MOD

    I believe he means he's "impressed".By what looks like a very big update.And it does look very good.A lot of hard work has obviously gone into this project.
  7. Macser_old

    Project Alien

    Well,the Dship works,if that's what ye mean. At least as a gunship.Visually everything's there.Anims function,missiles fly off the racks and launcher's empty out.All 64 of 'em.Causes quite a bit of destruction,but it's not invincible. One AA strike will seriously damage it. But there's still quite a bit of work to do.LODs and such,to make it as tidy as possible. Interesting pic you posted there.What's it from? Although I was thinking along the lines of somethin more "identifiable",if that's the right word. Here's a quick sketch I did,a while ago.Not much to go on,but maybe a possible direction.It's open to interpretation I suppose,as there isn't any pictorial reference for the "BeBops" that I've seen. Oh,and I've also obtained permission to use,or at least attempt to use the BAS cargo scripts.Thanks to DeadMeatXM2 for that.And of course credit will obviously be given, providing I can get it working.That's the hard part.
  8. Macser_old

    Project Alien

    Hello guys, Thanks for lookin in,we appreciate it. Now,in reverse order. @RedNova Thank you. Well,I guess we'd like to go out with a bang,so to speak. So now that most people have decent/good machines, it's a good time to push the detail a little.And personally, I didn't have much time before now.Which is probably the case with the others.Better late than never though. @Vilas As a matter of fact,I've looked in on your progress from time to time.You're doing some nice work over there. So we definately appreciate you offering to use some of your gear.As far as the APC goes,that's already constructed,as is the Dropship.I just have to catch up with the infantry models first,before I attempt to get 'em workin together.But don't be surprised if we drop by to grab some of yer stuff. @Mr.Duck Hey,long time no see.Looks like we sci-fi fans are a dyin breed,eh?You still hangin in there? Polycount,hmm.Well,let me put it this way.It's comparable to one of Hyakushiki's infantry models.But it also has enough Lods to offset the count.Trust me,if I can run a good size battle under ECP,with decent FPS.Then most people can.As my machine's a dinosaur. And that's with the dropship tearin the place to pieces. Which in ECP,can be demanding.But thanks for remindin me to watch for overkill. Oh,and have a look here for info on "GateBuilder",a variant of O2.You can preview your textures internally,rather than externally.Which is where those pics came from.
  9. Macser_old

    Project Alien

    Still busy refining existing units,adding to the list as I go.There's a couple more not shown here, as I'm still drawing a lot of textures.Such as the SmartGunner,Ghillie sniper,Medic and Pilot/gunner. Been tryin out GateBuilder.Very handy,once you get used to it. Synthetic Officer Standard Marine with "hideable" patches Marksman M78 Marine with Power pack
  10. Macser_old

    Looping an audio file - how?

    Eh,I can't say for certain.But I don't think you need to give the path,when it's been defined in the Description.Ext. Besides if you used "/" instead of "\" it wouldn't work anyway. It should be something like: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _object say "Loop" <<<<<the sound's classname in Des.Ext Btw,be careful with the timing.If it's a little too short you may get "overlapping";Multiple sounds playing on top of each other. Maybe you've already seen this page,but I'll give you a link all the same,just in case.I've found it helpful in the past. Bloodmixer's sound tutorial
  11. Macser_old

    Red Hammer mission marooned help

    Hello General, Basically the key to that mission,is stealth. Keep low and quiet.The base is directly to your north east.follow that line until you can see the smoke from the camp fire.Do not engage the soldiers. Instead,turn north for a couple of hundred meters, avoiding them completely.When you get close to the base,and as you're approaching,make sure you stay down.Watch the patrols,there's about two or so,that hang around the north end of the base. Sneak your way round to the north gate.Take a look around for any approaching patrols.When it looks clear,start moving towards the Mi17,but stay prone. By the time you get to board the chopper,your team-mate may be already dead.But even if he isn't, as soon as you get in,switch to manual fire.Don't trust the AI to take out the vulcans. So,to put it simply.Stay down and avoid firing,until you get on the chopper.Then you can tear the place up. Hope that helped.
  12. Macser_old

    Looping an audio file - how?

    Try somethin like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _object = _this select 0 #loop ?!(alive _object):exit _object say "Soundfilename.wav/ogg/wss" ~length of file in seconds goto "loop" exit Save that as whatever.Sqs in your mission folder. It doesn't matter what the script is called.Then in an object's init field,or in a trigger's on activation field put: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> this exec "Whatever.sqs" In the init line. Or <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> [ObjectName] exec "Whatever.sqs" In a trigger's on activation line.Set up the trigger to activate when "anybody" comes in range. You could use an "invisible H" for an object,so it won't be seen,But it'll work on many things.I've used it to simulate radio chatter coming from a vehicle. You could also try creating a new sound class,in your description.ext.I think CfgEnvSounds should be the one,as they loop.Only drawback is that it won't be local.You'll hear it everywhere.Haven't tried it in a while,so I can't be 100% sure of that though. There's probably a more efficient way,but that should get ye going,for now.Hope that helps.
  13. Macser_old

    Itweas' Wolf Addon released

    Now that's a very interesting addon.Innovative and unique.At least to me it is.I don't recall seeing anything like it before. Very nice work.
  14. Macser_old

    Where to???

    Here's a waypoint.Basically,when a unit reaches it,whatever is in the "on activation" field,runs.You can also specify conditions to be met,before the code kicks in.That's what the "condition" field is for. Same goes for the trigger. And a unit's init(initialisation)line.Whatever code you insert in there,will be run,as soon as the map loads up. And the unit has been "created". Now,Have a look here,for the "Uber editing tutorial" and "Ultimate editing tutorial".There's a lot of very useful info on the mission editor,and it's use. Is that any clearer? P.S. If my Editor looks a little different to yours,it's because I think I was running the GRAA modpack.But everything works the same,just looks better.
  15. Macser_old

    Where to???

    For the fire,you put down an empty->Objects->Fire. In it's init line,put: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> This inflame true Now,with the animations,you can use a variety of methods to activate them;in the "on activation" line of triggers and waypoints.And in the init line of units. Also from scripts. But for the moment just give a soldier a move waypoint ,and in the "on activation" line put: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> this playmove "EffectStandSitDown" Have a look at the BIS wiki for more info on animations, and how to implement them. SwitchMove/Playmove anim list Some work with the "playmove" command,while others work with the "switchmove" command. Some work in init lines,some in triggers and waypoints.
  16. Macser_old

    texturing help

    Hello Ace, Well,to be honest,there's no right way to go about texturing.It's a case of what ever works,for you,and gives a result you're happy with. And of course,it helps if you can sketch or paint. I don't know of too many tutorials that deal with texturing as it applies to OFP.But here's one at least.It's to do with vehicles mainly. Marfy's tutorials Vehicles might not be a bad place to start. So long as they're not too complex. Anyway,have a look,and I hope you find it useful.
  17. Macser_old

    UNICON warfare for ofp.

    Hello Dante,Santosa, @D@nte Long time,no see. What could've happened to turn you away from your projects? You've done some excellent work,it'd be such a pity to see it come grinding to a halt. The descision is of course yours.But I do hope you'll reconsider. Regards. Macser.
  18. Macser_old

    Project Alien

    Hello Red, Well I could release what I have,right now. But I think that would be somethin of a spoiler. Although the Dpship and APC work as standalone vehicles,I haven't had time or skill enough to get em functioning together.As in,for actual "drops". The marines are pretty much the same.They're workin as you would expect.But I'm tryin to concentrate on gettin the content of a group together.In other words with whatever units you would expect to find in a "squad". And I've also got to tidy 'em all up,visually. Rest assured,we're still working hard on this project. If it's taking a while,it's because we don't want to release a load of rubbish.To be honest,we don't really have a release schedule,so I can't say when to expect something.And as regards screens and video, if people express an interest in seeing them more regularly,I'll gladly post 'em.I just don't want to be "teasing" people too much.But at the same time, I'd like them to see where we're at,and maintain some form of contact. Anyway,I hope the above makes some kind of sense. Thanks for lookin in. Macser.
  19. Macser_old

    Resize PAA or PAC

    That's true,but it may have problems opening Paa/pac files used in Arma.And of course it also won't convert to DXT5,RGB5551,etc. Gnat,what about Mr.Flea's AltTextview? By his own admission it's a bit limited atm, But as far as I know,it'll at least convert to TGA. If you can get that far,and do your changes,then maybe someone can do the conversion process, back to Paa/Pac for you.
  20. Macser_old

    Automatic Fire problems...

    If there is,I've never heard of it. Although it'd be a great feature to be able to dynamically change config attributes with a command. I think the only way is to get in there,and alter the settings yourself.
  21. Macser_old

    Resize PAA or PAC

    Hello Gnat, Perhaps It's a longshot,as I'm not editing for Arma atm.But do you have,photoshop? If so,you could directly import a paa or pac file,with Kegetys's PaaPlug.When you open it up you can discard the mipmaps,then you'll be back to the original layout of the file. Then resize and save.But it can be a little quirky sometimes,so if that doesn't work.Use "save a copy".Then choose the appropriate options. I hope that's of some use to you.
  22. Macser_old

    Need Help With These Few Things!

    Hello Big-Rooney, Could you tell me what you're using to create your image?And are you making sure to give it an alpha channel? You might want to check this out. Alpha channel tutorial Although it's aimed at photoshop users,the principles are the same. It may be of some value to you.
  23. Macser_old

    Help with mods/addons

    Hello Beetle, Don't limit yourself,buy the GOTY edition, which will have everything you need.Given the fact that OFP is now 6 years old,I'm sure it's quite low in price.Where-ever you are. So many improvements were added post CWC. Not to mention all the excellent content that currently exists.Built on the work done by the early editing pioneers. While you may still find many early addons that'll work for you.The best the community has to offer is "Resistance/post Resistance" era.Of course,that's only my opinion.It would be a shame to miss out on all that work,some of which is still ongoing. But without the upgrade,you won't be able to enjoy them. And by the way,welcome to the forums.
  24. Macser_old

    Help with mods/addons

    Hello Beetle, Don't limit yourself,buy the GOTY edition, which will have everything you need.Given the fact that OFP is now 6 years old,I'm sure it's quite low in price.Where-ever you are. So many improvements were added post CWC. Not to mention all the excellent content that currently exists.Built on the work done by the early editing pioneers. While you may still find many early addons that'll work for you.The best the community has to offer is "Resistance/post Resistance" era.Of course,that's only my opinion.It would be a shame to miss out on all that work,some of which is still ongoing. But without the upgrade,you won't be able to enjoy them. And by the way,welcome to the forums.
  25. Macser_old

    Automatic Fire problems...

    Hello Agent,Karantan, That's a bit of a problem I've experienced myself. Anyway,with my own addons,I adjust some settings in their weapon config. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Single { ammo="556mm"; multiplier=1 burst=1 displayName="Sopmod M4"; dispersion=0.000200; sound[]={"\SfWeapons\sounds\m4.wav",1.000000,1}; soundContinuous=0 reloadTime=0.100000; ffCount=1 recoil="riffleSingle"; autoFire=0 aiRateOfFire=1.000000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500 useAction=0 useActionTitle=""; }; class fullauto { ammo="556mm"; multiplier=1 burst=1 displayName="Sopmod M4 auto"; dispersion=0.001000; sound[]={"\SfWeapons\sounds\m4.wav",1.000000,1}; soundContinuous=0 reloadTime=0.080000; ffCount=1 recoil="riffleBurst3"; autoFire=1 aiRateOfFire=.080000;<<<<<<<< aiRateOfFireDistance=400<<<<<< useAction=0 useActionTitle=""; }; }; Try adjusting these settings.AIrateOfFire should change exactly that;AI's rate of fire.AiRateOfFireDistance should change the distance at which they engage that particular "mode". Hopefully that'll get you a little closer to what you want. Of course,you could create a variant weapon just for the AI,having only the mode you want in it. So they have no choice but to use it.Although I've never actually tried that. I'm obviously open to correction on any of the above.